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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. IT is the way forward but how about some context ? I'm sure many areas would prefer uninterrupted electricity and water supplies, roads in decent repair, schools that are not in danger of collapse and so much more.

    However this does not sound as flash as supplying IT service.

    These all singing, all dancing improvements will help village headmen and grass roots officials do a better job but it won't stop them having to be paid to do so.

    • Like 2
  2. In this free, democratic nation where there are no double standards practiced let's see the government apply the same standards to the rice farmers.

    The rice farmers have threatened mayhem if the government carries out the proposed drop in subsidy on the second rice crop so will the government stand firm and take them on or will it cave ?

    I know which option my money's on.

    • Like 2
  3. Not even when hell freezes over. Corruption is so much a part of the Thai Culture

    It starts so early too although very young students may not realise their parents are buying them admission to a certain school or a pass mark / improved grade but they pick it up sooner or later.

    In " elite ' families the children learn they can more or less do what they like as the family name, position, connections etc. can help get what they want and get them out of trouble.

    Money, gifts etc don't need to change hands for it to be corruption.

    It seems those in positions of authority or power by any definition are never satisfied with what they have and find it easier to say Yes than NO and they set no example for others. Let's not forget too the results of opinion polls that regularly show the attitude of ordinary Thais to corruption.

    As others have said there just isn't the national will for change and sorry to say I can't ever see it being any different.

    • Like 2
  4. Oh please, Do they know how ridiculous this sounds to the world and they look like complete loony tunes. Shut up with this facing saving bullshite and stop blaming it on ghosts and spirits. Elvis came down and dragged me out of my seat I tried to stop him but we had already hot the tarmac.


    The suposed guardian spirit in Thai Airlines uniform helping passengers was also witnessed by memebers of the Fire and Rescue team who claimed that everythime she passed their position their comms reception was broken up by the static electricity. I'm sure spirits were involved probably Lao Khau and this might well apply to many of the train drivers involved in derailments.

    The guardian spirit is official as ahe was wearing traditional costume worn by flight attendants to welcome passengers on board before they change into the more functional flight uniform. All of the attendants on the flight were in working uniform at the time of the crash not the traditional one so it could not have been one of them.

    The only reasonable conclusion is a kind, guardian spirit.

    If this wasn't so serious it would be hysterical and remember this story, the prayer ceremonies etc. are conducted by and believed in by supposedly rational, adult professionals running an airline.

    If this is how they operate it's hardly reassuring for passengers.

  5. Didn't the PM's brother obtain Montenegrin citizenship? Rather a coincidence don't you think?

    He has a hotel too, where you can have Thai food. The refugees from Thailand to avoid justice already have a good asylum.

    Does all this co-operation between Thailand and their new best friend include an extradition arrangement or is Montenegro a very nsave have for Thai fugitives ?

    Sorry about that, it should read " a very safe haven "

  6. Excellent........and now make it a slam dunk by arresting the "certain police colonel" for attempting to pervert the course of justice. It's time these "untouchable" started seeing the inside of police cells.

    In fact this is a case where Yingluck should do the country a favour and order his arrest.

    Anyway, my sympathies to the young lady, I hope she recovers from this ordeal and is not further traumatized by the Thai "legal" system.

    Oh yes, wouldn't it be nice, possibly unusal, if this was handled the way it should be and father and son dealt with as any " ordinary " perdson would ?

    What's the chance however that it will not be and the paperwork etc. marked " Case Closed, File and Forget " ?

    • Like 2
  7. Well, a British MP may have apologized in Parliament, but a British MP would also resign if he was caught lying to the people, he would also resign if he was implicated in corruption. So if the Nation would like Thai MP's to behave as British MP's then.........bring it on!

    British MPs are never too far away from scandal themselves but there is an unwritten code of conduct about behaviour, especially when caught, that would never apply here.

    I can't imagine many Thai MPs thinking apologies and resignation could ever be the right thing to do, after all they are a " somebody " even if they are the only ones that think so.

    • Like 1
  8. "During her visit to each country, the prime minister had no chance to go anywhere for pleasure. She worked so hard and barely had time to breathe," he said.

    She's the bleedin' prime minister for crying out loud, she's not there to have a holiday. Miners work hard, little kids toiling in sweatshops (in Muang Thai) work hard. It gets worse. Stroll on!

    As for the 'stupid woman' remark by Hague; well, if Jamieson had have muttered he were a stupid man, would it be such an issue?

    A very apt post. YL may " work hard " but unfortunately for her she never projects that image.

    She's always on overseas trips, rarely attends parliament, fails to chair committes that she heads and we all know her attitude to questions.

    Work hard ! What a joke, her role is to do and say what big brother tells her and to generally keep out of the way.

    Silly farang, you'll never understand. She's promoting 'Thainess' to the world.

    Yes you're right of course. I wonder if her Thainess at the Vatican included trying to sell dodgy rice to the Pope and hoping to introduce Buddhism ?

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  9. Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

    We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

    You can't stop a fool being a fool.

    They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

    Like any normal man I am attracted to a beautiful woman but I was always taught to be cautious.

    In many, many cases the old saying " no fool like an old fool " takes centre stage.

    What gets me are those who have a bad trip with a Thai lady and in no time flat are hooked up with another. Starting with the first one the ladies are always " different " and that rare " one in a million ".

  10. It just goes to show what a corrupt country this is,two systems

    if you have enough money or influence you can get away with

    murder, its not even an isolated case,and not the first Policeman

    to die at the hands of the privileged ,that case too was unsolved

    even though everyone knew who the perpetrator was.

    Regards Worgeordie

    The " system " and i use the word loosely is flexible enough to suit the needs of those and such as those and we all know justice can be bought.

    The esprit de corps and camaraderie of the BIB is such that a bribe trumps the death of a colleague.

    The system could be completely altered if there was the will but those who could do it are those who are likely to benefit if the status quo remains. It's the same as all the " wars " on corruption, drugs etc, all fine words without any intention of actually doing what's necessary as the elite, hi so and politicians like it that way.

  11. What a ridiculous headline. Things are out of hand already and the only thing the government MUST DO is that which is directed by by Mr. T.

    Protesting beyond legal, constitutional rights is wrong unless you happen to be wearing red and Mr " White Lies " Kittirat's suggestion that state agencies do something before protests are taken to the streets is redundant as state agencies are directed by, and answerable to, the government which has shown that tolerance to views contrary to their own is at a premium.

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