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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 3 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    i don't know whether to laugh or cry at that statement.


    Maybe it's time to seriously look at restricting handgun ownership, it seems every 2nd Thai male from 16 years old up has one. i've had a gun waved at me simply because the guy was embarrassed that he nearly ran my bike off the road and i protested by beeping the horn. :saai:

    Lots of gun crime but never any statements of concern from on high.

    Does returning happiness to the people include allowing anyone who wants a firearm to have one ?

  2. Just now, Eligius said:

    Yes. Unbelievable. Instead of hanging their heads in shame (as if!) and facing up to the consequences - they go after the person or people who have exposed their alleged wrongdoing. Blame and castigate the messenger - never the crime or the criminal!

    The best form of defence is attack and even better when you know the cards are all stacked in your favour.

  3. 28 minutes ago, jamesbrock said:


    You see, he is urging executives to work with transparency, not ministers who—as the overfed defence minister is currently demonstrating—can continue to rort, lie and obfuscate to their black hearts' content.

    Surely ministers don't lie and obfuscate do they or is it just we the great unwashed don't have their intelligence so we simply just can't understand ?

  4. 1 minute ago, waldroj said:

    THAI bill for Prawit trip in two months - so, Net 60, what a way to run a business (especially where public money is involved) !!!


    No doubt, by the time the bill finally is presented, the whole issue will have been well and "truly" resolved by the OAG.


    But, the final paragraph from The Nation's article includes a very, very significant word - "...Prawit's delegation was in Honolulu to attend a September 29-October 1 informal meeting between US Defence Secretary Ash Carter and his counterparts from member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations..." !!!

    An informal meeting but it still justified a large delegation or in other words a great excuse for jumping on the free bandwagon.

    Makes the names on the passenger list even more interesting.

  5. 10 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

    And he continues to make assumptions.  No where in the news HERE.  There is actually more than one news source for this story, amazingly enough.  

    Then if using news from another source when don't you mention that source here instead of expecting , presuming we know and are on your wavelength ? It seems you just take every opportunity to try and appear smart, and failing, instead of adding to the discussion with clear information.

  6. Right on cue the official looking passenger list that made its way into the public domain has been declared false and the proper list has to be withheld as a matter of security.

    Where's the need for security now ? The trip's now a badly kept secret and embarrassing because of the expense and the ridiculous statements made by junta members and THAI airways to insist all was above board.

    The only security I can see is the need for the passenger list to be kept secret because of the names on it, names of those for whom there'd be little or no justification for them making the trip.

    Apart from the total arrogance of using public money as their own there's the absolute disdain for the public in believing everything they say MUST be accepted without question.

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