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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. why dont they have a number, chat, LINE where you can send the pictures, video, etc.

    so if someone uses their phone to capture the moment - then they can just forward it on for prosecution

    Because this is the bull crap the government here is great at spinning - every Thai government sionce they began - are all great at putting our LAWS and ENFORCEMENTS but who are they kidding? No one really cares nor believes otherwise all who get fined for no helmet would upset the hair do and wear one - right? NO WAY will they abide

  2. jail anyone campaigning for or against the constitution,

    This is the best way I can think of to ask for future trouble in this country...

    Best to just put the entire population in jail...can't see the Thais being quiet about something that is so important to them and their children...

    They are looking at shoring up their own power. They are eliminating all difference of opinion. They are removing all people and OTHER nations who disagree.

    Thailand HAS recovered yes as many people have experienced here, from these things before, BUT this time I think things are vastly different.

    People have enjoyed a long period or relative freedom and wealth and to remove that now, and with all the competition pen around them in other nations which was NOT there before, They now have bigger issues

    Recovery is bleak at best and people are getting silently angry. Many hold guns and there are circumstances in BKK that will be beyond any control such as DEATH which is imminent.

    that will be a catalyst for an explosive population.

    I just hope I am wrong

  3. The 3rd runway is actually something IATA and international authorities have said is needed as Subi has issues with the current runway apparently. I read it somewhere but don't bookmark things like this.

    The runway needs repairs all the time and pilots have issues so that is why and planes do get queued due to many coming at the same times.

    AHA thank you to google here are a few



    So now they are doing it or Bangkok would be a NO GO area after next year and that would damage the lovely tourism.

    Where would they get more Old British people to thump at Songkran?

    And what makes you believe that the 3rd runway will be problem free?

    I never said it would be problem free. This is Thailand. Ever seen anything PERFECT? or near to? there will be graft and corruption and short cuts.

    This is a measure THEY have to undertake or 31 million new arrivals each year could be jeopardized.

  4. If people actually need to be told this, I almost kinda think they maybe better off eating it.

    unless you butcher your own cows ,how are you supposed to know what they died of ??

    As if we are toild. this is why I buy only Australian beef here in packages I see are from Australia and I defrost myself.

    USA beef here is a disgrace and I am sure no person in the USA would dream of eating what they call US beef here. I see US beef in the Philippines and It is the SAME as I see in stores and shops in the USA. I think they get only the rubbish here and charge an arm and a leg trying to make the highly overpriced rubberised thai beef seem good value. OMG what next dog meat sold as chicken?

  5. In the BP thank you who gave that link..

    "Through moves that are bafflingly counterproductive, the generals and the authorities that serve their purpose are creating an atmosphere of fear that can only jeopardise the legitimacy of the coming constitution. Even if the charter draft is handily approved in the August referendum, it will have no traction, having been foisted on a cowed or fearful public. In place of national law established through debate and consensus, we will have national shame."

    Yes fear is across the land

    People are supressed.

    Fear of saying anything

    This si worse than Stalin"s Russia.

    How can this MOB the gang of thieves taking the country by force expect any nation or government to see them as a FACE SAVING MILITARY saviours?

    They use force to oppress and sacrifice democracy.

    Let them face their people fairly not with pressure and fears.

    And fear in people who have elected to make business here or make this their home and all those Thai people whoa re really nice and wonderful who like us now also in fear we may be forced out and it affects so many

    This is now getting to a stage where just words and army officials forcing people to say what THEY want will no longer happen and as BP hinted at, it may be a period of unrest

    this is indeed the writing on the wall and I fear many more insurgencies and not just on Facebook to come.

  6. It's a challenge for the NCPO to expect this type of puerile and dishonest material to be taken seriously by foreign diplomats when even the usually Junta friendly Nation now recognises what a disgrace this government has become.


    Why do this documnet at all?

    I thought they HATE the USA and English at present and we should all stay out of THAILAND affairs and WHO OWNS THAILAND anyway is what I read a while back. Hmmm maybe a nice change of heart as he needs our money again.

  7. here it is in English:


    everyone should take a moment to read it.

    Or laugh perhaps?

    Yes we all love a Militia Junta . I mean MILITIA too

    Do they really believe the crap they write? A certain individual indeed. Prayuth is the name here I can think of hahahah.

    Reconciliation and benefit to the peopler and of course the Big one.. consultation with all sectors of society. UNLESS you are a foreigner giving money and work to people here or want to help this country for the better then you can PISS OFF.

    Master of Bullsh.t degree here by the twit that wrote this.

    Whoever believes this crap deserves what they get

  8. Oh christ!!! its not April fools day anion is it?

    More trash.

    Putin in the far North

    Jin wan chunny wun in China or whatever his name is.

    Prayuth in Thailand the southern connection

    Hitler was to the west but he is dead! I really dont care much for propaganda and nor does the western governments. You cannot may shi..t into clay. A shovel is no spade and a rose does not smell nice when it is a dandelion.

    More garbage they think will snowball the people overseas and after the last month of muggings, deaths, bashings robberies.

    Welcome to our paradise!

  9. Truly disgusting.

    It is a helpless situation when the majority of the population - even the morally good - are not stirred enough by stories like this to demand radical change. Too passive by far.

    And who stood by watching as all this happened or was the poor fellow left to his own devices all day?

    Thailand is seeing more and more violence or am I getting more and more literate and reading more?

    PRAYUTH these are YOUR men, YOUR servants

    What are YOU doing as you say all must report to you.

    You were just in Chiang Mai telling the local ones what to do. I already wrote to you saying we feel vulnerable and now more. What a month this lovey land is having.

    Where is the good news and I don't mean WE think we feel We might have or We have approved. I can do that and tear it up.


  10. Japan would share its expertise in management and engineering with the Ministry of Education of Thailand.

    TRANSLATION: Thailand has serious deficiencies in management and engineering that makes it difficult for Japan to operate in Thailand.

    Actually, I think the translation is really

    You give us money and skills and build and pay for everything. You ask no questions and we say thank you goodbye!

  11. Don't you know about what event is on the horizon?

    try a search on YouTube for "usd 28 may"

    Fanatic pushing Silver on assumptions US dollar will fail and if they print more money so what?

    China already had their RESERVE prospects knocked out and with territorial aspirations I doubt they will ever be a reserve currency.

    Yes I think US will hold and remain.

    if I am wrong oh well I have Aussie dollars

    Hahahhahah and bahts

  12. The 3rd runway is actually something IATA and international authorities have said is needed as Subi has issues with the current runway apparently. I read it somewhere but don't bookmark things like this.

    The runway needs repairs all the time and pilots have issues so that is why and planes do get queued due to many coming at the same times.

    AHA thank you to google here are a few



    So now they are doing it or Bangkok would be a NO GO area after next year and that would damage the lovely tourism.

    Where would they get more Old British people to thump at Songkran?

  13. It is the press release that has promted this action by authorities, I hope they get it into their heads that it is not the news that is wrecking Thailands image it is the incident itself and the fact that it was reported in an open and transparent way, efforts to hide these incidents from the public is actually more damaging IMO than the incident itself, there is a lesson to be learned - I hope they got it

    Someone told me that to Get into a Thia Government job you have to either

    Know someone

    Be a friend of someone who knows someone

    or have Uni degree and that is the LOWEST of the uni degrees you can get here

    And what i am seeing more and more is making even this seem a bar too high for what is in Government

    Tobe in the military all you have to do is lick good As..s and it seems that is happening so well.

    The powers that be and YES IT IS YOU MR> PM as you are the LEADER and it is the top brass who must wear blame for what IMAGE Thailand is having

    You open your mouth and unfortunately there is no room for you to place any more toes and it seems you are placing feet of other people there.

    Thialand's image is ruined day by day by corruption violence and Juntas

  14. Don't recall the Statements attributed to PM Prayut being publicly reported on at the time.

    So now Yingluck is commenting on a conversation between her & PM Prayut some time ago, that was a private conversation.

    As other have observed, obviously the "Puppeteer from Dubai" is sticking his oar in once again, to stir the pot & create dissent.

    The man is a megalomaniac; time Gov't took a strong stance against Thaksin & have him extradited & jailed as any other common criminal would be.

    How can you and others say The Puppeteer is saying or telling her to speak?

    That's is one hell of an assumption!

    What she is saying is very reasonable and probably said 65million times already by Thai people let alone us FOREIGN UPSTARTS!

    What she is saying nicely is Practice what you preach and Good on her, as she already cannot leave and has attitude adjustment lessons. Someone even if it is her - needs to start standing up or forever and i mean FOREVER hold their piece.

  15. I imagine some money has changed hands

    I hope for sure it has as they deserve this. I work with elderly and I am sure there are many here can testify what I am saying is a regular occurrence with the seniors; (and did a lot more) as a GP. They become more afraid of mundane simple things we would never worry about.

    This horrific ordeal would make them not afraid, not worried but I would go so far to say TERRIFIED and really worried about getting out safely. they would have read about the Junta and thought OH THIS IS THAIALND safe blah blah and then this. They would be ready to say anything to leave in one piece and not pieces.

  16. of course they will return now, after PM involvement, all expenses paid and police protection.

    happy they have made a full recovery and hopefully return to enjoy the true Thailand

    So your suggesting Hua Hin is not true Thailand then ?....so where is true Thailand then and please dont suggest Isaan LOL

    What else would they say to the pm ? No they are never coming back to sh@thole Thailand....they may end up being "re-educated"....one suspects all they want to do is get on a plane out of dodge

    no I wasn't saying that, I meant true Thailand, enjoying a holiday without being assaulted, they were just in wrong place at the wrong time

    as most of us know, these incidents do rarely happened to innocent tourists

    I love Hua Hin and yes I do live in Isaan hahaha cheers

    I see 74 posts. NEW here eh? Cant read the news over the past umpteen years. So lets go 3 years. I am what you could say NEW here but OMG I have seen so much in 3 or 4 years and I can read and not always here and I already know what you say comes from - the opposite to the head - end of the cow.

    Cant read your embassy warnings on their websites?

    Or maybe read OSTRICH style?

    Thailand is not safe and has been getting worse over the past few years as tensions are rising for various reasons.

  17. Leaking the footage only reinforced the Image Thailand is giving the World

    Killings of Australians in phuklet

    Australian consul in phuket threatened by sms by POLICE

    Killings on Kho Tao


    China(ng) Mai

    And the list goes on and on and on and on

    People are now aware Thailand is no longer viable.

    Look at the MASSIVE drop in tourists from the WEST. Just seriously look over the years but Tiurists still go in same numbers to opther places.

    WHY Mister Prayuth and Mister Police of Hua Hin

    Get a bloody life!

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