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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Why are these people so obsessed with making such outlandish, impossible to keep 'promises'?

    Not a week goes by without some kind of major drug bust - from many parts of the country - hitting the news.

    And yet, the drugs keep on coming, and coming and coming...

    Why and how?

    Yeah, yeah, I know...

    Thai officialdom just love the sound of their own voices and I'm sure they don't realise just how stupid they sound as long as they get a headline and in 15 months no one will remember what they said plus the media will never remind them

    After Mr. T's war on drugs when 2,000 odd dealers " shot each other " the Governor of Kalasin declared the province dug free, yes right.

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  2. When you read the History of PTT and the reported 9 oil spills to date? we must ask why not be transparent for all to see?

    The accident is just what this is, so get to the Root cause and implement change as quickly as possible the country needs answers and the visiting tourism public needs the reassurances?

    I hear it was caused by flexible Hose connection line to tanker Buoy breaking. ok so lets see how true and what Maintenance structure can be put in place to stop this ever happening again.

    We need The Independent voice on the panel and I would Volunteer my services Gladly, I have over 30 years in this Oil and Gas business Offshore and Onshore and Ex Lloyds of London Inspector. be only too pleased to jump in and review with the Panel I live and have Family in Chonburi.

    Good Luck The Wiz

    Seven seas Sheriff

    One long time poster on TVF said that Goodyear may be involved in the leak.

    Would that have anything to do with the rubber hose.???

    Another twist was a letter to an editor suggesting Bridgestone had supplied the hoses and he fully expected them to be blamed. One thing for sure it won't be a Thai problem but I'm surprised this hasn't been publicised by PTTGC or the government so far

  3. Taking the cheapest seat on the national carrier to see how he can get it out of financial trouble would prove nothing as I'm sure, like most, he knows the story behind Thai Airways.

    I'm no expert but as I have understood it over the years there are so many vested interests who will not let go of their benefits. Why does the air force need a say in the airline other than to ensure retiring senior officers get a plumb post or a seat on the board. The same situation applies to those who " expect " to be rewarded by politicians for support over the years and there's no need to remind anyone of the unlimited free travel for those and such as those.

    A privatised airline would take time to be turned around but at least professional executives would have a damned go if left alone but like most things here the politicians will not leave a good thing, if it's to their benefit, to get on with it.

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  4. They are finally involved. Unbelievable, they are still "drafting."

    Exactly, and just how quickly or otherwise will they move to do anything as after all the initial government enquiry has found they were not at fault over the spill. No suggestion though as to how it happened and who might be responsible.

    There are calls for an independent enquiry and imagine the response if their report was to blame PTTGC !

  5. Actually, it would seem to me that those particular goals are reachable within a month. There are plenty of Thai police around to police the stations. How hard is it to clean up a restroom? And much of the lateness of trains, in my experience, seemed to be due more to not getting started on time.

    Will it happen? Probably not. But it is attainable.

    I know what you mean but to my mind it's not that easy. It will take an army of cleaners to cover every station in Thailand and while it may be easy to clean a toilet keeping it that way is a different story as so many of the public aren't toilet trained so within no time of having been cleaned it will be as bad as ever.

    I doubt there are enough railway police in the country to cover every station to to enforce no drunkenness, however that may be defined, move on people with no tickets who must be suspected of loitering for the purpose of theft, stop vendors boarding the trains and everything else.

    The minister got his headline and I'll bet we hear no more of this, certain;y no follow up report in a month.

  6. IN Channel lunch time news reported that PTP's chief spokesman, a man who couldn't lie straight in bed, has demanded the Dems take full responsibility for disrupting parliamentary business and if they won't admit they should all resign as behaviour unacceptable etc. etc.

    The Dems have complained about the abuse of power by the speaker but PTP are in full flight and will milk this

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