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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. The farmers who do this ever year should hunted, arrested, and forced to learn new ways of clearing. Unacceptable behavior.

    Looks like it may not be farmers but hunters. They said they had the fire under control within 1 hour and was reported at 10:30AM. Guess not.

    Fire At Doi Suthep – Pui National Park

    March 8, 2016

    CityNews – A large blaze broke out in the Doi Suthep – Pui National Park this morning after wild food hunters lost control of a small fire.

    According to Chiang Mai Deputy Governor Mongkol Suksai, the fire spread after the wild food hunters lost control of a fire they lit to help catch wild animals to sell at the market.

    Read more here - Chiang Mai City Life


    Absolute intelligence displayed here. Light a fire in a drought in 41 degrees. I know about foires - Australia and I lived through the nations worst. this is terrible. Lack of education on display. And guess what? Nothing will change - ever!

  2. Here is their list direct from their website


    25 counties is a lot of choice and 21 is Ok but look at the options? And this looks really like something to PLEASE markets here. I see nothing for 2106 statistics on their website.

    INVEST HERE but you cannot control nor own nor employ who you like and don't forget leave it all behind.

  3. I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.

    You're right, BC isn't running. But his wife is running and her actions in covering up his many dalliances certainly impacts her reliability, honesty and her thirst for power.

    You do know BC had the pleasure of paying Paula Jones, one of his regular squeezes, the princely sum of $850,000 to drop her lsexual harassment suit against him?


    And this is what makes his previous actions on topic.


    Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton unfit to be president
    05/28/15 08:36 AM EDT
    Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas, says Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of her husband’s past behavior.
    “There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in an interview with Daily Mail Online. “They have both lied,” she said.

    Well I know many young damsels who would be happy with 1000 let alone $850,000. I for one would ! I ain't no damsel but hey that is nice for 30 mins or 5 if you are better at your job hahahah

    Who gives a flying toss who did what to whom and lied about it? EVERY couple or for that point tells porkies of some kind or another and plays around

    The only difference is people are interested in these peoples personal lives because they are bored themselves and cant talk about their own infidelities.

    Does it matter if he or she has seventy thousand screw arounds so long as they do a good job?

    Do you QUESTION every person you meet to see if they do or don't before you speak, do business, buy sell or whatever?

    Get a life. This is about running a country and the sills required, and setting leadership examples to the world.

    If they get a bit here or there WHO REALLY cares?

    What am I missing here? some tel tales out of school that is supposed to shock me?

  4. I read someone saying in another thread about Thia wages - that Thailand has agriculture so it can survive. What rubbish. And this is more proof. It seems to me every government subsidizes the farmers.

    Rerligion is usually used as a means of placating the masses but here it is subsidies and religion and the other thing that is about to change from one older one to one younger one - get the drift?

  5. Who would want to invade Thailand?For what? The Oil? The vast mineral resources? The partly filled dams? The bureaucratic expertise of the Thai civil service? It's only usefulness is as a strategic partner to the US against possible Chinese domination of the region, and that's doubtful.

    The ONLY thing Thailand has ever been good at is HOSPITALITY. that's why pattaya became famous and everywhere else followed

  6. Lesser then 300 baht per day? This is not a minimum wage this a minimum to survive....

    Everyone who works more then 10 hours per day and get lesser then 300 baht is a slave in my eyes...

    Go tell that to the Vietnamese, Cambodians and Filipinos. Maybe it has got something to do with work ethic and value for wages.

    All too late now for business to be crying out. There has been an exodus of factories out of Thailand and companies have gone to countries where they get better productivity and value for their money.

    Here is a happy and contented workforce in Vietnam. They even look like they are efficient.

    Maybe if Thai employers didn't have to employ two workers to do the job of one then the best and remaining workers would most likely be paid more.

    I agree with what you say except for one point

    Thai 2 workers to 1 other?

    I think more like 4 to 1!

    that's why they have archaic rules on 1 Foreigner to 4 Thais when in fact is more like 1 foreigner to the collective work and thinking of 10 Thais on average. NOT ALL but average.

    And this is also part of the reason Thailand is failing its people. No new skills - copy and paste and do as I say. Does not help anyone.

  7. The survey also showed that most businesses want the minimum wage to be increased from 300 baht day as this rate has been in use for 3 years already and an adjustment is long overdue.

    Stop BSing businesses!!!!...just pay your employees more than Bt300/day...You don't need the govt to make that happen.

    May I ask why they should be paid mopre per day?

    To sit and look at facebook? To post pics of the food they eat?

    Stupid face pics saying look how beautiful I am?

    Do you know how other countries fare to Thai workers? I do. I operate in 4 countries.

    Thai workers are the WORST and take the most training and have absolutely no skills. they need to be taught everything which is a HUGE cost.

    Philippine workers have good education, get less money and TURN UP and work

    1 Filipino is equivalent to 3 Thai staff.

    YES I am all for improving their lives.

    BUT it must start with Education and THAT my dear friend is what we in business complain about

    Have you ever thought why Thailand only has tourism and DUMB ASS industry work? Fishing, manufacturing? And the workers press buttons. NOTHING skilled. The machines have the sills.

    THIS IS SO SAD and why? GOVERNMENT POLICY over decades.

    Cambodians seem to earn 50% of what Thais do and have a much better attitude and work ethic.

    Sadly not enough english. And corruption is too much unless you PAY a minister.

  8. How timely. Ja New's mother's just been arrested and detained for LM. Where will it all end.
    Yes, and no need to walk on eggs here and worry about repeating what she said because apparently she said absolutely nothing. Zilch...Zero....not one word. She has actually been arrested for not saying anything at all in a private correspondence with another person.

    Doesn't exactly inspire respect or belief in the government spokesman's comments.

    Please forgive my trespass if I'm wrong, but why was this not news here on TVF? Did I miss the story? or was it just missed ? or was it deliberately left out and for what reason?

    Considering it is a relevant news issue it would be nice to know from TVF why this is still not a featured article here?

    BTW this is not a shot at TVF simply a question. hope I don't get banned for a few dayswhistling.gif

    There was a thread started early this morning.

    It was quickly taken down...

    Hmm, I also wondered why there wasn't a thread about the mother of Ja New and her LM charges based on receiving a personal message on Facebook. Any idea why the thread was taken down, one would think it is of vital importance that everyone knows about this, also considering many people in this country use Facebook and they might have the impression that the chat system on there should be considered private !

    Seeing as the mother has been charged with Lese Majeste I would assume that would be the reason for no threads about this, as per forum rules

    This is a great site to banter and collect - many - great ideas and differing opinions. BUT where we all seem united is that we like and respect our freedoms and we want only better things for this land we live in and its people.

    We are SO LUCKY to have had those opportunities to say and do basically what we want and use any media or forum to do so.

    However, the MODS here and we must appreciate this is a position of great risk in these times - is that we must overall respect these forum rules.

    THAILAND is no longer free. We all see rules regulations and those that have bee here longer think it will all go away.

    unfortunately I do not see that happening for a long time looking elsewhere on this small planet.

    The JUNTA controls everything here whether we like it or not and I would go sdo far as to sy NONE of us like being told what to do or when to do it

    We are ALL lucky. We can show our passport and LEAVE. Thais often cannot.

    So I guess we read between the line s and take what is thrown at us and respect Mods pulling down topics or we go!

  9. One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

    i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

    If my politicians did this is Australia there would be a military uprising. they are so similar its hard to define differences.

    the US politics is just slur slander and mudslinging at the worlds horror

  10. bill_clinton_yeahihitit_thumb%25255B1%25

    “I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

    That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

    Hillary and trump? Wants wants a wall that is just electioneering. One wants to keep the status quo that no one else wants. Hillary bill Donald. Whats different

    And as for the caption? THAT WOMAN = maybe others but not that one lol

  11. I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

    The general election is going to the gutter and staying there. Trump supporters are ok with that.

    Looking at your US politics I would say All people are getting into the sewer = below the gutter. There has been NOTHING about policy on anything thus far only diatribes

  12. Up to now no airways could make a longterm profit on any HH route, so why expand an airport that's under utilised in its present form. I speak under correction but at present the only regular commercial flight in and out are Lion with flights between HH and CM, with small aircraft. Or do certain people in government want an expanded airport for their "cabinet meetings".

    It's Kan Air, not Lion.

    I thought Kan Air went broke and ceased a few months ago???

  13. If it can take 737 / A320 size and the airport is not used why expand the airport - just throwing money away

    Expanding the runway width and length will mean more bigger planes - maybe DIRECT flights from overseas perhaps. Now China does come to mind because I do n ot think they want those troublesome BRITISH because it costs too much for hospital bills and free flights and so forth

  14. These are standard Trump campaign rhetoric that have no basis in reality. The economies in Saudi Arabia and Russia are in the toilet due to low oil prices. China has so many problems I don't even know where to start. The USA is the single shining beacon of prosperity in the world right now, no one else can make that claim. I just watched on the news the other night that the Feds would have raised rates recently if not for the recession in the EU. Fact is, the US doesn't want a strong dollar because it would hurt their export sector. But that's not the sole driving force behind US monetary policy.

    less revenue for the states because the price of commodities are down does not necessarily mean their economies are down. it just means less to spent and go for either deficit spending or reduce spending.

    and the ruling politicians of the usual suspect "shining beacon" countries (plural and not limited to the U.S. of A.) would celebrate 24/7 if their economies had only half the GDP increase of China.

    "Feds would have raised rates recently if not for the recession in the EU" = gigglem.gif

    Naam whilst I respect your many views I dearly disagree about the GDP in China. Much of this is manipulated. Factories send their workers after 4 years ON HOLIDAY the factories pay for and this is why so many undeducated Chinese traveling. I know this because I deal with factories in Guandong area - Shenzen. China has a lot of FALSE growth. Get on one of those fast trains from Shanghai and go anywhere and all you see are towers of units and apartments with no one in them EMPTY spaces.

    China needs the west as it is western companies there making China strong. they copy steral and then just make. This is so easily stopped if people want to. But there are consequences.

    It is a simple law of physics.

    For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. That is what is happening in our world today and even if I wanted to rely on spooks and prophecies, this has all been stated before. The world order WILL change and right now looking around we are seeing that with Putin, China Thailand Trump and the EU

    In summary, Chines economy is artificially massaged, People in world markets love it as it is an excuse for the gamblers at the stock exchanges and news outlets to make money

  15. The USD will continue to weaken as the US economy keeps degrading. When zero percent interest rate is all the FED can afford while the economy is supposedly "booming", anyone can conclude that they are feeding people a load of BS statistics.

    The USD is not backed by any tangible value, just by how its perceived and needed in terms of the worlds reserve currency. This position is degrading at an accelerating speed with federal QE programs and other government intervention which until recently has created an illusion of strength. Sell USD and buy commodity, silver or gold bullion.

    a weakened dollar usually means more competitive trade.

    So the US goods are expensive for other countries to buy. What would YOU rather buy? Made in China or made in US?

    People cannot afford the US goods they say, so they buy China made, and all have Iphones and shit they really do not need. Oversupply is probably an issue. Downgrading US economy may be good for the BIGGER picture of what I see in the US as a total outsider who views this only to see how my own business will fare.

    If Hillary wins, we get war in Mid east as she will support Israel to bomb Iran as she really was against the deal looking back at her history.

    Trump we get a trade war - Hillary too to an extent - as both want to reign in the China powers using money to do that.

    So weakened US dollars means more attractive to but US goods and services.

    History repeating itself here to some degrees. Russia crippled by oil prices - money wins. We all love it.

  16. Obarma is a goose. And all his hidden errors are unfolding and Trump is left to pickup the cheap foundations and lay solid bricks

    Trump is too much of a liability for the world. IF he gets the nomination..he will be removed.. Somehow..

    I am not so certain. People dismiss this man as a reality TV super star. Really? I wonder why? He is a self made for the most part BILLIONAIRE and last time I looked money doesn't fall from the sky. Nor is there some van driving around throwing money off.

    He may be saying things to get votes but who doesn't? And he is keen for business and maybe he may just revive things. I remember when China as a basket case and an "emerging" economy. Now people think China is the be all and end all. And that can change in an instant. Tariffs, trade war and taxes. And who would emerge the winner?

    I think the western nations. Who CREATES and who Copies and steals? The followers must always have a leader.

    think hard about this one.

  17. Some of us have been warning about the inevitable decline of the US dollar for some time now...

    The US unpayable debt...creating money out of thin air and flooding the market place with dollars when the US economy has been in recession for years...has damaged US Fed and Central Banking credibility...other countries are dumping dollars...other countries are tired of US BS and are beginning to trade for oil in other currencies...other countries do not want to buy US Bonds to help support the US government because of the US leadership's inability to control spending...

    The best stores of wealth on the planet are land (location is very important) and Precious Metals (Gold and Silver)

    Good Luck!

    There are 2 various economic positions. One is PRINT more money as we no longer PEG to gold as there just isn't enough gold... and the other stance is to balance and all that we have now.

    The Opposing view is JUST print and flood the market with money.

    The world trades in US dollars. Simple. fact like it or not. I don't like it as I am Australian and it costs me 30% more to buy!

    So who make US $$$? Simple isn't it? And if you have 1us$ you still get that honoured. So if the US printed 20 trillion and rates moved a bit or didn't move as we really would not know, would China refuse the US$ or germany or japan or Thailand for that matter? No they would not as that is the Hedge currency. the world standard.

    And only one place can print that currency and it is not located in Khao San Road.

    And as much as we might posture there are bigger things happening behind closed doors we will never be privy to.

    And the world populaces - you and me - get no say despite what great knowledge we hold. All we have to do is ask why so many people around the world are turning against CONVENTIONAL politics and going for Trump, and Look at France and Germany and Philippines? And sadly no political powers in control now understand or can see this. Obviously they don't read the news or Thai Visa.

    Its all changing. People are bored with status quo because you and me on the street think we don't have enough. I would like someone to actually define WHAT IS ENOUGH?

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