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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. After their discussions, the two leaders witnessed the signing of an agreement on visa exemptions for diplomatic and official/service passport holders. (MCOT online news)

    Do you need a Prime Minister of a country that is in recession to witness this?? Unbelievable! Thailand is in a mess both politically and economically and the PM goes to Tajikistan. I really can't believe all of this.

    At least she is wearing red.

    Yes, BBC Business News reports the country is in recession, IN Channel quoted depressing financial figures which are expected to get worse and Thai Airways staff union calls on the whole board to resign over mismanagement which caused an B6.4 Billion loss in the 2nd quarter yet the PM is off visiting a country most Thais have never heard of..

    In most countries there would be hell to pay for the government but not here and there won't be even when they bankrupt the country as there is no accountability. Not to worry though as the family money will be ok.

  2. With even Iraq wising up, nobody wants to buy Thai Rice anymore... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Sad but true.. they have managed to destroy the rice export industry and it is going to take a long time to climb back to the top.... if ever sad.png

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    It is sad, not so long ago the national pride was dented when they slipped from No.1 to No.3 top exporter and I'm sure they have slipped from that spot. YL talks about having enriched the lives of rice farmers and Yes, some people have become rich over this but hardly the farmers. Due to the money and most definitely face involved PTP cannot ditch this as a failure so they will bleed the coffers dry rather than admit a mistake and they have other wonderful projects in mind to follow.

  3. With even Iraq wising up, nobody wants to buy Thai Rice anymore... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Sad but true.. they have managed to destroy the rice export industry and it is going to take a long time to climb back to the top.... if ever sad.png

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    Hire some vermin and pigs, let them eat the rotten rice and poison the nation with the pork pledging schemebah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    No sale in the southern provinces though !

    • Like 1
  4. So it would seem that being an advisor to a political party and taking part in political reform discussions is not considered to be taking part in politics, something he has been banned from doing for 5 years.

    Exactly but everything here is flexible for those and such as those.

    He won't exactly be returning as he's never been away and he's just what Thai politics need, another dinosaur.

    • Like 2
  5. This is all part of The Red Shirt Thugocracy , led by their DL who wants to wipe out any dissent.

    and this government wants to hold a forum with international personalities on reconciliation yet criticism will not be tolerated.

    Oh so that's why the opposition refuse to attend this forum happyno.gif

    it's not a forum, it's a circus. Red Shirt Thugs will not accept anything that does not meet all their demands. This "forum" is just grandstanding.

    Wonder what excuse they will come up with if the big names invited start pulling out ? Tony is unlikely to though if there's money to be made

  6. I have said it before, I say it again, I have no confidence in this PTP administration, they jump about like a jack in the box , when it comes to mouthing off, anything go's, this is another pie in the sky attempt to make them look as if they are doing something , but, doing nothing at all, at this stage no budget or funding has been made available for this project, until there is , what is this hero talking about.bah.gif

    Fine words, buzz words and showmanship. The minister's secret train tip wasn't so secret as the television showed footage of an interview he gave on the train to Surin.

    If he kept his journey so quiet how did the camera crew know where to find him or did they just happen to be taking a 3rd class trip to Surin too ?

    • Like 2
  7. Mr Phongthep is no longer responsible for the Foreign Ministry and the authority has shifted to Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, said Ms Yingluck in her letter to the Ombudsman.

    Surapong is the one that approved it. Just more BS from the Clone. Can she jut say "I or any member of the PTP will never respond so quit fricken asking.


    Fugitive ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra has already been issued with his new Thai passport, Foreign Ministry's spokesman Thani Thongpakdi said Friday.

    The Foreign Ministry issued the passport for Thaksin on October 26 and sent it to him in Abu Dhai, UAE, via diplomatic pouch on the same day, he said.

    Earlier Foreign Minister Surapong Tohvichakchaikul said his ministry had repealed the passport ban on Thaksin, which was issued by former foreign minister Kasit Piromya.


    Shows his status as the passport went to Dubai by diplomatic pouch despite being an ordinary citizen and wanted fugitive.

    I think he has at least 2 others anyway.

    • Like 2
  8. I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

    It may be a photo opportunity and a chance for some Thais to rub shoulders with some international celebraties, get an autograph and put the pic on your wall.

    Exactly, it's only a massive and very ridiculous PR stunt.

    If any of the guest speakers actually suggest the government is getting things wrong will they too be threatened with a lawsut ?

    • Like 2
  9. Do we really need a breakdown of his financial status?

    This is to "place" him in the pecking order. So elite privileged class readers will know who he is and what he is all about and how much clout does he have or how big is his big swinging you know what.

    This is a good point as if it was quoted that he had a low salary he's nobody and not worth considering.

  10. good luck to him,but stay safe,you know there child mentality when people have a different opinion......wai2.gif

    Well it's rather the child mentality, when certain people do not GET what they want which will make them lose FACE

    The quickest way to win an argument in Thailand is to ask.

    Why does it have to be this or that way. Thais are deep down inside just as hacked off with the situation as any other, but they hide it to show some sort of national unity in front of foreigners.

    Ask why? And see their brains flick into action to explain the reasoning. It's normally answered with."this is Thailand, you don't understand", which if course begs another "why?", and often descends into finally "if you don't like it, go home".

    It is an exercise in justifying the unjustifiable.

    My ex-GF, a uni gradate who was an excellent English speaker had two stock tactics when cornered and losing a discussion, " it's Thai culture " or sudden her language skills failed ans he couldn't understand.

    • Like 1
  11. I count 10 of the BIB in or trying to get into the picture. If they had only crushed they might have managed another 10.

    Do they realise how ridiculous it looks ?

    Well at least no one is pointing in this picture...tongue.png

    looks like if the photographer had of stepped back a little, he would have got the other 30 in the photo.

    However he has to ensure the most senior there are front and centre and in clear focus. Face is all.

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