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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Increase flights between the two countries ???? why

    Their wages are lower than Thais ...

    PM moving with the big countries now ... Tajikistan ... what super power will she visit next?

    She hasn't said in which direction the extra flights are designed to show benefit.

    Thais who travel are unlikely to go there and I would suggest most in that country can't afford travel let alone international .

    Where does she and her " advisers " get this nonsense ?

  2. Just a thought and perhaps someone will correct me but when this story broke was the finger not initially pointed at the Malaysians with the comment they had been very careful and clever.

    I wonder if they have been interviewed and have implicated Thais at the embassy which might mean the story will be downplayed and allowed to disappear without any explanation as to how these stickers sprouted legs and walked out.

  3. I think there must be something lost in translation according to the term "involved."

    If no official was involved, who the heck is in charge to keep these visa lables under thight wraps, and make sure only authorised persons get their hands on them, the Nigarian cleaning woman?

    I wonder if this clown realises what he's said ? No Thais are involved, the system is ok and it hasn't been established if the locally recruited Malaysian staff are implicated, this is a real whodunnit.

    The Immigration Bureau has been instructed to take legal action against those involved but if no Thais are involved it must be the Malaysians and Thailand has no jurisdiction.

    It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear to be a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

    However as we all know Thai officials just love to talk.

    • Like 1
  4. I am surprised that someone has actually stood up against a school. These things are happening routinely. I know of a schoolgirl whose nail was forcibly cut against her will.

    You are right this happens more than is ever reported.

    Some years back I worked at a Technical School in Nth. Isan where the Deputy Director responsible for discipline carried a small whip type instrument, something like a Sth. African shambok, which he routinely used to administer " justice " to latecomers and teenage boys fooling about in the corridors.

    He and his goons, a couple of young male teachers, also grabbed the boys and dragged them to his room where their hair was forcibly cut with electric clippers.

    I often wished the school's attitude to discipline had been reflected in their attitude to giving a decent education

    But nobody who works in schools here cares about giving a decent education. The teachers only care that they get their crappy pay each month and the principle only cares about getting tea money. In this country appearance is all, reality doesn't matter, as long as the kids look right nobody cares what's in their heads...On top of this the government doesn't want anyone to have decent education as they may realise the truth of what goes on here and start asking far too many difficult questions...

    Glad you wrote that as 12 years ago my ex-girlfriend, a uni graduate, used to say the same especially the bit about the government not wanting a well educated public as people would see through them and what they do.

    • Like 1
  5. because the suspect had complained to police that the Attorney-General's Office should interview four more eye-witnesses to ensure fairness.

    How the hell does this country function?

    If he was driving under the influence of something at 200K, hits a cop drags him for a distance then speeds off home how did he manage to note four eye witnesses ?

    He didn't, somebody worked it all out for him.

    There's never a sense of urgency in the legal system as the DSI have proved so many times so it's not surprising the court appearance is right on the deadline for being time barred and is tailor made for a legal maneuver to take beyond Sept 3. If this happens and the case folds there will be no public outcry via the media as they don't do indignation, well not when it comes to certain people.

    • Like 2
  6. Deliver the evidence to the US authorities and request his extradition. The US cannot harbor this man especially in light of this allegation. The US was ( still is ) the leading light against the war on peadophilia in Thailand and they deserve all credit for that. In light of this allegation they have to go find him, get him into custody, and get him sent back to Thailand.

    A few days back in was reported extradition proceedings would commence but it's been said before and nothing. What Tarit says and what he does can be world's apart.

    If the evidence is sufficient all this foot dragging reflects no credit whatsoever meanwhile he can get publicity by holding media calls to produce evidence that should be sub judice.

    What's the point of proving all sorts of things against the fugitive and doing nothing o bring him back ?

    • Like 1
  7. The last sentence sums it up but is a forlorn hope as the PTP have one path as an objective and the Dems will oppose.

    The politicians psyche is such that they must come out on top and compromise can be arranged as long as it's in their favour. Behind all of this there"s the spectre of one man and we know what he wants no matter what so there's no way PTP will deviate from the course he has instructed them to take.

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