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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. And, suddenly, the order to stay indoors is lifted and everybody is told to conduct business as usual. What has changed? They can't find the guy. If this is the way municipal authorities are going to react in the future, they are fostering a climate of hysteria and fear. Locking down entire cities every time one of these guys goes off is a message to others like him to follow suit.

    you complained when the city was in lock down

    and then complain when the lock down is lifted?blink.png

    can you do something else than complain?

    what would you do? or have done?

  2. Timothy McVeigh was convicted on murder charges under federal law for the bombing of the United States Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

    I suspect if the surviving holdout brother is captured, he will be tried in the U.S. District Court in Boston on terrorism charges. The Patriot Act, which sets the punishments for convicted terrorists is, however, silent on the death penalty. It would be up to the jury. I'd need to be a juror before I could make the call on this one. I should think however the government would present a strong and convincing case.

    McVeigh was convicted on 11 federal charges, 8 of them murder and specifically murder of law enforcement personnel.

    Murder is not ordinarily a federal crime (though there are many circumstances where it can be).

    When Pres Kennedy was assassinated there wasn't any murder statute in the federal criminal code (of laws). Had Lee Harvey Oswald lived to go to trail, he would have had to be tried in Texas under the state murder/homicide statutes. Oswald's murderer, Jack Ruby, was tried, convicted and imprisoned in Texas under the criminal code of the state of Texas. The Congress put murder etc into the federal criminal code shortly after Pres Kennedy had been assassinated.

    It's still true the federal government doesn't often have jurisdiction over murder/homicide cases. The vast majority of crime and also matters of civil law are adjudicated by the state. Massachusetts abolished the death penalty in 1984. (When Mitt Romney was governor he unsuccessfully tried to reinstitute the death penalty.)

    I'm not a lawyer, but hasnt treason always been on the books for federal death penalty?

  3. Here is another serious question. IF the perp turned himself in now peacefully without murdering anyone new and then claimed some kind of psychological abuse defense blaming it all on the obviously more hard core older brother, is there ANY chance he could avoid being executed?

    In my opinion, in those circumstance or perhaps others, it is possible he would not get the death penalty.

    Death penalty is a states rights issue. and Mass does not have a death penalty.


    We've already done this, but one more time. Even building, much less detonating a bomb is a federal offense and Mass. law is irrelevant. If caught and tried, it will be in federal court under federal court rules and federal law. I already posted a link where killing with a bomb gets the death penalty.

    Violating federal law isn't a "states' rights issue." It comes under federal jurisdiction and the state won't be involved other than providing evidence and witnesses.

    and i've already consented wai.gif

    regarding the states right issue,

    true, IF the boston police is able to capture him alive whistling.gif

  4. He is subject to a death penalty charge. To not execute him is leniency in this case, assuming he goes to trial.

    I thought Massachusetts did not have the death penalty? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_United_States

    Federal charges.

    I stand correctedwai.gif

    As Obama has called this a terrorist act, there by setting the stage, the death penalty would be in play. And given how much the city has been harmed, Mass just MAY give up custody without a fight. That is if the suspect is captured alive.

  5. Here is another serious question. IF the perp turned himself in now peacefully without murdering anyone new and then claimed some kind of psychological abuse defense blaming it all on the obviously more hard core older brother, is there ANY chance he could avoid being executed?

    In my opinion, in those circumstance or perhaps others, it is possible he would not get the death penalty.

    Death penalty is a states rights issue. and Mass does not have a death penalty.


  6. The father of suspected Boston Marathon bomber called on his son today to give up peacefully, but warned the U.S. that if his son is killed "all hell will break loose."

    His son is suspected of killing 4 people, maiming scores of others, and he makes this kind of a threat. Well I guess the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. blink.png

    All hell will break loose all right. I still say this will go on for at least ten years, tracking down all who were involved in and their top leaders wherever they are.

    If that father wants to be another casualty, there are many who will accommodate him.

    I fear you're right about his father NS. I perter peace thru peaceful means. if not,,,,,

    similarly, I'd rather peace come faster than in 10 years, if not, well we'll take peace at any year.

    I noticed that this attack has a galvanizing effect on Boston and the US. I think the Islamic operatives will find it increasingly difficult to operate in the US with increasing number of events. and each attach will get less attention and have less effect on the US economy. while the response to each attack will get better and more focused.

    My point is that their tactic has diminishing returns with greater cost. Thats is true whether they wanted publicity or to "harm the US" like they claimed. But logic isn't their strong point, is it?

    • Like 2
  7. ... and a U.S. pledge not to engage in "nuclear war practice" with South Korea if Washington truly sought dialogue.

    I see nothing wrong with that demand.

    any military practice involving the US with the SK's could be interpreted as a nuclear war practice, since the US has nuclear weapons. In effect, the NK's are asking for the SK's to not have war practice with the US. Its up to the SK's.

    PS if you give in to this demand, they will have another. Thats the way bullies are.

    Lastly on another topic, China wants to be seen as a world power and a world leader. They know they'll suffer major credibility hit if they cannot control the NK's. The Chinese too are looking for a way out that makes them look as good as possible. Unfortunately the NK's are truly unpredictable with no social skills on a nation to nation level. Iran think the NK's are nuts.blink.png

  8. Now reports they have been in the USA for much longer than one year and that they were well assimilated. coffee1.gif

    Well if the Chechens were motivated by Jihad they were just following a strategy of infiltrating Countries hostile to their ideology, whilst keeping a low profile until they decide to strike. The FBI are probably breaking up many such cells on an ongoing basis. It would have been much more comfortable for policy makers had the attack been a lone lunatic or a home grown right wing extremist group, but if you have to face a worldwide threat that can come from anywhere the thought no doubt scares the authorities seeing as there is no easy policy for dealing with such a problem.

    P.S I take no pleasure whatsoever in my suspicions being proven correct (better luck next time to the esteemed Qatari terrorism experts), however statistics were overwhelmingly on my side, I think some of our members should be avoiding going to Vegas not I.

    SD, you know those are statistically independent events.

    Still if you're buying some lottery tickets, put me in for a buck biggrin.png

    PS these are still ongoing events. the situation is still shrouded in clouds.

    dont count your chickens yet whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  9. BOSTON (AP) — Key moments related to the search for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, based on reports from the Middlesex County district attorney, Massachusetts State Police, and Boston police.

    — At 5:10 p.m. Thursday, investigators of the bombings release photographs and video of two suspects. They ask for the public's help in identifying the men.

    — Around 10:20 p.m., shots are fired on the campus of theMassachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, just outside Boston.

    — At 10:30 p.m., an MIT campus police officer who was responding to a disturbance is found shot multiple times in his vehicle, apparently in a confrontation with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects. He is later pronounced dead.

    Read more : http://news.yahoo.com/glance-search-boston-bomb-suspects-110724951.html

  10. The Russian connection is problematical. A lot of Americans feel we have always been at war with Russia and might not comprehend that these bozos have nothing to do with the Russian government. coffee1.gif Seriously, how many Americans on hearing these guys were Russians will think Russia has attacked the U.S.?

    I think most Americans understand the difference between Chechnyans and Russians. But you are right, there is a significant number what would not.

    If the Chechnyans thought they could get sympathy and publicity for their cause with this action, they are one out of 2. And may have seriously overplayed their hand.

    If the suspects are indeed Chechnyans

  11. I would caution everyone that this is real time data. Second hand, and third hand realtime data at that.

    just catch the damn bastards.

    PS, I did notice that Boston Police did not hesitate in engaging theses guys

    The suspects would have fared better if the FBI had engaged them first.whistling.gif

    Apparently not going down without a fight. The dead one had a bomb strapped to himself.

    From the report of the damage to him, it appears he had a bomb. I dont know if he had it strapped to himself. It could have been a IED he had intended to toss and miss handled.


    PS the Boston Police i don't think minds a shoot out. The FBI would have preferred a cleaner, more diplomatic solution. The BP just wants the guys that did this to their city and fellow citizens.

    Again all this is speculation on my part on realtime data

  12. Sorry for the double post folks.

    I was reminded of an MIT study a while back.

    They hid 10 red balloons around the US (the entire fricken country) and asked anyone to find them all. The winner would get a cash reward. (Sponsored by DARPA)

    How long did the winner take? Just under 9 hours!blink.png

    That's the power of social media when used correctly.


    My point?

    Reddit has already identified the hat on one of the suspects head.wink.png


  13. While reading these comments is enormously entertaining smile.png

    I'm glad, its TV and not the FBI thats giving me the entertainment.

    I'm curious, to be sure.

    and i check a few times a day for updates

    But I'm more reassured when i DONT hear updates.

    that means the boys/gals are busy with credible leads and are working

    when i hear updates, that more often that not, means they hit blocks and could use the public's help

    like today sad.png the release of the photo's means they could not identify the suspects from the photos alone

    and needs the public help for more images or for the identification of the images.

    but US justice system in these high profile cases is like the tide.

    regardless of what you do, its coming.

    a day, a month, a year, 10 years, its coming.

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  14. I got so angry watching the VDO!!!!

    I have NO problem at all to catch the guys they treat dogs like that and give them EXACTLY the same treatment as they give to the dogs.

    Catch them, put them in really small cages, maybe they die then in transport (the lucky ones), force feed them, kill them by just hitting them over the head, skin them (dead or alive, I don't care!) and just feed them to the dogs. THAT would serve them right!

    I can only hope that their karma gets back to them in the most horrible way! They do NOT deserve to be called humans bah.gif

    I hope you're a vegetarian.

    Otherwise your words are hollow.

  15. A lot of ebay sellers are from china. I find those sellers the most agreeable when sending things to TL. otherwise the shiipping costs are too high. and even then, a lot of sellers will not ship to TL.

    I'm guessing they've either had bad experience, or they've heard horror stories about shipping to TL.

    If i was a seller in the US, I would not ship to TL also. Too much risk. Its just business.

  16. I note that the King of Saudi Arabia and President of Egypt sent their condolences, however these sentiments were not, shall we say, universal throughout the middle east. Sometimes it is worth being reminded of who your enemies really are.


    No excuses, anybody celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians has a diseased and sick mind and are beneath contempt. sick.gif


    I'm going to read every quote. Several times. I hope all in the western world do.

    After we care for our family, friends and citizens.

    I don't want to forget this.

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