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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. When the curfew is lifted the tourists and Thais can party more. Means more money spending, no tourists restriction. Tourism will be back to normal values in no time. Business as usual. Not bad for less than three weeks junta.

    Anyone remember how things were about a month ago?

    Tourists will be back to normal in no time? What planet are you on? Thailand's image out there is about as low as it's ever been. The only way tourism recovers is if that image improves and it won't whilst men in green uniforms are running the place.

    Yes, let's go back to bombings and shootings on the streets, mass protests and transport mafias ripping tourists off, that's going to attract more visitors... not.

    people like yourself are never happy.

    You can always go home or drink oleander tea

  2. Mean while Thai army officer gets free car, free chauffeur, free house boy, free hospital, free education for his kids through to university and a big fat pay off and pension.

    When he cuts out the hundreds that get that free package he is maybe reforming in a real way, but that he will never do. Just the headline Grabbing cuts. Thai suffering to the point of going out of business thanks to the pre Coup and more now during the coup. So he saved a few bob but lost Thai millions.

    What he should do to save the airline is bring in a foreign expert like British Airways and Emirates did, but off course Thai folks know best. The bunch in charge now all friends and chums of last regime. Thai is approx same size as Cathy Pacific and Malaysian Airlines but with 10,000 more jobs, drop 10,000 do nothing know thing employees, but again wont happen as that's a bad head line maker.

    And Generals don't in your country????

    Have a closer look.

  3. "Whether it will be continued in the future is another matter"

    Ask me tomorrow. MAgic 8 ball says,

    Reply hazy try again

    Ask again later

    Better not tell you now

    Cannot predict now

    Concentrate and ask again

    Now we have to help farmers cut cost and increase production

    So the solution to producing too much rice is to produce more? OK, that makes perfect sense, make up a loss by selling more.

    Obviously cutting costs is a factor but not sure how achievable that is given the current farming structure, which may take decades to readjust from "Sufficiency" to "globally competitive".

    and tour business acumen lies where?

    This makes perfect BUSINESS SENSE to anyone who runs more than a noodle shop or bar

  4. Glad to know they are ok..Don't fly there, Don't go there, what do they offer to Thailand? Oranges? Best bet is to stay away. Emm I will await the replies now, but if you are going to yap on saying i'm wrong, please state why...

    People live in Pakistan and it is a beautiful country. Yes it has problems but comments about not wanting to go there and the BS you spout about oranges are just nonsense. Thailand is indeed a great place to live but other places have as much if not more to offer. Pakistan has many places of religious significance, but does that not count for you because it is Islam? The mountainous regions are truly beautiful and other areas of cultural and historical importance are to be found there. So before you start yapping about places not being worth visiting, stop and think first.

    Or do you feel the same about Pakistanis as you do Nigerians?

    Maybe so nut Pakistan is a,hub of problems at present.

    Visiting there as a foreigner only invokes trouble.

    If people want to go let them but if they get into bother let it be on their own head and not expect sympathy nor assistance from their government if they have travel advisories

  5. So you have not heard people talking about this? They have regular meetings about it? There is a committee for this. It might be years away but many Thai people think it will happen one day.

    Aren't you the timeshare sales guy with nothing to,do.

    You are just trolling

  6. "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff."

    Carl Sagan, Cosmos

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yeah , i know he smoked a lot of pot......

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We are all made of matter although some of us don't matter..lol

    Seriously though, matter is atoms and is not destroyed justvre formed to,different combinations.

    So,I,guess that could be deemed reincarnation

  7. Suthep admitted ordering troops to shoot at rioters with real shotguns but at below the knee level

    Oh, that's OK then. What a fine upstanding gentleman.

    fortunatley your not a judge with a pre-planned verdict ehthumbsup.gif

    Look folks. its OK to bag and complain about everything but look overseas.

    BANG BANG go the Police then they scream STOP OR I WILL SHOOT. After the gun has already done its damage. And that is usually when not even in a protest. Thailand had serious troubles back then.

    A case a few years ago had Police in Melbourne Australia shoot a mentally retarded 16 year old who looked and acted like a 10 year old. They shot him because he had a knife in his hands. BIG STRONG POLICE could not handle that? i was taught that in self defense at SCHOOL! they could have used ropes to bring him down.

    SO there is NO DIFFERENCE here.

  8. I agree that some non-native speakers with very heavy accents shouldn´t be teaching, but there are a lot of foreigners (like myself) who have trained and achieved a near perfect accent and are therefore very much qualified to teach if we have the linguistic knowledge.

    Aside from accents I believe that non-natives often have much greater knowledge of English than natives, since the natives simply have acquired the language, and not really learned it.

    I agree, there is also a huge difference in conversational english and technical structure ie grammar, they are worlds apart, I knew a Chinese guy who technically was brilliant in structure and grammar, but to listen to him actually talk was, well lets say not good, but thats about pronounciation and conversation, not technical structure.

    There are many dimensionx to it.

    When you learn a language it is usually so you can read, write and SPEAK so,that you are understood.

    Being native or non native is irrelevant if the result is someone proficient enough to be understood

  9. What a load of bs. You think people booking holidays now for later this year will come to thailand?

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I disagree.

    I understand your thinking, with all the scams some of the locals subject tourists too. But despite the scam stories in the press, visitors gush about how lovely and gentle the good Thai folk are.

    Yeah, there are many decent Thais about, they just aren't in the tourist areas :)

    OK, flame away, 555 :)

    What do scams have to do with what is going on now?

    Id bet money this high season is very quiet.

    Nobody knows what will happen in 2 days 2 weeks or 2 months. So of course people will go else where

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    People are short of money in all countries. That will be the biggest problem.

    Its not they don't want to come, they can't afford it and that is evident by looking at tourism over the past two years with YOUR OWN EYES. Not bs figures frm government agencies. They count visa runners as tourists

  10. For those that missed Australia Story 2 weeks ago.

    Thanks for that chooka.

    Just watched it, sensational show.

    My pleasure Will, catch you on the AFL forum for some serious ribbing.

    I was not what you call an Angels fan. However, as an Aussie, I was often inspired on travels to hear their sings.

    Thanking you Chooka as I really enjoyed the Australian Story episode.

    I like many will miss losing one of our very famous rascals

  11. I don't think Thais are very good at managing a budget ,my wife is a good example,i

    try to instill in her the most important thing in managing ones finances,NEVER spend

    more than you earn.and i don't think they would know how to cut back if money gets

    tight,its not only Thais but most of the World must be in debit,I suppose the population

    are just following their countries example.Its i must have it now society.

    regards worgeordie

    I doubt its a Thai thing, I know of plenty of such people in the Netherlands too.

    Now it is also the faults of the banks with their easy loans.

    There are also plenty of Thais that do have good finances, usually the middle class.

    I do not blame banks or lenders AT ALL.

    People borrow with large hungry eyes wanting everything NOW.

    Borrow now pay later worry about it later.

    Who makes people sign the contracts? No one stands over you with a shotgun.

    People need to take responsibility for their own actions and not blame others

  12. I'm left in tears.

    How hard life can be......how strong this little boy is.

    I will definitely ask the wife to ring the number provided.

    Others, please, help, also.

    We are asked to help agencies like freedom from hunger and so forth.

    Any of us here can do small things for people we meet.

    I saw a man collecting cans for money to buy a prosthetic leg. I also saw HIV orphans with NOTHING.

    I did a bit to help. I feel better and so do they.

    This gesture helps and we all can, even if buying a meal a day for some lonely unfortunate

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