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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. AFAIK the military is still controlling the press and media in Thailand. Please keep that in mind while reading all the wonderful news and stories.

    Quite. Any government with the ability to control the media would be doing a terrific job and enjoying widespread support.
    Where I live in Chiang Mai people genuinely are happier with junta than eyingluck
  2. If muscles are HURTING that is a sign,of oxygen deprivation.

    If they ACHE like you need a massage, type ache, this could be body salt issues.

    Drinking lots of bottled water in the heat of Thailand will deplete your natural,salts.

    You need to drink something like Gatorade.... But don't jog. That will destroy your knees bone structure and also places immense strain on your vertebrae...SPINE,

    The gym is just as good and safer

    • Like 1
  3. DEFINITELY NOT wearing her colour today! OMG she look so fat! And some of you thought she was so nice. lol

    She might well be very nice - when not in office. Which means she must be nice and have been for the last 3 years.. giggle.gif

    Nice = looking in this context ... not nice = kind hearted in your context.

    :) I get it just kidding with you

  4. At first I missed the word "trial" and found the headline rather special..... I.e. one wonders what the outcome was.

    I am very concerned about these attempts to modify nature. Why not simple cross bananas the old fashion way to get the desired results? Takes a bit longer, but is probably safer.

    The old way has been happening for thousands of years, cross breeding, selective breeding etc... GmM just takes waway the pot luck and long waiting times.

    I personally think its great and cant wait for GM to be acepted generally. Most people who are against it are the ones who have not read up on the subject.

    I disagree. You obviously are unaware of the major diseases we now face from,crossing genes. I am not giving explanations to ignorant people as I don't have enough years left
    • Like 2
  5. What this man knows is indeed a treasure trove of nefarious dealings at the behest of his ''friends,'' along with those he ''advised.''

    One is led to wonder how long he may stay resident in Thailand or a free man.

    Interesting to note the deafening silence from Thaksin regarding the situation of his old puppet pawns is it not ?

    Indeed a true judgement on the value of being a Shinwatra pawn you are worth zilch, just a throwaway pawn.

    You must know what "nefarious dealings" "this man" has done for you to accuse him of doing so. So what are they? Or is this another one of your increasing number of bleating posts that make accusations with nothing to back it up?

    Fab4... grow up and stop showing your ignorance...How long have you lived in Thailand.. ? This man has resigned his job at the orders from above... resign or face a military trial.. Same as all the Red Shit bosses.. Why do you think all your heros are so silent.. They want to keep and spend their looted millions.. They have all .. up to the last man .. sold out their "beliefs.." .. Get over it..! giggle.gif

    Do you honestly think the junta would put the chairman of the biggest company in thailand and one of its few multinationals on a military trial?

    My lord, you must think these blokes are stupid. Its enough they got him to resign, but what damage this will do to their reputation is enough.

    instead of all jumping to conclusions, maybe he has had enough and with no pressure?

    Anyone thought that possible?

    • Like 1
  6. weather is quiet. not one boat. only the moored fishing boats. no tourists returning from the islands, no boat touts on the footpath. not sure about Bali Hai tho. quite pleasant actually. people are swimming in the boat zones without fear of being hit by a jetski or chopped up by a propeller

    The beach must be a lot calmer than 3rd road.

    There has been strong gusts of wind here all day

    yeah there is a breeze but nothing that would stop the boats
    Australian prime minister Tony Abbott must have arrived.

    Joke for Aussies there

  7. very strange, not a single jetski, tourist launch, paraglider in sight. all I can think of is that the army has stopped them. anyone know whats going on? all I can think of is army intervention. I hope so

    There are economic problems everywhere so tourists cannot afford to come
  8. POLICE urged TO help heal?


    Look at any intersection or long road or toll booth and you will see hands out for up to 2000 baht a swipe.

    GENERALS this needs to be addressed or the situation will never change.

    There is such good work going on but these people are at the core of all corruption and I am a novice here so if I SEE IT what really goes on?

    • Like 1
  9. To all you engineers and solar power experts out there... Is the below true or "pie in the sky?"

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I have a colleague in Australia who developed or worked on such a thing. His company was bought out by BHP Billiton the largest mining company in the world. What did they do with this technology? Well that was 10 years ago. They did NOTHING!

    The covering was not going to be glass but some rubber bitumen compound attracting the heat - a by product from the Steel processing in Australia which ends up as roads anyway. (Wollongong is one such town where this waste is used on roads.)

    It is possible but the oil and coal giants will not allow this to happen.

    • Like 1
  10. Love the smell of the Thaksin knob slobbers soiling themselves over having a decent, effective man in charge, because the contrast with their hero couldn't be more striking.

    Actually the similarity is far more striking than the difference. I don't want to go into who is more "decent" because that is meaningless nonsense. It's what you do that counts, not your intentions. But if you knew anything about Thai history, you'd recognize Prayuth as one of a long line of Thai autocrats with a plain spoken populist veneer, Thaksin is just the most recent precedent.

    Do you do business here? Not a bloody noodle shop or prostitute bar. I do. About 26 million baht per month.

    Over the last 2 years I have been going NUTS ready to move to Cambodia or Indonesia.

    Now I am staying. Since June 1, things have changed so so so much. Not attitudes alone but REAL DECISIONS.

    But what would you know?

    • Like 1
  11. Hope the General does become Prime Minister.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Odds on , you will probably get what you wish for.

    Right now he might even get elected democratically but don't think that is a likely scenario.

    I'm betting prime minister for life!

    Spot on. He is already behaving like any other politician handing out the candy.

    There never was a need for this coup. He could have just sent the demonstrators home and upheld security like last time. He wants more.

    Proudly professing to come from USA. And look at the disgrace of your country. Look at how HATED you are around the world?

    And u thought off comments like you post only accentuates the reasons why your nation stays where it is.

    You obviously vote in your own land.

    Glad you cannot here. The General FIXED the issues plaguing the people here and they are called POPULIST? So what is promising but never delivering called? Democracy?

    Geez some people should never be allowed to vote

    • Like 2
  12. Hope the General does become Prime Minister.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Odds on , you will probably get what you wish for.

    Right now he might even get elected democratically but don't think that is a likely scenario.

    I'm betting prime minister for life!

    Spot on. He is already behaving like any other politician handing out the candy.

    There never was a need for this coup. He could have just sent the demonstrators home and upheld security like last time. He wants more.

    Somo. Short for somatic. Asleep. Says it all really looking at your comments
  13. Great. if Prayuth drops dead, who is in charge? Who would be running the military dictatorship, the government, security of the nation, fiscal policy, law and order? What is the succession plan?

    The thing that suprises me most, is in just a short time this man has become so popular in our village

    The name Thaskin is no longer spoken with a smile, it has been replaced with the name of the General

    When he announced no more politicians going over seas with their families at the expense of the thai people, the villages finally saw the politicians being brought back to earth

    When there is a new election, I would not be surprised to see a lot of votes going to the man who has been the only one to pull out of its corrupt past

    why where we never told by the PTP what Thailand was giving away for the high speed rail

    I know many Farlang who would happy work for free, on a high speed railway, and in return get a 2 kilometer piece of land to do what he wants with it

    My opinion is Thailand is finally going somewhere with the guidance of a man with vision based on fair policies, and can not be stopped by wealthy business owners who will not let Thailand go forward unless there is something in it for them

    Because my Home country is being held back by Political fools and idiots

    I am glad to be living in Thailand

    Yes tezz...abbott makes bush in USA seem educated.

    I too have seen benefits already doing business here supported by my embassy praising the general face to face but publicly stating opinions against him.

    So why can't governments try to be honest like the General?

  14. If investors can make a buck some will try, but it is nothing compared to a country with a stable proven system and longterm prospects of calm and certainty, not cycles of upheaval. The winners will be other opening and competitive nations that can demonstrate that.

    I would'nt invest in the current climate here when other neighbouring regional countries are giving much better signs they are moving in the right direction.

    but do you invest at all and if so much or little?

    My own embassy ... Australia... Endorses business here over surrounding nations.

    How do I know ? Because I am involved doing serious investing and Austrade at the embassy is assisting me

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