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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Sounds interesting. I hope there are improvements. I'd also like to see more outdoor activities, music, dance, arts & crafts - all things which are considered silly by those designing educational curriculum - yet those are the sorts of things which contribute to a well-rounded, healthy people, who can make wise decisions and perhaps better able to think innovatively. In other words; the type of people Thailand currently lacks.

    I'm sure that in 2 years facts and figures will be produced to prove there's been an improvement, it wouldn't be Thailand otherwise, but in reality will such improvements actually exist ?

    I'm afraid this country is in for a big reality check when the AEC starts and they realise how their " graduates " etc can't compete.

  2. Interesting that the Red Shirt protesters can run wild and burn major buildings to the ground to put in this government, but the rubber farmers can't protest.

    Having made a rod for their own back by pandering to the rice farmers the government have to face demands for similar treatment for other sectors having problems and ironically the rice farmers are now angry at the reduction in the subsidy for the 2nd crop and are threatening major protests.

    Time for another overseas trip YL this is way over your head.

    • Like 2
  3. Most Village Leaders in this part of the country have renewed their Merc's and/or BMW's in the last year or so. One was caught having 2'' water pipe replacements dug in instead of the 4'' pipe replacements that should have been used, one of the many local scams worth mentioning. Every year our 'Leader' holds a huge party at his Mansion and invites everyone to eat and drink all they want; the money for this is redirected Village funds for 'projects'. The locals think he is a wonderful man and very clever so, as long as they get their free food and beer they don't care what he does the rest of the year.

    When you have a large part of the population that are brain washed educated to act like sheep and never challenge 'authority', and indeed look up to swindlers and cheats all of their life, there will never be any improvements that are beneficial to the country as a whole.

    How true ! Village funds are nothing more than the headman's personal bank account.

    One in Mukdahan got too greedy recently and is doing time in the local nick.

    Surprised a few that did.

    I'll bet but probably nothing to do with his pocketing too much of the funds as the real hanging offence is not spreading it around.

    We are so used to the opinion poll results that Thais don't mind corruption as long as the spoils are shared.

    • Like 1
  4. Absentee members is nothing new and there are regulat reports on how much parliamentary time is lost due to a lack of a quorum. This time was a Saturday too andthe members wouldnot let their weekend be upset by something as mundane as attending a House session.

    Even when they are there news videos regularly show the wide open spaces in the seats, members chatting amongst themselves, asleep or on their mobiles and as we know it's not always to make a call !

    For the people supposedly running the country they are a sorry bunch.

    • Like 2
  5. Nothing will change,because the people who could make

    strict laws(like China,bullet in the head),are the people

    who are most likely benefiting from all this corruption,

    and as the majority of the population seem ok with it,

    cannot see any changes in my life time.

    Its a pity really,as one day its all going to end in misery,

    and the poorest ,as always will be the ones that will end

    up suffering the most.

    regards Worgeordie

    Spot on as like so many things in Thailand whose who could effect changes will not because it would affect them, family and cronies etc. As has been said so many times the majority of people are ok with corruption as long as it's spread around so there's no real national will.

    It's going to be hard to start educting children when those who will do the " educating " are in it up to their necks and there won't be many parents who will change their ways of paying for their children to " pass " exams, get into uni when they don't have the grades and so on.

  6. all parties find a common point of satisfaction will reconciliation and peace to the ongoing political conflict arise.

    Can someone translate this for me...blink.png

    Translation = "hurry up, sort things out and stop the arguing before we step in and give you a common thing to complain about and agree upon"

    The PTP translation would be " just agree with everything we say or suggest, we will be satisfied and that's all that counts ".

    • Like 1
  7. Thailand the whole world is laughing at you. Close the bloody thing and fix it. It is very obvious that it is broken and doesn't work and if you can't see that then you definitely don't deserve to be part of the global community. If all your engineers bought their degrees at university and are just simply dimwits then save some face and hire a few external ones who can fix it for you.

    Chew faster people we need more gum.

    Chooka, with the Thais attitude to themselves and that the rest of the world doesn't really exist and certainly doesn't matter do you think they don't realise that this does get reported outside of the country in travel publications, on TV travel shows and the like or just don't care.

    Don't worry TAT will kiss it all better.

    • Like 1
  8. They can't change it, it will cause a revolution in the ranks of their supporters. They won't be able to change it next year either. It's an albatross and it's here to stay.

    Most definitely, let's keep throwing money at this money eating scheme and keep our supporters happy, make sure they vote in our favour so we stay in power and can get on with the business of the real agenda.

    • Like 1
  9. Terrible, how can he sleep at night, knowing what he done ???

    probably sleeps very well

    Correct. In Thailand people are proud of their connections. It will give them a certain status. Getting away with murder is nothing to keep you awake at night. It's something to be proud of. It means that you have an untouchable status ie, a lot of respect.

    Welcome to Thailand (and remember, ONLY money talks).

    He's rich and drives a fats car so he's already somebody but when he escapes all of this he'll be the complete Jack the Lad at all his favourite nightspots and it will be an honour to be seen in his company let alone be able to call him friend.

    He'll carry this on throughout life and if he ever has children will pass the same attitude on to them, " don't worry about getting into trouble, dad will make it all go away ".

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