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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Yingluck already has a gaggle of witnesses. What's wrong with them, and why does she want more ? She is now trying to defend the indefensible. Not a clever move, and as one who used to have some sympathy for her, I hope she gets held accountable to the full extent of the law.

    why then you had some sympathy and not now may I ask? I an interested to know what changed your mind?
  2. .

    I would like to ask...

    He says he has a non-imm B. Based on what? B is for business. Can you just get a B visa for no reason other than you want one?

    Did he have a re-entry permit? His only reason for going to Myanmar was for shopping? Other than "business in Rayong" he does no work here?

    I am playing devil's advocate here to try and get a feel for the actions of the imm. officer. On being presented with the documents of a person who didn't actually need to leave, maybe he felt he was doing a favor.

    'nuff said


    Ranong not Rayong dear boy

    As I posted in another thread, I heard a rumour not so long ago that people arriving in Thailand on non imm B visa where going to be required to have a least a temporary WP sponsored by the host entity in Thailand, and it seems at least in this case, the rumour may have some foundation

    What about if you have a non b visa to ENQUIRE. About business?

    On the immi website they say you need it to attend meetings and investigate business opportunities.

    No WP required for that

    So the officer has no idea of visas he is enforcing it seems to me

  3. I would not go down this route.

    1. The company has to be majority owned by Thais, although you can have sole signing rights. The Thais could, however get together and outvote you......

    2. If you are buying an existing company, it is difficult to find out of there are any debts taken on by the company, which could come back to bite you in the bum.

    3. It is illegal for Thais to simply act as names on the company's list of shareholders unless they have paid money into the company for the shares.

    4. There is no guarantee that at some point all these companies will be more closely looked at, and if they were set up solely to circumnavigate the laws of foreign ownership, you might be in for a few difficulties.

    The safest option is to take a 30 year lease on the land and make sure it is entered in the land departments records.

    The house you can own outright as your asset.

    It is very easy to buy stuff in Thailand, but it is very difficult to sell later, particularly as a lot of newbies pay over the odds for a property, and then have the mindset that property should always increase in value.

    The properties you see advertised are only a percentage of the properties that the owners would like to sell. I have heard so many times,

    "I wish I could sell this house"

    But they have resigned themselves to either living there, or trying to rent it out. Which leads me to

    Rent is by far the safest option, and gives you total flexibility about where to live.

    1. The company has to be majority owned by Thais, although you can have sole signing rights. The Thais could, however get together and outvote you....

    no they can't because usually you hold their share transfer certificates (signed blank). that of course does not prevent them to get together and have a beer whistling.gif

    The safest option is to take a 30 year lease on the land and make sure it is entered in the land departments records.

    again objection Your Honour. usufructs or superficies (especially the latter which is transferable without any time limit) are exponentially safer than any lease. both methods are of course also entered in the records of the land department and the chanote.

    the general has government officials going through records looking for companies like this and Thai nominees.

    Be careful.

  4. Thainess, want always more and bigger .......

    Nothing to do with being Thai. All over the world the buildings are getting bigger. Mainly because the technology now exists to make them bigger. This should help with traffic congestion, as it means people living that side of the river don't need to come across to the other side to visit a big mall.

    I think the problem for many people on this forum is that they just can't stand seeing Thailand advance. Maybe poor expats who like living among even poorer locals. But now that the locals are getting richer, those expats feel poorer. I love that Thailand is developing so quickly. This is great news for Thai people.

    Average thai wage = less than the 30% tax on the out of date overpriced goods.

    I am happy for anyone to improve their lives but do we need more of the same?

    that is why THAI copies and Never innovates

  5. Considering the fraud science that is perpetrated by the likes of Hanson and Mann et.al. The IPCC report which keeps being quoted as the bible is a regurgitation of false information.

    All the computer models say we should be another degree warmer, but temperatures have either not changed or have gone down in the last 15 years. The amount of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic has grown. The US Great Lakes broke new records of ice, but one year is not climate.

    How can the US historical temperature go down in the early 20th century and be higher than measured in the late 20th century? First, historical data doesn't change, unless modified by an agency with a flawed computer models and a agenda.

    Statistical studies show fewer storms and less energy than historical norms have happened over the last years. One reason these storms seem so bad, there are more people and development in harms way.

    The lesser countries are looking to cash in on a global tax bonanza, and they are just lining up for the payoff.

    The 97% of scientists agreeing is another bogus lie, but the propaganda masters know if you tell it long enough and often enough it will be believed.

    Twit is a bird. And you

  6. "High-ranking military officials will make up half of the 200-member National Legislative Assembly, which will be wholly appointed by the NCPO."

    "It was reported earlier that the NCPO's power would remain the same even after an interim government is installed. The interim charter will include Article 17, which will give the NCPO greater powers than the government, the Isra News Agency reported."

    Not a lot of point in having an unelected appointed government later in the year if the NCPO still has the final say on everything?

    Hope that won't be the case after the "democratic" elections in 16 months time.

    No need for an election. He is doing better than any Thai government of the last 15 years
  7. I remember before the boom gate was lifted on the untravelled road to democracy on the 22nd of May the comments were:

    • When I said there is rice missing from the warehouses. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
    • When I said there is corruption in the rice scheme. The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
    • On September 25, 2013 when yingluck said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme until 2014 I said she was lying. Guess what the red apologists said? Show me the proof?
    • When I said the UDD are a violent terrorist organization and where involved in the Trat attacks. Guess what? The RS apologists said "Show me the proof"?
    I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, but this will suffice.

    So when you make comments like "when was Red Siam ever involved in "violence and mayhem" and "if you believe this stuff about him "stockpiling war weapons" I laugh, more out of pity for the misguided than out of humor and this direction resembles the road I have been down before with the red apologists after stating the above.

    Luckily​ that road has an exit now with a destination sign stating that the town of "True Democracy" is 430 days away.

    Time to stop defending terrorist organizations my friend. We are on the boat to reconciliation and there is always room for you too emptyset. I saved you a seat!!!

    I'm not defending terrorist organizations - Red Siam never was one. I'm not actually asking you for proof of this because I already know there isn't any. Even some reds spuriously blamed Red Siam for attacks simply on the basis that they were "radical" and had a former communist insurgent as a leader. Actually apart from Jakrapob who got involved with Red Siam after falling out with the other UDD leaders, no one in Red Siam had any affiliation to PT or Thaksin. They weren't allowed on the UDD stage either and unlike some other fringe groups who were allowed small stages at the UDD protests (like Somyot's group), they held their protests completely separately from the UDD after the split in March 2010. Even if Red Siam wanted to use violence, they wouldn't have had the capability, connections or resources to do it.

    That said, I don't think the UDD were directly behind the Trat bombings either. As I've said before, peripheral figures might be involved but this is not something under the control of the main UDD leaders (who differ signicantly in their attitudes to violence anyway). I'm all for cracking down on the terrorist element, but dismissing everyone in the movement on the basis of these attacks is frankly stupid. Imagine, for instance, if people had flat out refused to negotiate with the IRA or seek a compromise. The conflict would still be going on now.

    Anyway, it's hard to believe that you could be credulous enough to think Jakrapob - of all people - would be stockpiling weapons in Thailand. A country which he hasn't been in since 2009. And that the evidence for this just happened to be found for this a few days after he started a movement which the junta evidently believes could prove troublesome. They actually provide the reasoning for it themselves. They couldn't extradite him for LM, so needed to charge him with something which is also a crime in other countries. I wonder if Rose will be found to have been stockpiling weapons too...

    ones guilt is a guilt by deed, action, associate, association, or not stepping away totally. He may be guilty by being involved in some small way and the world is a better place if cockroaches like these are exterminated
  8. This guy has a video on youtube where he denounces the coup in very good English! I wonder if this is the real reason. If he had been in exile for a long time how would he be involved in weapons storage, not saying it's not true. Just wondering.

    He's not been in Thailand since 2009. But hey, maybe they found a picture of him next to the weapons or a lock of his hair or something...

    The victors write the history and take the spoils....
  9. A swift transfer always arrives in Thailand within minutes. The thing is that the banks hold back your money for a few days.

    I discovered this several years ago when I had an issue with my home bank about the double transfer cost. They send me a complete transfer log with all the places and times the money travelled, which involved 2 different overseas banks, and the money arrived in Bangkok less than an hour after it was sent from Europe.

    Strange enough my Thai bank was only aware of the arrival 2 days after it was in their account.

    Can I ask how much your home bank charges you for a SWIFT transfer ? CBA here in Australia charges 22AUD and my Thai bank passes on a small charge from the intermediary bank.

    I use Westpac in Australia and they charge $20 AUD. I transfer to Bangko bank and if before 12pm i get the money SAME DAY. transfers happen at 10am and 2pm then next day.

    If you transfer from OZ be CAREFUL the Ozzie bans do not use an Intermdiatry bank as they may use CITBANK Hong Kong and the rate will be terrible. Ask your CBA in oz if they send DIRECT transfer to your Thai bank. It can save you a LOT

  10. Surely some revenue department officials must've been involved.

    Thailand's VAT rate is set at 7 per cent. If the allegedly claimed VAT "refund" was over 4 billion Baht, the claimants had to submit sales bills amounting to around 58 billion Baht (i.e. equivalent to more than 1.4 billion euros, or 1.2 pounds, or 1.8 billion dollars).

    And nobody at the revenue department blinked an eye?

    It would depend on what monetary volumes and what business volumes she did and over what period of time. these people usually do it over several business strutures and over a few years.

    it is the culmulative affect over a period of time that counts

    • Like 1
  11. 80% off already 200% overpriced out of season stock that is way behind and dearer than what you can get in Europe already! I looked at an Zegna leather jacket at 120,000 bahy already with 30% of (the tax component). I could still fly to italy return and buy it cheaper after having paid for the airfare.

    So the HUB of what?

    thailand has NEVER been the hub for shopping for me as an Australian where it is cheaper at home

    • Like 1
  12. And surprise, surprise, Suthep reveals at his fund raising event, "have dinner with kamnan suthep", how he has been advising prayuth on how to get rid of the "Thaksin Regime" since 2010. The other paper goes so far as to suggest that prayuth has been actively plotting to bring down Yingluck Shinawatra - I expect their reporters will be "invited" for an "attitude adjustment" chat in the very near future.

    So much for keeping quiet about politics in this period of "happiness"

    From the evidence of what we've seen the junta have done something which doesn't appear anywhere in the Book of Thainess. It's called forward planning.

    Or did you think the general woke up one morning and thought, "Hmm....nice day for a coup."

    Not at all. I'm well aware of what has been happening.

    However, there are more than a few on here that have been constantly maintaining that suthep and the pdrc were not part of a common strategy to overthrow the government and that prayuth just decided to have a coup because the talks between the caretaker government and sutheps lot had failed after just two sessions of "talks".

    Lecture them, not me.

    I will lecture you as you either dont know or not want to admit the truth.

    They always plan things in case of. This does not mean they wantes this. If the killings stopped or the talks worked the coup would not have happened.

    There is a difference in planning for the event of something or actively planning for aomething.

    Many newspapers have the obituaries of public figures ready. That does not mean they want them dead, it means they will act if certain things happen.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There is a difference in planning for the event of something or actively planning for aomething.

    You seem to be missing the point that they were not "planning for the event", but were deliberately, actively planning for the coup, and just waiting for the right moment to do it, and had been doing so for quite some time.

    How do you know? And if it is true... I for one am so. Happy

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