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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. This seems to have been a relatively easy job which is the way Thai officialdom likes it however $800,000 is a drop in the ocean compared to the assets he is claimed to have amassed.

    Hoever remember the story goes that his bank accounts were only frozen after he had emptied most of them.

    It seems that once again DSI has no idea where he is and bungled an arrest attempt in Laos which was, of course, the fault of obstruction by Lao officials and the fact the fugitive just happened to have a helicopter handy.

    At least Tarit can keep organising media calls to explain what they are planning to do whereas actually carrying them out is a completely different story.

    • Like 2
  2. “I’ll attend the parliamentary deliberations if I’m not engaged in other obligations,”

    And that sums up the idiot this country has as a PM. A 2.2 trillion loan and she'll attend IF Hermes doesn't bring in something new.

    Farcical isn't it ? This loan is supposedly absolutely necessary so the government can carry forward so many wonderful plans to improve the country yet the PM can only attend if she doesn;t have something else to do.

    With her abysmal record of non-attendance in parliament and various committees that she actually chairs I can only assume " other obligations " means yet another overseas trip.


  3. Might be time the tables were turned, just think of all those poor innocent dumb farang guys that have been getting ripped-off for years, time for some revenge.

    Also, it's heartening to see the DSI concentrating on the important matters which affect Thailand.

    DSI is waiting for 5 arrests warrants for 2 Thais and 3 Nigerians but given their recent track record will they ever actually find them far less enforce the warrants ?

  4. In an attempt to dry out the damaged rice, the warehouse owner relocated the rice to a space behind the warehouse.

    Maybe he was trying to dry it out the rice by burning it.

    A story in the other newspaper says the inital government report claims the rice was subject to " spontaeneous combustion " so the public is being asked to believe this wet and rotting rice suddenly burst into flames and this in the rainy season too !

    Government excuses for everything are becoming ever more ridiculous and spontaneous combustion is up there with the evil spirts much loved by SRT and Thai Airways.

    That is possible.....put enough wet grass together and it may start to burn on itself. It is the heat from rotting inside.

    But still....flooded rice, flooded with dirty water, will be placed outside the warehouse for drying where it start burning....that story is bad....

    He took the wet rotting rice out of his warehouse because it is lost. Put it behind the warehouse so he can proof that he didn't sell it.

    To be fair, if you read the article carefully, it was the Marketing Organisation for Farmers that come up with the "spontaneous combustion" theory as part of their initial "probe", not the government. The Deputy Commerce Minister said that the government would investigate further.

    Thanks for the correction. It will be interesting to see if the government goes along with it.

  5. In an attempt to dry out the damaged rice, the warehouse owner relocated the rice to a space behind the warehouse.

    Maybe he was trying to dry it out the rice by burning it.

    A story in the other newspaper says the inital government report claims the rice was subject to " spontaeneous combustion " so the public is being asked to believe this wet and rotting rice suddenly burst into flames and this in the rainy season too !

    Government excuses for everything are becoming ever more ridiculous and spontaneous combustion is up there with the evil spirts much loved by SRT and Thai Airways.

    • Like 1
  6. And now the Tapioca boys are going to join the party . . . who's next?

    I said it weeks ago when this first started, sugar cane next and chicken.

    By PTP making unrealistic promises and enough of the voting population believing them, both parts having no concept of consequences, together they have managed to screw the entire country.

    I can't see any pleasant way out of this.

    Exactly. The government has shot itself in both feet with the rice scheme and their inability to get out of it and it has set a precedent for all other sectors.

    Another example of not thinking something through.

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