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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Lots of heterosexual males have relationships with ladyboys. Looks like a women, talks like a women, acts like a women and has had the chop, then unless you want kids, go for it!

    A guy who has sex with a ladyboy is bi-sexual not hetro

    not according to ladyboys who feeltgey ate women. Gays don't want them, only hetero straight dudes.

    Go figure....

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  2. I pay 5.6 in Chiang Mai in my moo Baan house direct to,the electricity company.

    In my previous condo,I,paid 8 baht. I,used 1 air con, a computer and laptop. Light in one room. Sometimes a second air con.

    8000 to 10,000 electricity per month.

    In my house now I run an office.

    5 air con,units, 2 fridges, lights on in 2 rooms all day and night and 10 computers, routers, battery back,UPS and more.

    4500 per month.

    So,yes, something stinks in condos

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  3. Well let's weigh the problems:

    You have to be in your hotel room by 10 PM (and can't even go out for a 7-11 coke, as they are closed also)

    Police and army presence after dark.

    Your travel insurance probably will not cover you for anything that may happen, especially if it's coup related. (because your country most likely put up a traveler's advisory)

    Possibility of a civil war.

    Rainy season (OK bring it on, but it is that time of year)

    Why would anyone choose Thailand after reading all the news?

    In the meantime, let's all enjoy the light traffic, good surf, and uncrowded beaches. (maybe even a bit cleaner water in the klongs, aye?)

    as a few business owners said to me, its low season so lucky. Time yet for things to change

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  4. How strange that in less than a week the Army can pay the farmers but the PTP exgovernment couldn't manage to do the same thing in more than 9 MONTHS.

    The army doesn't have the same 'overheads' the PTP government had. whistling.gif

    First, I'm glad to see the farmers getting paid!!! I hope they have learned that taking part in a program that contains the word SCHEME - you most likely are going to lose money, unless you are at the top. However, as far as the quickness of the payments - well when you have 100% control, write the laws, detain reporters and business leaders - and of course approve the laws you wrote - well let's say no one can stop you from doing whatever you want!!! Plus - even if he spends all the governments money on paying off farmers, at some point he get's to walk away and dump it on the newly elected government - then as the last 80 years have already shown us - history will repeat itself.....

    please grow up. Read the article you are replying to.

    It states... Banks ate advancing credit... Yingluck could not get this.

    Grow up

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  5. All my posts in this thread are based on the assumption that I'm unattached. If the BF of 21 years heard that I'm fancying other blokes he wouldn't be happy w00t.gif

    rascal... Lol I have 2 boyfriends. One only 26 and one 52. We are a happy 3some now 3 years living together.

    Always room for one more. But all of us prefer 30,s.

    That sounds fancy. And how old are you, may I ask?

    53. Near death I guess in gay years. Lol

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  6. He's cutting out the cancer piece by piece.
    He is consolidating power, simple as that.

    Long time before you will see any elections here now!

    He already hinted at the beginning that election would not happen before 24 months from now.
    Wow 2 years? That's a long time. He will surely put in place a non partisan government for the interim period.

    Like to take bet on it. Long time in the planning. Each step is well mapped out. All top positions are taken by military, remind you of anywhere?

    yrs. China, Russia, Vietnam, Pakistan, many more places including the USA

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  7. A coup is always dangerous, but Thailand is a very unique place. It seems the coup is the natural reset Thais actually need to have a government. So many greedy snouts in the trough and so little rule of law. Eventually the spoiled little rich boys tilt the system and the army needs unplug the machine and find a system restore point.

    However, for this to occur, all the safety nets come down too; and absolute power is put into the hands of an untested commodity,

    All the things that the army are stopping and taking control over right now are good moves. Assuming that the intention of these executive moves is benevolent and for lack of a better word, righteous. But we just don't really know do we. Once again Thailand has placed itself upon the brink of failed statehood, just because they can't get their head around respect for the rule of law. In a land of zero accountable for the rich. Eventually two really big dogs are gonna meet and we won't be able to put it back together again. Think cops and reds VS soldiers and yellows.

    what is worse is this is Asia's second biggest economy. During the PTP years the car makers, the largest swag of the economy decided to,leave Thailand. No one can afford that loss.

    So Thailand will become a true failed state shortly thereafter

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  8. PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

    You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

    Are you guys happy now?

    not as happy as I would be if the army summarily executed any politicians guilty of corruption. I would deem guilty being any that accumulated great wealth whilst serving

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  9. Disappointing to see so many TV members support the removal of the constitution, human rights, freedom of speech, press and protest, in the face of world wide condemnation.

    so you think CHINA VIETNAM and so forth are justified in criticism and the political idiots here were democratic?. My god they say you can't fool all the people all of the time.

    I,am doubting that with your very silly comments

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  10. This "summoning" to the NPOMC sounds a lot like the gestapo or the stasi. The ones who used to be in charge of state security.

    Do you think these men sit in the park all day feeding the pigeons and talking about their grandchildren?

    I doubt these men are enemies of the General in a hateful sense. As a studied general would, he is isolating those who intelligence shows are in a position to oppose his goals. First and foremost goal is to stop any thoughts and motions toward civil war. Many, many lives are saved by avoiding a fight.

    A politicians primary job is negotiate. When you put people into a room and "suggest" they negotiate a solution and they flatly refuse, what choice is left? Clearly, they are not politicians, they are lackeys taking orders. These politicians do not represent their constituents. They represent only the boss.

    I guess you haven't been here long enough.

    Maybe that's why some may think he talks sense......

    plus one

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  11. 1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution? He's either a crappy negotiator, a weak man, or, as we all truly know, he intended to do the Coup all the while. He just wanted to "Ease" into it by first having the Security plan implemented. All of you Thais that are happy... I have one thing to say:

    A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top.

    He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

    Thailand, who is the fool?

    by reading your post please remove the word THAILAND insert I and Toi have your answer

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  12. The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

    For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

    She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

    Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

    So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

    Don't be surprised to see her facing a jail sentence for gross negligence regarding the rice scheme's losses.

    Admit the truth, she is beautiful, polite and charming towards children but she's a poor public speaker with a minimum or no knowledge of the facts regarding the issue in hand.

    Utterly unsuitable to be PM.

    playing dumb may Benefit her but if the army audits every politicians wealth and ask questions and makes them prove where the money came from, then I see good things being laid down for a cleaner future.

    Then if the political people cannot explain their great wealth, confiscate all, give back to,the government and impose military sentences.

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  13. The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

    For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

    She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

    Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

    So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

    I think it depends on just how ruthless Prayuth and his backers are. I think his two goals, "remove and eradicate Shinawatra influence" and "avoid bloodshed" are incompatible. I have no idea what is going to happen -- historically Thai coups have few casualties because they are struggles between factions of the elite. I think the only way to "eradicate" Shin influence is something more like dynastic change in the Ottoman Empire or Imperial China. The Empress Wi comes to mind. Or Ngo Dinh Diem.

    correct me if I may be in error, but I do not recall seeing where the army or any military has stated they will remove the Shin clan forever

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  14. The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

    For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

    She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

    Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

    So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

    and Toi know so much. Geez, are you actually Thaksin or just a big fat mouthpiece sprouting ridiculous assumptions?

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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