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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. According to recent survey

    April 2016 survey by University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce conducted from 1,212 working people who earn less than 15,000 baht a month, working people want the government to increase minimum wage from 300 baht a day to 356 baht, cut contributions to the social security fund and stimulate economic growth because they are worried about possible unemployment, although there was no sign of mass layoff, but cutting employees’ overtime payments and freezing new recruitment were underway already.

    wage rates cannot be set at a fixed rate for the entire country

    Countries such as Poland. Latvia, Estonia and the Slovak Republic don't seem to have that problem.

    the country vitally needed a comprehensive and clear cut wage policy to boost confidence

    A wage policy that includes economic conditions and other localized factors is not a clear cut policy.

    There are developed countries that have NO statutory Minimum Wage: Nordic countries, Denmark, Iceland, Austria, Itay and Switzerland. However, they do have strong trade unions, employee associations and or wage floors that can through collective bargaining gain equitable wages for employees.1 Thailand lacks such collective bargaining empowerment to offset any arbitrarily-set national and/or provincial minimum wage.

    The bottom line is that the Prayut and all previous regimes fail to understand the dynamics of wage policies.2 The result will be an ineffective minimum wage policy at best and a failed policy at worse.

    1For the academic-minded see the OECD 2015 report on Minimum Wages. attachicon.gifOECD Minimum Wage.pdf

    2The exception being the FY 2015 and 2016 pay raises of 5% for civil service employees and likely the same for FY 2017. This may be driven more by junta politics than by economics.

    It is NOT just about wages. As an employer, I cannot hire 25 people to sit around doing nothing AKA CENTRAL DEPARTMENT STORES - and I need a return on investment. Money in cannot be less than money out

  2. Of course Bangkok Airways flies to/from Suvarnabhumi.

    So don't mix that with the much more exhaustive change from DMK to BKK.

    What confuses me in the OP:

    was it possible in the past to do a transit from international airports like Phuket or Chiang Mai without passing immigration at Suvarnabhumi and so this is ridiculed by the new baggage handling?

    In this case it's really a drawback.

    The OP is correct. Bangkok Air now makes you fly DOMESTIC and you cannot do international connections. You must collect your bags at BKK and then go to international. Only if you are flying on the ONE TICKET. Its all on their website.

    Yes it is a huge inconvenience but NOT the worst airline. Definitely not.

    If you need international connections you can only connect if the airline is an affiliated partner airline as that is MOST airlines policy even though they CAN all connect you.

    I fly to Hong Kong and Philippines a lot and in those countries they CONNECT me to BKK air but Bkk air does not from here and Thai airways does.

    So it is airline by airline

  3. Why do people keep saying that having a Thai company is so hard?

    Surely if you have a good business, adequate funding and you know what you are doing it should be no different operating a company anywhere.

    Granted if you are just doing to try and get a visa and your 'business' isn't actually viable, or you have no prior experience owning or operating companies, then perhaps it isn't a good idea.

    But what about people who are starting real companies employing 20-30 people to start and expanding to 50 or more in the first 12 months?

    Obviously you do not have a Thai company ...

    I do like a few of the other posters and YES I wholeheartedly CONCUR GO ELSEWHERE NOW.

    When i started it was hard. Now it is downright IMPOSSIBLE. I have a very solid base even had the Ambassador and Trade Commissioner from MY EMBASSY (Australia) go with me to BOI and I still got told "we dont want you"

    So off I go to Philippines and there I have no real issues. Yes some paperwork frustrations BUT OI OWN IT and CONTROL. And I want to control MY MONEY.

    My Thai company now costs me MORE to run in admin than my Australian company under Australian HIGH wages. Go figure!

    AND my accountant told me this year YOU MUST earn a profit because the government does not like it of you do not pay tax. My attitude is till GO TO HELL to that.

    And as a foreigner, you INVEST (place money in shareholdings or a loan) then YOU pay income tax on YOUR MONEY like it or not!

    May I also ask WHY the writer wants to open a THAI company in this wretched environmnet

    As others say here and they are feeling what i am feeling and seeing - WE ARE NOT WELCOME here now

  4. I get the message a lot more needs to be done in the art of organisational skills ,and a more modern fleet of rubbish trucks , not only here but most of Thailand , if people had proper sanitation pickup and better waste management facilities and for any large stuff around the remote village, mini skip bins provided , where they didn't have to dispose of rubbish themselves , maybe a lot of rubbish that the whole of Asia seems to attract, would be under a more controlled environment...............................coffee1.gif

    THAT COSTS MONEY! I no have money or I no eat pleeese

  5. Too true ,( government paying them selfs)

    companies not paying the correct

    supposedly 300 baht minimum wage, not paying extra money

    for working the holidays ,

    people give and give, government take and take

    nothing new here.


    Yes I agree and how can anyone (and most Thais are on this) afford DOMESTIC tourism on 300 baht a day? That's 7800 a month! My BF sister is looking for work. BKK first at 900 per month now Chiang Mai at 7800 Big C supercentre. And at least CM is cheaper to live

    So where are these hoards of locals traveling to?

  6. Not sure defining minimum wage will really help address core issues of investor confidence such as low skilled and poorly motivated workforce, unstable autocratic government, weak legal system and high corruption index... but hey what do I know. That guy looks damn smart ?

    How can they say in one sentence A clear minimum wage and then a wage differing for each province? So nothing changes. IDIOTS they are as usual.

  7. "He said the country vitally needed a comprehensive and clear cut wage policy to boost confidence."

    No, What is needed to boost confidence is a well educated and trained populace. Whichever nation in the ASEAN community offers the best "bargain" of combined production expertise at the most bang for the buck will get the business.

    Vietnam a TPP partner hands down.

    Over 10 years ago shoe manufacturers were moving production out of India to Vietnam. They said it was due to less bureaucracy, favorable government incentives and and more productive workforce.

    I expected Vietnam to have grown far quicker based on that. Something, and I don't know what has slowed and stagnated that growth.

    basically, up until about 3 years ago Thailand was the ONLY real choice for small to medium businesses wanting to relocate o set up in Asia. Stable and cheap. BUT everyone now is vying for the money from the West. AND Vietnam is now a key player for Manufacturing. India ha=s too much red tape and corruption by Modi is possibly trying top change that perception. Vietnam is moving away from dependence upon China. Philippines and Indonesia are also being aggressive players although right now, Philippines is a more stable and viable option for many businesses because of the ENGLISH and Education - overall - not implicitly so but overall.

  8. The survey also showed that most businesses want the minimum wage to be increased from 300 baht day as this rate has been in use for 3 years already and an adjustment is long overdue.

    Stop BSing businesses!!!!...just pay your employees more than Bt300/day...You don't need the govt to make that happen.

    May I ask why they should be paid mopre per day?

    To sit and look at facebook? To post pics of the food they eat?

    Stupid face pics saying look how beautiful I am?

    Do you know how other countries fare to Thai workers? I do. I operate in 4 countries.

    Thai workers are the WORST and take the most training and have absolutely no skills. they need to be taught everything which is a HUGE cost.

    Philippine workers have good education, get less money and TURN UP and work

    1 Filipino is equivalent to 3 Thai staff.

    YES I am all for improving their lives.

    BUT it must start with Education and THAT my dear friend is what we in business complain about

    Have you ever thought why Thailand only has tourism and DUMB ASS industry work? Fishing, manufacturing? And the workers press buttons. NOTHING skilled. The machines have the sills.

    THIS IS SO SAD and why? GOVERNMENT POLICY over decades.

    In which business sector or sectors do you operate? I've operated in the Philippines in two sectors and my experienced are seemingly very different to you.

    I remember seeing armed guards lining up employees at a factory ready for searching after they clocked out - and that was metal spinning and bending. In another sector I worked with people who had Masters degrees and quite frankly were not well educated.

    If I remember correctly, on another thread, you wrote that you were a doctor and implied medical doctor. Is your experience in the Philippines medical related? If so I don't hear of many medical tourists going there as they do to Thailand.

    Thank you yes I remember and you are partially correct. I am a Medical Doctor and I operate Medical Call centres and Office administration and Everything a medical clinic needs to operate. It is complicated and easy work dependent upon what part. We also develop medical practice software.

    Yes there are a large number of Uni educated idiots but i also find that In Australia. BUT overall my staff have better skill sets in Philippines Thailand and anyone I get in for an interview is way ahead of the thai.

    And as you point out the experience you have shown here is again lower paid manufacturing.

    I have a joint venture in Cebu and Makati and we employ over 140 Philippine workers with skills unfortunately are just not here in Thailand.

    Back to what i said earlier.

    And the work ethics are just there for me and sadly not here.

    Thailand for living - Philippines for working I am afraid.

  9. The survey also showed that most businesses want the minimum wage to be increased from 300 baht day as this rate has been in use for 3 years already and an adjustment is long overdue.

    Stop BSing businesses!!!!...just pay your employees more than Bt300/day...You don't need the govt to make that happen.

    May I ask why they should be paid mopre per day?

    To sit and look at facebook? To post pics of the food they eat?

    Stupid face pics saying look how beautiful I am?

    Do you know how other countries fare to Thai workers? I do. I operate in 4 countries.

    Thai workers are the WORST and take the most training and have absolutely no skills. they need to be taught everything which is a HUGE cost.

    Philippine workers have good education, get less money and TURN UP and work

    1 Filipino is equivalent to 3 Thai staff.

    YES I am all for improving their lives.

    BUT it must start with Education and THAT my dear friend is what we in business complain about

    Have you ever thought why Thailand only has tourism and DUMB ASS industry work? Fishing, manufacturing? And the workers press buttons. NOTHING skilled. The machines have the sills.

    THIS IS SO SAD and why? GOVERNMENT POLICY over decades.

  10. AHA! Now I know who is the spin doctor for this idiot government! the really smart looking guy with these glasses. Must be him because he looks so intelligent!

    I love this quote

    "In light of the increased interest from foreign investors in the country, this will provide greater confidence and peace of mind for both local and foreign investors to make long-term investments, he said."

    And what about the 81% DECREASE in Japanese investment last year alone?

    So wow! Lots of interest?

    I am interested in space science too but I don't want to travel there.

  11. And once the bank pays the shark, time to top up from them again. Free money!

    read article banks not pay shark as you say. Bank lend to people at low interstate so people can pay other loans of Good for Thai people

    The point is that others are saying that you are missing is ILLEGAL loans are being sanctionned

    These SHARKS and why ar ethey called sharks??/ should be in prison

  12. I use a citibank credit card issued in Singapore frequently and never had it refused by merchant, i also have a SCB cc and on ocassion had merchants trying it on with the 3% and i just declined their business, in fact it cost one Apple store the purchase of an Ipad on one ocassion, and i bought from another shop who had no problems accepting my cc,s

    The surcharge is not a complsory nor is it a thing you can refuse.

    I am an australian merchant and we can lawfully pass on charges. Albeit in Oz it is .3% not 3%

  13. Thanks again Sheryl. Could you recommend a vascular specialist at BPD or Bumrungrad? I've been seeing Dr. Ularn in Pattaya, for heart thingies.

    Sorry for delayed response, I needed to do some research.

    Actually the best doctor to see is at Siriraj, you ought to be able to see him privately at their private wing http://www.siphhospital.com/ :

    Prof. Nuttawut Sermsathanasawadi

    If you really prefer to stay with Bumrungrad then could try either of these:



    A problem such as you describe is usually due either to vascular insufficiency (which can be related to diabetes, and puts one at risk for diabetic foot ulcers) or to congestive heart failure. I am assuming from what you say, and that you are under a cardiologist's care, that your heart disease is under control and you are not in CHF hence suggestion to see a vascular doc. They may need to do an ultrasound of the veins in your leg.

    The type 2 diabetes is a sure as hell fire contributor too if you have has TYPE 2 FOR more than 5 years

  14. I thought the Chinese had been bringing their SUVs into Thailand for some time.

    They have been, but as of June 27th or so, they will be restricted.

    The new law has been published in the Royal Gazette as of April 28 and 60 days after elapsing means June 27th will be the first date of the new rule being in effect.

    I am not sure but i think they are already restricting them as the border in the north...

    Agencies that specialized in Karavan from China have been completely out of a job since march.

    I think the new law will allow them back but under certain conditions as opposed to near to total ban right now

    I knew that they weren't coming much anymore as I drive regularly for work as we have a project up in northern Thailand and compared to February or March, when I would count dozens of Chinese cars driving on the Asia highway, especially north of Nakorn Sawan, I haven't spotted a single Chinese car since roughly mid-March. I did however spot one single Chinese car parked at the Bangkok City Suites Hotel on Petchaburi road on April 13. That was a bit of an anomaly but just over a month earlier there probably would have been dozens driving around the tourist areas of Bangkok, despite a police warning that foreign registered vehicles driving in Bangkok were illegal.

    I was always curious what would happen in the meantime before the law goes into effect. It doesn't surprise me if they're restricted altogether for now though I would have thought the old rules apply until the new ones take over.

    Another guy over on the Chiang Mai forum however claimed he was still spotting Chinese cars regularly in Chiang Mai, but without being very specific about when. He was unable to tell me precisely if he was still seeing them in April when I commented on that thread. If he was referring to earlier in March then that doesn't tell me anything because these new regulations have been debated throughout February and March and were confirmed as final on March 30. During this time, there was also a lot of talk about banning Chinese campervans and motorhomes, as there are no facilities for them and Chinese tourists could often be seen washing their clothes, doing their cooking and even throwing out their garbage in public places, wherever they desired to park overnight.

    Caravan operators will need to apply for permission for cars to be driven into Thailand from China. They will probably have MORE business in future rather than less, because previously Chinese could drive in freely by themselves, without needing to give one Baht to Thai based caravan operators. Now they will need them, especially if they want to drive outside the border province entered.

    I have read the new rules in detail and while some previous news reports suggested that 2 or more vehicles coming in simultaneously would require an escort, this has not been mentioned in the new rules. However, it does seem likely that the Thai authorities don't want 10 car self-guided caravans to be driving around Thailand anymore.

    I live i Chiang Mai and can tell you today I saw at least 10 cars with Blue Chinese writing plates and ugly fat asian men driving - Chinese perhaps as the cars were not small Makes like those driven in Thailand and the writing looked very CHINESE to me.

    My BF said they were Chinese cars so I trust him.

  15. Bring that shit on.

    I got hit on my motorbike the other day coming out of a service station. The thai guy, who happened to be on the wrong side of the road going the wrong direction, at warp speed, just yelled at me that "I not stop"

    Now i have a 360,000 baht shoulder surgery to look forward to and 6 months of recovery time.

    Thanks champ, really hope you are not too upset about me not seeing you, while you were performing your surprise attack.

    I am really sad to hear that about your shoulder and impending operation.

    The Thai guy because of the JUNTA's attitude to westerners and their Governments - yes how he treats ambassadors here - the average Thai who despises or holds any ill feeling - thinks it is their RIGHT to attack, main and do what they want and you me and we are in the wrong.

    So bloody sad it has come to this

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