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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. There are serious problems ahead. Unless the thai government encourages immigration (unlikely with the present Xenophobia). Demographic problems as bad or worse than Japan.

    First of all, it's easier to migrate to Thailand than to Japan.

    Secondly, immigration isn't the ultimate answer - xenophobia isn't the main reason why immigration to Thailand isn't encouraged, but rather, what can foreigners contribute to Thai society? There would be a lot of concern about the resources needed to integrate foreigners into Thai society. I would welcome a program that encourages high skilled, high net worth immigrants under the age of 45-50 who can contribute towards bringing skills and jobs to the Thai economy, but a western country mass immigration style system would destroy the culture, increase crime and make the country more third world, not less.

    The Thai government should consider bringing in a baby bonus for each child that is born, encouraging all Thais to have 2-3 children. The large numbers of homosexuals and transsexuals is another reason why the Thai birth rate is so low.

    Tomtom are you smoking weed? Sorry but some of your posts are great but... man o man!

    Quote Singapore = foreigners

    Hong Kong = Foreigners

    Philippines = foreigners

    Taiwan same

    And many other examples and Vietnam now too

    They are not destroyed!

    Thailand is loved by us yet we are being exploited, ripped off, treated like scoundrels more and more.

    Is this helping Thailand? NO WAY from my perspective.

    Other counties have huge expat populations on LOWER wages and high skill-sets to no disadvantage of the locals or the nation they are in.

    As to your quote "The large numbers of homosexuals and transsexuals is another reason why the Thai birth rate is so low" maybe mother nature is saying something here????

    Survival of the fittest perhaps? Darwin ring a bell?

  2. otherwise they may face arrests on narcotic trafficking charges

    Technically anyone in possession of such illegal drugs for whatever reason and for whatever amount of time can be arrested and charged. Possession laws are unjust as there are many circumstances in which anyone can become in possession of illegal drugs unintentionally or without knowledge that the package contains such a substance. Even the assumption that possession of a particular amount constitutes "trafficking" is unjust when there may be no evidence of actual trafficking. The consequences of being charged and convicted just for possession can be far more damaging to live(s) than the consumption of the drugs.

    A lot of media hype is placed on the retail value of illegal drugs, when in reality if it hadn't been made illegal the value may be as much as other recreational drugs like ethanol or Sildenafil ("Sidegra", "Kamagra", "Viagra").

    The entire system of drug laws needs to be overhauled with less extremism and fanaticism on "cracking down" on substances that aren't as bad as they have been made out to be. The taxes that we pay to the government are being heavily wasted on these kinds of relatively harmless events. The police should focus on working on cases that involved actual violent crime.

    I would go so far as to say that there is NO SUCH THING as a SAFE drug.

    Everything has a reaction

  3. There is a positive side to this case - it would now appear that foreigners who go to Thailand to have sex with children are highly likely to be caught because of heightened awareness among workers and management at guesthouses and presumably people in the neighbourhood.

    There is just too much of this horrid stuff going on. THERE IS NO NEED AT ALL. It is awful anywhere but here in all Asian nations it is out of control. Philippines is one of the worst places as Parents SELL their kids up. How can they? And Bali too and Cambodia.

    I would horse whip parents colluding and shoot them and the children need really extra care.

    I am not for the death penalty but cutting off their willy and cooking it in front of them and making the perpetrator EAT his own would make the next one think!

    Post that on Facebook!

  4. This has been happening for months. thialand is an important fishing market for the EU. they don't want to KILL OFF Thailand the way some of us here want,; BUT they are steadfastly making a point. they will stop Imports if Thailand does not do something.

    Next is Subi airport and if they don't fix that there goes the tourist numbers

    thialand has major issues now.

    Cannot borrow money

    No one likes the Government


    Airport needs BIG money spen or planes wont come

    Rice and Crops down due to drought

    Mining closures loss of work

    Car plants decreasing

    Economy tanking due to world effects (GDP does not count much in the figures released. )

    Yep, its a rough sea ahead here

    And of course no other country has issues and Thailand never had any of the issues before May 2014.

    So obvious.

    And which political leader and his minions was in government, in various guises, for most of this century? And they did exactly what to address any of these issues?

    But hey, don't let facts or the details behind spoil your rhetoric.

    Look I have no haggle with you but you can say and live here and enjoy being kicked like a turd on the pavement.

    that is not my style.

    The whole country is going downhill, and, maybe you have not had the pleasure of seeing another country for some time to experience the dwindling happening here? Other countries do have issues BUT WE ARE TALKING about HERE. Not them. i am saying there are BETTER Asian options.

    They are doing NOTHING here to solve anything from the past.

    And you bringing it up is like saying ooh there is smoke there and waiting for someone else to blame for the fire rather than PUTTING THE BASTARD THING OUT.

  5. well I think Thailand is already WORLD class in Facebook usage and posting food pics online.

    Spending BILLIONS or 1 baht will do nothing to boost the advantage of basing Thailand as an IT base.

    I see this "transforming the kingdom into a smarter, more innovative nation through improving infrastructure, fostering a high-tech talent pool and providing multination tech companies with a superior business climate" and I wonder when the education will start for talent pool to emerge? they need 20 years to change that alone!

    And as for a better business environment I remember that twit prayuth stating THAILAND FOR THAIS and business here now is IMPOSSIBLE to run. Visas, Work permits bribery and the like. It is a joke beyond comprehension!

    Thailand talk and host as many gather fests as you like but you have missed the boat. Calling a place "Phuket Smart City" does not make it SMART at all. Hello massage city would be better! Too late and BOI approvals do not translate to DIRECT INVESTMENT.

    I know I was one that decided to LEAVE

  6. This has been happening for months. thialand is an important fishing market for the EU. they don't want to KILL OFF Thailand the way some of us here want,; BUT they are steadfastly making a point. they will stop Imports if Thailand does not do something.

    Next is Subi airport and if they don't fix that there goes the tourist numbers

    thialand has major issues now.

    Cannot borrow money

    No one likes the Government


    Airport needs BIG money spen or planes wont come

    Rice and Crops down due to drought

    Mining closures loss of work

    Car plants decreasing

    Economy tanking due to world effects (GDP does not count much in the figures released. )

    Yep, its a rough sea ahead here

  7. I just got back from a SETV run to Vietnam with a two week look around taking advantage

    of the UK passport holders not requiring a visa for 2 week visits that is currently allowed.

    I was very surprised and impressed. I was only in Saigon(HCMC) and Nha Trang and traveled

    between the two by train. Both cities were cleaner than the places I have visited in Thailand.

    The beach and water was cleaner that the popular tourist beaches in Thailand. (I know there

    are special places in Thailand that are excellent as well). The number1 tourist group according

    to hotel and restaurant staff was Russian 40%, followed closely by Chinese 35% and all other

    countries combined making up 25%. The food was great, the people were very friendly and

    helpful and prices were 30-40% lower than Thailand. No visible sex industry (although I am

    sure it exists as it does everywhere in the world). A much better choice for couples, families,

    backpackers. Thailand really needs to look over its shoulder. I really enjoy Thailand but

    there are other options. coffee1.gif

    yes I expoerienced this too many times and Philippine islands as well. Thailand is now finished dying a slow death

  8. Rather like Syphilis,that also the gift that keeps on giving.

    As a note,have had some info about there being cases of syph on the dark side on a rather large scale.

    This is not a troll post,i still have friends in that area that keep in touch.

    Rain coats on boys!

    I think this woman has syphilis and it has affected her brain

    AND As for your post - I am a Doctor and have been with 4 people in Chiang Mai with this serious disease.

    There is a VERY VERY big outbreak and the response here? Oh well if they come we give medicine if not come up to them

    And UP TO THEM means a serious disease that will spiral out of control and affect them for the rest of their lives and YOURS too if unprotected

  9. These people must do an audit every 24 hours, the quarter finished 24 days ago , there is a massive amount of stats to pour over which would generally take 6 months to get a rough idea, all the tourist agency's have to report in, hotels , tourist related org and they have all this information in their hands in 24 days , amazing Thailand.........................................coffee1.gif

    No need for stats to be calculated since they made 18 numbers on calculators

  10. Well the Ruskies will teach the Thai businessmen a thing or two about real CORRUPTION

    Putin said foreigners can invest here at their peril. BP and Conoco Philips and Wallmart learned that the hard way like US$30 billions worth!

    What does Putin want here? Nothing at all except a base to annoy the west = The USA. Prayuth is now a puppet - hahahah bloody ha!

    Thailand knows free trade as this We sell you no tax and we import from you at BIG BIG tax. Look at the Australia free trade agreement and the price of goods from Aus to here - cant afford the bastard items! And what makes you think Vodka will decrease in price or Beluga caviar? That just about sums up Russian exports to what Thailand would want.

    Cars are already made in Russia so no need for Thai ones. And the other countries mentioned are OIL commodity producers so they wont have a dime for years to come.

    Thailand is killing itself more day by day

  11. So the ugly whale resurfaces at Phuket shores.

    Hope it takes long for this stupidity/wastepaper production to reach upcountry bah.gif

    EDIT: deleted reference to an (older) PDF version of the form.

    Looks like it has been edited/revised in the meantime.

    One of my Filipino friends arrived by Air Asia from KL today at Chiang Mai. He was given one of these forms and made complete it BEFORE they would stamp him entry

    They randomly selected people and he was upset.

    Loves Thailand but says he will not be coming back because of this

    he felt Imtimidated

    I agree and i am off soon having sold my car and house in a week

    See not everyone comes with money and leaves it here :)

    As I leave I would really LOVE to say what I think of the place now compared to when I started coming 20 years ago and what it was like even 5 years and 4 years ago. But hey, I do want to go

    I will write a FACEBOOK and LINE entry then~! And as I don't have either I will open one especially for PRAYUTH

  12. So what became of Thai vendors and their families who lost their livelihoods when they were forcibly cleared off this beach? Or doesn't this matter, so long as tourists have a "pristine" strip of burning sand on which to lie with only a towel for protection?

    One suspects an awful lot of people are going to end up fighting for space under the palm tree shown in the publicity photograph because there are no beach umbrellas and deck chairs, let alone someone on hand to provide a cooling drink or a snack..

    Under the Love the Beach project, are all the tourist beaches on Phuket going to end up as naturally spartan as this one? Or will some be exempted to provide the kind of facilities - including activities such as jet skiing and windsurfing, commonly available at other Thai resorts and popular tourist destinations around the world.

    If not, paradise could come at a hefty price in terms of reduced tourist revenue and job losses for local people.

    People I would expect, go to a beach to see the sand and trees and of course - the sea. Not ice creams, food, massage and what nots that are flooded all over Thia beaches making them highly undesirable and filthy.

    A good move to clean up.

    It is not like you are far from anything to get a drink or something else.

    Poor Thai vendors? Welcome to the world. Everyone is poorer now.

  13. Hmmmmm

    More small time dealers busted for small amounts of drugs.

    WHEN ....will they move up the scale and shut down the volume producers and volume distributors

    I know....I know...no need to remind me ......the connected are immune and operate with impunity.



    Maybe it is because there is no need to shut down anything

    CHIANG MAI locals tell me THE ARMY controls this along with the police. these are thai people.

    Now it is only hearsay. Not factual. i have never witnessed . blah blah

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