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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. They could start by enforcing emission regulations in the country, I am seriously p*ssed off at the amount of times I get covered in a cloud of oil particles as some other poorly maintained tuk tuk or songthaew goes past me.

    They have that many road blocks and police checks in the country they could attack this problem right away. That would be the fastest way to improve the local environment for many of us.

    stop carabao, and me, from farting too

  2. ""We want the Democrats, the group of 40 senators and other political groups that oppose this matter to focus more on the national benefit. They have too much ego and should avoid playing political games," he said."

    You got to love the way PT think.

    "Everything we do is for the nation, everything you do is political games."

    Narrow minded, corrupt, economically inept and clearly no idea what they are doing or what the political opposition are supposed to do. When they are in opposition they occupy Bangkok, cause chaos and set up fascist street thug armies. They have no idea how to act in a democratic system. When the dems point out what PT are doing wrong (the correct way to behave when in opposition if you're reading this mr thought policeman) they resort to childish insults. They would be funny in a sit-com, however they are in power and as such are a disaster for Thailand.

    Great post and oh so accurate. Children in school playgrounds behave more like adults

    • Like 1
  3. How is saying " the government is making a mess of things " a threat to national security ?

    We all know there are things not to be discussed here but the PTP Thought Police are starting to run riot and it's a sad day when criticism is to be stifled.

    I read yesterday's post in this too, and wasn't quite sure if it is all criticisms or just those that state a coup??

    Sent from my LT26i using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It will be made up as they go along with a " one size fits all " mentality. Look how the Lese Majesty laws are misused.

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  4. Only in Thailand. Officialdom comes up with a successful albeit questionable tactic and instead of keeping it under wraps for re-use they boast about it.

    Thinking things through ?

    You're missing the point. They are shouting about it (again) to continue to muzzle people's voices. This whole social media thing is scary to those in power as they can't control it. So instead, they go back to doing what they do best, control the people by whatever means are necessary. Bribe them or threaten them. One or the other always works here.

    Yes up to a point but the when a tactic works you sit on it and do not expose it for what it is. Certainly the Thai media will not hunt anything down but I suppose here where the masses are apathetic unless paid it doesn't really matter.

    I really need to waken up today and remember where I am, it sure ain't Kansas Toto

    Well, who knows if it worked?

    Yes and repeat after me " if the government says it worked, it worked ".

  5. Only in Thailand. Officialdom comes up with a successful albeit questionable tactic and instead of keeping it under wraps for re-use they boast about it.

    Thinking things through ?

    You're missing the point. They are shouting about it (again) to continue to muzzle people's voices. This whole social media thing is scary to those in power as they can't control it. So instead, they go back to doing what they do best, control the people by whatever means are necessary. Bribe them or threaten them. One or the other always works here.

    Yes up to a point but the when a tactic works you sit on it and do not expose it for what it is. Certainly the Thai media will not hunt anything down but I suppose here where the masses are apathetic unless paid it doesn't really matter.

    I really need to waken up today and remember where I am, it sure ain't Kansas Toto

  6. So the passing of this bill will lead to reconciliation , I am Rip Van NKK and have just wakened up so what have I been missing ?

    You have been asleep for just 20 years.. Haven't missed much.. biggrin.png


    Thank God for that. There could have been a coup, civil insurrection and fugitives all over the place. Ah well back to sleep then, don't waken me up until something worthwhile happens
    Wake up NKK! There's dancing in the streets. You'll wanna see this!

    Thanks Martha, how are The Vandellas these days ?

    • Like 1
  7. A long dead US Senator once said words to the effect that " the first casualty of war is the truth ' and so it still goes.

    We have a situation now where the reds have never done anything wrong and only days ago their leader claimed no red had been involved in the arson of 2010 but still no explanation of Jatuporn etc calling on the mob to leave Bkk in flames. An Inconvenient Truth.

    Reconciliation ? Please, it's too early in the morning to hurt myself laughing.


    1000 a day for going nothing does not sound too bad, people get greedy when big corporations are concerned.


    Thais are a greedy nation in general

    I live in a rented house with some very productive mango trees in the garden. Every year my landlord and wife come to get the green mangoes knowing i don't like them but they always give or leave the yellow for me.

    Recently the wife visited with a friend and this lady asked if she could get some mangoes and promptly picked every yellow one she could find, I asked quite nicely if she would leave some for me and she promptly threw the bag on the ground and stormed off. Even the landlady was embarrassed and the landlord, an army officer, called to apologise. That sort of behaviour defies description.

    we also had ponces wanting free mangos,bananas and coconuts,they were welcome to them,alas my 45 kilo pitbull seemed to put them off,and i was buggered if i was shimying up to get them,the local orphange did well though,the dog loved playing catch with the little tykes.happy days,sorry off topic,i thought i,d share a good news storybiggrin.png

    And why not, always good in a while and i hope the Mods don't take us off.

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  9. A thousand baht a day does not even cover the fuel charges for the boat. Which ironically they probably buy from PTT anyway. A company that made 650,000 Million last year should be made to pay for their mistakes. The fisherman's reputation and livelyhood has been stained even if they have cleaned up the sea. The value of their catch goes down so they have to catch more and more. Also affecting the sustainability of the fishing industry in Rayong. PTT should have to pay more damages and for a longer period than 30 days. It's a clear case of trying to shirk responsibility and the power of the big company versus the ordinary man. Not to mention that the politicians having a vested interest in PTT rather than protecting the people they represent.

    'The people they represent' ???? I wonder who owns the boats ??? individual fishermen who live in shacks near the sea ????

    the persons who will lose out are the men/boys who work for the boat people.

    This is a similar situ to the rice money---no local person got anything from this rice cock-up....and so the same here --all those who are crying are those who own many boats.

    PTT will not throw away money that can be banked by the shareholders.

    'm no expert but it seems it's not just about now and lost earnings but what about the future with depleted stocks as this isn't going to go away overnight. I doubt it can be quantified so let's throw some money at the peasants, hope they grab it and get back to making money.

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