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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Once again the Foreign Minister has defended the invitation to Blair and denied he is being paid only flights, accommodation etc.

    He said he would not condemn those who demonstrated outside the British Embassy but could not understand why people were so against Tony. A little research would be in order and he might get it.

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  2. Definitely no double standards in play. When the government suggested they might drop the rice pledging amount some PTP MPs reacted and the rice farmers warned the government to be ready for protests heading for Bkk, the government changed it's mind in no time flat.

    Rubber farmers want similar assistance and the government's response is " Sex and Travel "

  3. Window dressing BS as what the government says the newly raised revenue will be used for and what it's actually used for will likely be world's apart especially for a cash strapped government.

    The populist PTP will be hitting one of the few pleasures the working man has and it's pointless tarting it up with health and other noble reasons. Increased costs will not affect those with money and I don't see the likes of Chalerm wondering if he can afford another.

  4. I personally have never understood having the Thai air force. Who are they going to do air strikes on,

    Cambodia ????

    Ditto for having an aircraft carrier and I believe there was / is talk of getting submarines.

    It's all just face and to stick it to all the near neighbours, we are bigger, better and stronger than you. As if they care.

    how about using it to patrol and crack down on illegal fishing in the Gulf of Thailand that would be a good start, whilst there still remains at least a slim chance of preventing every last piece of sea life being dredged out of there, which is the path they are currently on! How will Thailand look as a holiday destination when the Gulf is a lifeless pond and the beaches covered in oil slicks?

    And lest we forget any country with huge landmass, shorelines and maritime space needs to have defenses - Thailand being no exception.

    Still, should be more careful next time, a hammer is not a good way to unjam a gun!

    It rarely puts to sea as it's too expensive to run. On arrival it was alongside in Sattahip for a long time and was only used as a backdrop for personnel to be photographed in front of and for the public on open days.

    I do recall a letter in the other newspaper from a foreigner who had gone to see it with his Thai family and when he got into the pose position was stopped by naval personnel who said as a foreigner he could not be photographed near Thai military equipment !

    I would suggest there is no chance for it to ever be used for regular operational purposes, the navy doesn't have the money. It was a complete waste of money but the navy just had to have one.

  5. . . . that diplomatic pouches occasionally went missing . . .

    Since when???? I'm dam_n sure if the UK or USA lost any diplomatic pouches there'd be an uproar. Aren't these things hand-delivered, carried door-to-door?

    In my experience of UK and Australian diplomatic messengers security was paramount. They would be collected at the airport and taken back by diplomatic staff, were not supposed to drink on the flight and had to be awake. etc.

    With the general easy oasy attitude of Thais it's not hard to believe that their diplomatic bags went missing byt how, especially if Thai staff are never at fault ?

  6. Sounds like those dishonest Malaysian embassy workers are stealing from the Thai consulate in Laos as well. Or will the scapegoats be some Lao people this time?

    This story is taking on the proportions of rolling a snowball down a hillside.

    One thing we can be sure of is that the FM will fight tooth and nail to insist no Thais are involved and this was clearly stated when it was announced 2,000 stickers en route to The Hague by no less a means than the Diplomatic Bag went " missing ". Just who collected the bag at Amsterdam for transport to the embassy at The Hague, I doubt that's a task entrusted to anyone other than a Thai.

    These highly suspect Malaysian employees certainly get around and has been pointed out they've managed to fit in a side trip to Laos as well. Lets face it even if locally employed staff are involved in all these countries where's the supervision and oversight by Thai diplomatic staff ? There certainly won't be much in the way of accountability investigations as it's just not on to have to admit a Thai is in any way at fault.

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  7. Is there any wonder there's a lack of belief in sincerity as this government hasn't done much to inspire confidence ?

    To date they have done almost all that's need to keep the reds and other supporters on side in order to achieve their ultimate aim but they are boxing themselves into a corner and now find it hard to change destructive policies as the red tail is wagging the dog.

    But the same people fall for the same old slimy greasy populist policies again and again, as if "next time everything will be better" when in reality the nation's voters are screwed again. And it continues and continues like propaganda brainless cycle. Unfortunately people all around the world elect what they believe that political parties promised, and get screwed economically

    and when Mr. T was elected for the first time so many people said they voted for him since he was so rich already he wouldn't need to be corrupt. Ouch !

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  8. Another sad tale about youth going / being led astray.

    However the story is sadly sort of detail, for example the mother reports seeing a considerable change in the boy's behaviour but no suggestion she did anything until he was hospitalised and admitted what he had been taking.

    If things go true to form the mother will blame the school authorities for not exercising proper supervision of their students and the school will question her parenting. This " pass the parcel " attitude, all too common, does not help youth with guidance in their formative years.

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  9. For years Thailand claimed tourism makes up tiny 6% of GDP, now all over sudden Thailand claims tourism is big enough to supplement exports?

    Either someone is not too good with a calculator or some likes to talk porkies

    See #3 ginjag. agree, my post says the same.

    someone is talking porkies, TAT has a big shout with only 6%.....and it gets a 6 billion bht yearly budget.

    No doubt the Thai economy needs tourism and most definitely so does the publicity machine.

    As soon as there's a problem or potential problem in almost any sector we are told tourist numbers are up.

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