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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


    Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

    For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

    Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

    The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

    All it takes is one spark to set it off.

    Years ago, before the LOS compaign, I read a small book on Thailand written by a Thai and he debunked the myth of the calm Thai who is influenced by Buddhist teachings.

    According to the writer many, if not most, Thais harbour a deep seated anger, hidden behind the supposedly calm exterior, which can be so easily triggered by the most innocuous of issues, where insult is taken from apparently nothing and of course when a Thai considers he or she has lost face.

  2. Country's falling apart with the insurgency in the south, the rubber growers, rice scandals, the economy and the list goes on...

    But hey, as long as the first female Thai PM is promoting this little contest, she's doing her job! Thanks PTP! And thanks to the rice growers who voted for them!

    Yes it's a big Wow that the PM is actually in the country to promote something, unfortunately it's nothing of consequence.

    From her point of view there will be no difficult questions to run away from.

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  3. I am only wondering how the world and medias will react to such childish attitude. I am also waiting for the Star Alliance official statement about this ghost and spirit nonsense. If Thai Airways think that will resolve technical problems then I will fly with more reliable airlines companies in the future. Security doesnt depends on okus pokus non sense. coffee1.gif

    Points well made and it's hard to think that travel publications, TV travel shows etc won't pick up on this and although they may not warn travellers directly the obvious ridicule will darwn attention to the unbelievable attitude of those running the airline.

    I sincerely hope Star Alliance confronts Thai Airways on the subjects of the lies about painting out logos and now this " evil spirits were responsible " nonsense. Star Alliance has a reputation to maintain and Thai Airways are doing nothing to enhance it, the exact opposite in fact.

  4. 2015 will be chaos. Workers from the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia etc will out-work, out-smart and out-attitude the Thais in Thailand and it will all come crashing down with protests, demands for pay rises etc.

    I'm sure that with the usual Thai attitude to the outside world there will be the thought that Thailand won't benefit much from the AEC whereas it will get massive rewards from Thailand's membership.

  5. Cancellations are to be expected and may well have an unintended spin off as loss of revenue added to the adverse publicity of all the derailments puts pressure on to complete the work as fast as possible.

    Shobby maintainence and workmanship are commonplace as it is without this incentive to hurry the job up and see corners being cut.

    I'm sure when the work is completed the usual OTT assurances will be given but time will tell.

  6. Are these the same Red Shirt protestors that are always portrayed as being so peaceful and never doing anything wrong?

    Same ,Same but different.did not have enough protection,so going to jail.

    regards Worgeordie

    " Not enough protection ", now there's a thought so will their red shirt pals take this lying down or protest plus putting pressure on the government which has two of their leaders in prominent positions ?

    Of course the legal dance isn't over as there may well be an appeal and " sound " legal reasons can be found to overturn conviction.

  7. The General has ordered all soldiers not to get involved in politics, I presume he's not serious but most definitely hypocritical.

    For the more senior soldiers involvement in politics or cultivating a politician can be good for plum postings, more promotions, attachments to various departments and setting up a comfortable sinecure for retirement.

    The miltary will always get involved in politics to ensure these pesky politicians don't actually make them genuinely subordinate to a civilian government

  8. Well done DSI, with your usual professional determination you appear to have entered another sovereign nation to try and enforce Thai law.

    This is an international NO, NO and the usual procedure is to have local officers make the actual arrest than take the necessary legal steps to have the arrested person handed over. Given nationalistic feelings there may be more to this and certainly here in Isan the average Thai looks down on people from Lao but it seems the incompetence of the DSI knows no bounds.

    Mind you it hasn't stopped the ever loyal Tarit having his tenure extended by a year.

    I very much doubt that the DSI entered Lao to serve the arrest warrant without the full knowledge and acquiescence of the Lao government. It would simply be impossible and huge faux pas etiquette that would never be forgiven by the Laotian government. You may as well have tried to do it in the Soviet Union.

    However, once in Lao they would be subject to the whims of (various strata) of Lao officials who can then play games with semantics (as they did) about not carrying a written permit for a specific act etc even though those self-same officials would know full well that the DSI could not have gotten so far without Vientiane's knowledge. The thing about Lao is that it is a Stalinist state that also happens to be the world's closest relative to Thailand in terms of culture . . . so the government is joined up but not joined up. Same same but different.

    Or it could have been a double game by Vientiane all along (having already received their bung from The Monk).

    Outcomes in this part of the world tend to be pre-negotiated, and what looks like the start of action is often actually the culmination.

    How ironic it would be if the DSI were thwarted in Laos by the type of double dealing and corruption that's commonplace in Thai judicial system at home.

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  9. At least they only killed themselves, that's a start. Would have been worse if they had taken some innocent bystanders with them. That's life though, 1 minute you are having a good time, then next you are a worm buffet.

    Yes, any loss of life is tragic but more so if it involves innocents.

    These idiots were the authors of their own demise and now the families are left to mourn the waste.

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