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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. If they were as drunk as hinted at will they remember being taught a " Bangkok lesson in manners " ?

    Where did the airport authorities find a Bangkokian capable of teaching " manners " anyway ?

    I wonder if anyone will think to put them on the Immigration computer as " Not Permitted To Land " for any future visits or will TAT be only too willing to welcome them, after all a tourist is a tourist and they need to keep their arrival numbers up.

    Are you turning into a Thai baher now?

    Might as well seems to be where this thread is going.sad.png

    Some people never miss a chance to bashwhistling.gif a Thai. I wonder how many of them are in country or married a bar girl three weeks after meeting them.

    Not bashing but not overly protective either.

    Have lived here a long time and am not married let alone to someone who only has a nickname.

    • Like 2
  2. Why is PTP worried about the courts as all they need to do is unleash the red shirts who will happily surround the relevant buildings and issue an " abduct on sight " order in respect of judges.

    Who was the last person they abducted?

    They didn't but were ordered to grab any Constitutional Court judges they saw while the reds had the court surrounded.

    You don't think there are reds who would carry out such an order if the opportunity arose ?

    • Like 1
  3. I love how "vague" all these predictions are lol clap2.gifcheesy.gif

    "It could be anything: natural disasters, accidents, tragedies, political conflicts,"

    I'm going to try my hand at it . . . according to the "signs" (that I'm making up), there will be some kind of problem, somewhere, at some time, maybe . . . or I could just be talking out of my ass and making things up.

    It's just like a BIB press conference about a major crime " the motive may be...or...or...possibly a business dispute...personal conflict etc.

    The soothsayers have trotted out almost every eventuality as one of them might be right.

    I do take issue with the idea of an impending disaster as they are a bit late with that as she's been in office for 19 months already.

    • Like 2
  4. Coming into 2013 Thailand’s National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), a Thailand government agency under the Office of the Prime Minister, forecast 2013 Thailand GDP of between 4.5-5.5 per cent and export growth of 11 per cent. http://www.establishmentpost.com/2013-thailand-gdp-slashed-2-8-third-quarter-negative-growth-looms/

    Now we have CIMB and HSBC cutting growth estimate even more, to 2.8%, with the 3rd quarter contracting again to (re)confirm a recession.

    Cant wait to hear all the spin tomorrow from our finance minister.

    i thought one of the justifications for YL's globetrotting was that she was doing wonders for exports or will the spin be it won't kick in until next year ?

    • Like 1
  5. A couple of days ago YL told the public not to worry as there wasn't a problem with flooding and that there wouldn't be.

    Now the ever efficient and decisive PM / Defence Minister has ordered the military out to help deal with this non-existent problem.

    Time for another inter-galactic trip to which ever planet it is she lives on.

  6. The other paper is reporting, several dams have begun releasing large volumes of water upstream, the domino effect has begun. Looks like Ayutthaya is gonna be sacrificed again.

    YS is now working on her, "its only your imagination, you're not up to your neck in water" speech.

    I wonder which country she will be in when she makes it ?

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  7. Freedom of speech at work as the activities of students to be monitored, anyway in Thailand the expression " intelligence officials " must be an oxymoron.

    I don't know the way things work here so can a provincial governor order operations by state, police or miltary intelligence assets ? A request for assistance seems the only thing appropriate unless he has his own intelligence section of course.

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  8. YL and the rest of the puppet muppets talk of democracy, freedom of speech, the right to a view which will be respected while the real PM sits in another country carefully stirring it all for his own, and family's, selfish ends.

    He picked his time for this allegation well coming around the anniversary of the coup which, as we were told, a couple of days ago brought economic misery to the country plus being shunned by many countries.

    Yes, reconcilliation is just around the corner.

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  9. Is there anyone in Thailand who really knows the subject so if this lunacy goes ahead who is going to run the new system ?

    The current SRT bosses can't run the outdated system they have already and their management style of constant reference to a potentially non-existent maintenance and up grading schedule coupled with prayer ceremonies to keep the spirit world on side is a joke.

    With Thailand's love of patronage, cronyism and " thank you " for loyalty the new system is likely to be headed by political apointees who never even had a model train set yet will be given a full size, high speed one to play with.

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