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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. The Democrats have to waken up to political reality that they are up against PTP led by a ruthless leader who will not let anyone or anything stand in his way and keeping a polished, nice people image isn't going to do it for them.

    I'm not suggesting they descend to the level of red shirt thuggery and chair throwing isn't the way to go as it is the type of incident that gives a quick news clip and that's what the media wants. Childish playground politics isn't beyond them, or any Thai politician for that matter.

    Being polished and reasonable is only one aspect of projection but they need to remember what's supposed to be kept inside that velvet glove.

  2. Will the volunteer clowns in Pattaya be part of this roadshow?

    As another poster mentioned, if the BIB and TAT did their jobs properly in the first place, they wouldn't need to come up with this BS to try and justify what they are doing / not doing.

    This is what it's all about, engender confidence by doing the job properly and efficiently without fear or favour but everything here has to be a 3 ring circus to grab some publicity then go back to the old routine.

    We would all appreciate seeing a job done well and by all means have a press conference to trumpet success but make it a well run affair without detecting a crime before it's been committed far less investigated and minus the photo op for a cast of thousands all crushing in and of course pointing.

    Never Happen !

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  3. Good, his company's staff and procedures are just fine.

    Now all he has to do is sort out his own mouth and explain to Star Alliance why he lied about a non-exist group wide policy which had to be retracted and amended to a Thai Airways policy. Of course he may not feel obliged to explain anything to a bunch of foreigners.

    And he will get an assist from the Thai press and the government, because no one will ever follow up on the deceitful remark and misrepresentation of Star Alliance's policy. A rogue partner in Star Alliance is a very negative thing for Star Alliance. The covering of the Thai logos and aircraft serial number by this rogue alliance partner causes more damage to the Star Alliance brand than anything this airline executive said to misrepresent the alliance's policy. It's tampering and misrepresentation, clear and simple.

    Nail well and truly hit on the head and an oh so Thai way of doing things.

  4. You really have to love the Thai Justice system especially when it comes to the elite.

    Here is a guy who is granted permission to leave the country by the very court who is about to hand down a hefty prison sentence. Now they don't expect him to return to Thailand in the next 10 years.

    That about covers it and now we can expect the system to be moved up into top gear to bring him back.

    • Like 1
  5. Standard Operating Procedure for Thailand, there's a controversy so let's have several versions.

    Abhisit and both parties will stick to their own version since they know best and if DSI gets involved too Tarit will go with the translate that best suits his and the government's purposes.

    Wouldn't all concerned be better getting on with the many pressing issues of the day instead of the childishness they excel at ? When I say " all " I do exclude YL however as she's never around to get involved in anything other than planning her next trip.

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  6. More school playground nonsense, this time at a girls' school.

    It hasn't taken Tarit long to say " thank you " for having his tenure extended by a year as the DSi are right in there over a doctored picture which is of course more important than bringing fugitives wanted for serious crimes back and it's all gone quiet about the luxury cars scam.

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  7. Mr water minister, is the water level in the dams low or high ???

    remember the last time you admitted that you should have let the water out earlier-then came the heavy rain, the dams couldn't accept any more, hence the great flood.

    Now maybe is the time to get rid of most of your water let it go to the sea and you will be able to cope with the extra.

    Unless YOUR on the overseas trip with the PM.

    If he is I'm sure the official line will be that he and YL are receiving regular reports, are up to date with what's happening and are monitoring the situation from their luxury 5 star hotel.

    If YL's reaction to the oil spill is anything to go by she won't feel under any pressure to rush back.

  8. No, we never make up our own reality such as it being Star Aldridge policy to block out the company livery on planes after an accident.

    I await their version of events as to why this accident happened...

    I really don't know if it's Star alliance policy but it seems pointless as the livery of most major airlines will be recognised by passengers and since Swampy is Thai's home base there would be lots of other Thai aircraft around with which to compare. It wouldn't take a Sheeluck Holmes to figure it out.

    I do remember many decades ago a Lufthansa cargo plane sliding off the runway at the old Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong and sinking very deep into soft grass. The airline painted out its name and logo but it was a futile move as it was widely reported in the media that while the plane was stuck the passengers on arriving flights were informed by their captain what to lookout for.

    There's no sentiment in business and since no one had been injured in was viewed as a big joke.

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