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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. What a load of absolute rubbish. left on a business trip one business day before is court appearance. This Taksinitis sounds like a really nasty disease and he needs to be rushed back to the Medical HUB.

    The fact this disgusting situation has gone on court date after court date speaks volumes about the system and those who administer it that this perversion of the course of justice has been allowed to stand.

    Leaving the country a day before the hearing shows absolute contempt and I'll bet his lawyers encouraged it rather than advise against it such is the confidence they all had that nothing would go wrong.

    If the judge had been anything like worthy of the name he would have laid down the law, literally and figurative, a long time ago. I was about to say something on accountability but it would be wasted as ther is none.

  2. Fear not as the powers that be have come up with a cunning plan for jasmine rice.

    IN Channel reported that jasmine rice is to be specially packaged and put on sale at Swampy, Don Muang and Phuket airports to take away as a Souvenir of Thailand.

    Not doubt any weevils, toxins etc. will be included in the price to make sure tourists get a genuine bargain.

    Impossible to bring it into the US due to agricultural restrictions. I did get some curry paste past them once though.

    I got caught out with all of this as I know Australia has very strict import regulations but didn't think how so many other countries would too.

    Clearly, and it typical Thai fashion, Trade promotions Dept., didn't think this through and take into consideration such import restrictions so tourists are not going to buy something they will have to surrender on arrival home or face stiff penalties if they try to get the rice through Customs

  3. "It wasn't us", even though the investigation hasn't yet started, must have been the 'peaceful protesters', or 'unseen forces', or ... or ... the bogey-man ... wink.png

    Send for former-DPM Chalerm ! rolleyes.gif

    If we accept the government were not involved why do they draw suspicion by making denials when they are not needed ?

    You may accept it, but the protesters don't, hence the need for denial?

    You really need to read before typing as I said " if we accept " I did not say I do accept and used if to set up a point.

    The story above doesn't mention what protesters are saying and I haven't heard anything from them on any of the English language news I've heard. Presumably you know more since you say it's not believed the government is involved.

  4. Roughly 50 arrests, mostly for improper documentation / licenses at BKK airport yesterday morning...

    However, the "ghost" vans got away with a 1000 baht "fine" and the question which influential person protected them, while the official ones where jailed or released on 40k bail to be taken to court this morning.to receive a 10k fine.

    This latest death and injury toll comes on the heels of another terrible van crash just a week ago...

    It's just NOT safe out there on the roadways... nor on the speedboats, nor on the jetskis, not on the trains, etc etc. sad.png


    Van crash kills nine in central Thailand

    CHACHOENGSAO: -- Nine people were killed when a van crashed into a parked 10-wheel truck early Monday, Thai police said.

    Five people were injured in the accident shortly before dawn in Chachoengsao province, 70 kilometres east of Bangkok, Police Lieutenant Pongsak Inpong said.

    The van smashed into a truck parked in the emergency lane after attempting to pass a vehicle and swerving too far back to avoid an oncoming car in the opposite lane, Pongsak said.

    Source: http://voiceofrussia...-Thailand-3554/

    -- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-08-26

    Yes and last week the headline was that officials were to " rein in " vans to prevent accidents etc

    I wonder how much " reining in " has been conducted in the week since those fine words were publicised ? I think I can guess.

    Thanks for the info, very interesting.

    You raised the age old question of protection which never seems to be addressed but again we can guess why.

  5. This latest death and injury toll comes on the heels of another terrible van crash just a week ago...

    It's just NOT safe out there on the roadways... nor on the speedboats, nor on the jetskis, not on the trains, etc etc. sad.png


    Van crash kills nine in central Thailand

    CHACHOENGSAO: -- Nine people were killed when a van crashed into a parked 10-wheel truck early Monday, Thai police said.

    Five people were injured in the accident shortly before dawn in Chachoengsao province, 70 kilometres east of Bangkok, Police Lieutenant Pongsak Inpong said.

    The van smashed into a truck parked in the emergency lane after attempting to pass a vehicle and swerving too far back to avoid an oncoming car in the opposite lane, Pongsak said.

    Source: http://voiceofrussia...-Thailand-3554/

    -- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-08-26

    Yes and last week the headline was that officials were to " rein in " vans to prevent accidents etc

    I wonder how much " reining in " has been conducted in the week since those fine words were publicised ? I think I can guess.

    • Like 1
  6. He took drugs to pass the time until it stopped raining and he just happened to have the drugs with him as he bought them before the rain started. That's thinking ahead and literally putting something away for a rainy day.

    Buddhism is yet another Thai institution that's losing it's right to the respect given to it. Many, many Buddhists do good but headlines like this, the fugitive ex-monk and so so really scuppers their efforts.

    How exactly is Buddhism losing it's right to be respected? How can you judge an entire religion based on the actions of one monk?

    I didn't, try reading my post correctly.

  7. We are all masters of our own destiny,the weak are weak.

    Tell that to all the brave men and women returning from war zones who gave their lives to their country and now are suffering a mental illness such as PTSD (nothing to be ashamed of) Go to them and tell them that they were weak.

    During the First World War the British Army regarded shell shock as cowardice and at least 200 soldiers were executed by firing squad. It took the government until very recently to admit a serious wrong had been done and exonerated those executed. As if the trenches weren't a big enough waste of life.

  8. Here we go again, " improve instructors" language skills " and just how will they achieve that ?

    Thai English teachers are set in their ways of passing on the mistakes they were taught and their teachers were taught and so on going back in time.

    Thai teachers do not like speaking English in class and do not engage students in much conversation. I have seen Thai teachers in action where they write the English on the whiteboard and explain in Thai.

    It will be a long uphill battle to get the teachers and their methods sorted out before considering they are actually teaching anything like passable English.

    • Like 1
  9. "It wasn't us", even though the investigation hasn't yet started, must have been the 'peaceful protesters', or 'unseen forces', or ... or ... the bogey-man ... wink.png

    Send for former-DPM Chalerm ! rolleyes.gif

    If we accept the government were not involved why do they draw suspicion by making denials when they are not needed ?

    I'm sure it's because Thai officials just love to talk, have to in fact and must have an opinion and a comment on everything irrespective of being unnecessary, unwanted or inappropriate.

    I wonder if there's a Thai equivalent of " silence is golden " or " empty vessels ... " etc.

    • Like 2
  10. I think it's naive to believe that the government are in control of that situation. The army will always do what they see fit, and there's nothing the government can do about it.

    Note the highly selective date from when the convention took place. A better date would have been the day after TS took office for the first time.

    Of all the allegations laid against TS, crimes against humanity should be at the top of the list. Ordering the execution without trial of people nominally involved in the drug trade was a disgrace to this nation.

    At the time there was 2000 plus deaths the official line was that it was drug dealers killing each other to avoid being informed on. If I remember correctly a couple of cops did appear in court charged with murder, they were bailed and I can't remember if any were actually convicted.

    If I also remember correctly the head of Thailand's Human Right Commission was fully supportive of all aspects of the war on drugs. Maybe he didn't actually support deep down but knew better than to criticise Mr. T. In that respect nothing has changed as it's definitely not on to criticise his sister either.

    A number of RTP were convicted for the torture and murder of a 17 year old boy. Three received the death penalty, one life in prison;.they appealed & were given bail and as far as I know have since disappeared.


    Thanks, grateful for the update.

    The bail and disappearing angle comes as no surprise. Disgraceful isn't it ?

    • Like 1
  11. Congratulations to the NY Times, this is good, responsible journalism. Thai media please take note.

    I presume the author of the piece will not be used by NY times again and irrespective of whether his article was deliberately biased or simply poorly researched resulting in glaring inaccuracies I wonder how he can be managing editor of a magazine called Foreign Affairs.

    Sorry almost pee'd me pants holding in the laughter.. if they was as good as they're supposed to be they wouldn't of printed a half ass piece in the first place.

    How about the fact that the piece was written by the managing editor of a respectable magazine, they are entitled to believe it's accurate ? Can't see them checking every word, every fact and every conclusion expressed.

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