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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. That is your weigh stations, how much is the mill paying them? Around here our mill is paying about 1100 baht depending on sugar containt friend of mine got 14% sugar from 2 fields well happy and they yielded 10-12 ton/ rie ,good for around here, but after a wet rainy season last year a lot of other farmers are doing the same. We have said bout this before price discrepancy between areas, our mill is one of seven about the country, part of the TRR Group, Thai Roong Ruang Sugar Group. As they buy direct from the farmers, they price will be lower, but that is 5-600 baht/ton, that's a lot, makes you think if they do that so they make more money which they will, when they could pay more, and they have a monopoly only mill in the area two others about 50 km up the road. but with haulage cost it would not be economical
  2. In the UK the high speed train or HS2,is well behind time, phase one was due to finish in 2026, now2029-33, second phase due2032-33 now due 2035-40. Budget was 55 billon GBP now 72-98 billon GBP. Let's hope the Thai one will be a bit better managed.
  3. That grass looks like Yar -Con in Thai, or Para Grass ,not a very high protein grass at best when shoots are young 4-5% protein ,and you are feeding rice straw protein 3-4%,your diet will be well down on energy ,those two together will provide the cattle with maintenance ,for production ie weight gain you will have to feed some concentrate ,can you get brewers grains were you are a good feed. That Wagyu looks well not the best of breeds for confirmation say compared with say Charolais or a Beefmaster, but as you say they seem popular where you are, as I said not so around here. One thing our local DLD AI men and women around here have Wagyu semen, it will not be 100 %, ask where you might be the same. You are right with low inputs and low outputs you can make just as much money as a guy with his high inputs and high outputs, and you will have less to go wrong.
  4. You would be better off getting some cow manure, that contains most trace elements. plus, some NPK. Where I am dairy farmers are selling dry cow manure for about 20/bag for, we use it on all our fruit trees, and they seem to do well on it, we do have our own cattle as well.
  5. Any chance of some photo, these prices seem cheap to me, it sometimes makes me think that dealers get together, but saying that if one dealer finds some cheap cattle, he will certainly not let anyone else know. What are you feeding your cattle, that is where the money is made, or loss. A bit off topic I live in a big dairy cow area about 100 ton /day of milk is produced ,a lot of dairy farmers are giving up ,main reason is the high price of concentrate feed as I said before the cows diet being concentrate and rice straw as a main roughage sauce ,rice straw being a very low quality feed they is a high concentrate usage to get the milk yield ,hence famers selling up. Milk, farm gate price, is about depending on quality, 19 baht/kg @12kg day 228baht day concentrate is 11-12 baht/kg cows can eat on average 6 kg? day =72baht plus rice straw minerals, water electric, then the big cost feeding dry cows, heifers, calves, vet/med and AI, bank borrowing. I have said for some years grow some good quality grass, you can reduce your concentrate costs, cow should give some more milk (now the average yield per cow is 12-14kg /day) and it will improve the big, big infertility problem. Back to beef, same thing, grows good quality grass not Nappier or Ruize, plenty more verities about your growth rates will increase, you get to sell the cattle quicker for less imputes. As I was told 30+ years ago grass is the cheapest form of feed for cattle.
  6. Because they are on their mobile phones all the time, the things are almost ruling people's lives.
  7. We sold our 13-month-old Angus X Brahman/Thai Native for 33K, last month. January last year we sold Beefmaster X Brahman/Thia Native, older brother to the above, about same age and condition we got 39k for him . Shows how the market has dropped, dairy cattle have dropped even more, that is all to do with feed cost going up.
  8. Not only in Thailand ,Japan is very protective about they Wagyu cattle, getting any 100 %Wagyu outside of Japan not easy. Most Wagyu in Thailand come from Australia, and even they a lot of Heard's are not 100 %, a guy near me has an Australian Wagyu bull even that is not 100% he is putting it on to his dairy cows and some Wagyu cross breads it will be a good few years before he will be anywhere near 100 %Wagyu. A few years ago, they were some Wagyu semen from an ET(embery transfer) bull, that was supposed to be 100 % but I had my doubts, I did see a few calves Crossed with dairy cows, you could most certainly see the Wagyu in them. But they never really took off Thai farmers said they are too small a Thais like big cattle, hence Indo Brazil cattle that were popular a few years ago. Wagyu beef at 85baht/kg that is cheap, that is the same price as your cross breeds Brahman cattle, all cattle prices have dropped a lot over the past year, see past post on this thread. Wagyu cattle should be a market on they own commanding high price, but for most cattle farms it is finding that market not easy, your 50-50 crosses will not make so much, if you get up to 80%+ then you should get that good price .............as I said if you can find a buyer.
  9. My wife, well 50+ often says Noo when talking to some official Poo-Yai Bann/Gam-Nan, being two. She is just an ordinary person, and that is just because they are a bit higher up the ladder than her, even when they do not have, they Poo-Yai-Bann /Gam-Nan hat on, they are just farmers like us, I put down to the Thai class society. It might change in in places like city offices, but in rural areas I would say no way.
  10. No, hot season meaning we did not have temperatures of 39c for days on end just a few days of it. And we have a small holding rearing a few cattle, working out in the fields it was not as hot as in past years, that is where you notice it, also the past 2 years have been drought years, hot.
  11. From about November to about the end January is called the cool season, ask anyone in the hills above Chiang Mai, or come out with me on the motor bike at 6.30 am, I am in Lopburi in a rural area. needed my bike jacket on. Farmer near me tried to grow a crop of maize, irrigated it as well, did not grow to cool for the hybrid seed. Last year we never really had a hot season, the rains come early cooled the place down. let's see if this year is the same.
  12. Wifes niece got married last week she is a nurse, he was qualified as a teacher, found no money in it do milks the family heard of cows .to dowry was 400k baht,and 4 baht's worth of gold about 120k.baht I thought milking cows was a good paying business but no, the niece being a nurse borrowed 1 million baht from the nurse's fund, to fund the whole wedding, to pay back when.? Having heard about police and teachers being in debt and now nurses, and who else. It is going to be a slow action train wreck .......soon.
  13. Have you thought about getting the stanchion straitened, I had a set done in the UK on a BMW, the guy used V blocks and a dial gauge to check the stanchion, he used a fly press the do the straightening, it was only a few mm, but it worked. I know this is Thailand, but they must be a shop that could do them, a case of asking around, if they can be done, cheaper than buying a new set.
  14. I know a Thai guy in to scrambling bikes his first was Honda Dash, he had a set of front folks off a Honda CB250, with spacers in the fork tubes, made the forks longer, also the Honda 250 folks where longer than one's from a Dash jacked the front end up a long way. First thing I said what about fitting the 250 forks on to a Dash ie head stock/ yokes the same, he said it was a straight fit 250 tubes same diameter as the Dash. So, will the Honda 250 forks fit on to Wave, you would have thought not, but maybe worth getting a tape measure out, or may be the old Honda Wing 110cc, basically same as our old CG 125?.
  15. It is like I said the big growers, a guy we know has 500 rie of cane brought a machine, so I was told, from our local sugar mill ,1.5 million baht, another grower I know he has 50 rie gets the big growers in to cut and haul his cane to the mill they own machine and truck to haul the cane this year they are charging 380 baht/ton ,he is getting about 1050 baht /ton, depending on sugar contain . They are some subsidies the mill will pay an extra 50-baht ton on top of the basic price, for the past 2 years the government has paid an extra 100 baht/ton on top of basic price, but so far not this year. Remember world crude oil prices are still volatile, the government will want all the cane it can get, the by-product molasses is used to make ethyl alcohol,our local mill has plant that makes it, that makes gashole for all our vehicles, the more gashole produced less crude oil imports. better balance of payments ,I cannot see things changing overnight. By the way it is the owners of the crop that burn the cane, not the cutters, they just do the job, and get paid as well.
  16. The alternative a sugar cane harvester, in our area we have a lot, and no cane is burnt before machine cutting, as the op said they are expensive secondhand import 2million, the big grower buys them, then they contract out to the smaller farmers charging per ton rate to cut and haul to the mill. In our area they are becoming more common give it a few more years they will be all around the country. Where you get raw cane leftovers from, I do not know they is none, the only left over is the leaves that the cutter leave, or the machine leaves around here and a few other areas it is baled, our straw goes to the mill where it is used for fuel to boil up the molasses, our farmers this year are getting 900 baht/ton for baled straw.
  17. Are you sure you got the noughts in the right place 20k . Go by regular bus Pattaya , Morchit ?Bangkok,not certin think you can go from Ecamar Easten Bus Terminal up Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok>Arayprathet. Since Covid not done a lot of bus traveling in Thailand, things have changed, check with The Transport Co, call center 1490, should be able to do it in a day, a long one, should be change from 2500 baht .
  18. Aziz Abdullah: Uyghur asylum-seeker death heaps pressure on Thailand - BBC News I was wondering if AN would run this article, the link is from the BBC, from 4 days ago. This being typical of Thailand, the second to last paragraph sums it up, cannot upset the masters.
  19. Must be getting old just remembered, closer to Bangkok Banbung Dairy co-op, Chonbur,i 038-056248.
  20. As far as I know they are no dairy farms in Bangkok, the reason most farms are small with no milk cooling facilities for they milk, so all dairy farms are within about 25 km radius of a milk center, farmers milk the cows twice a day, and twice a day milk is taken from their farm to the milk center for cooling and storage, from their it will go by tanker to factory's about the area or to Bangkok.
  21. If the op wants some unpasteurized milk in living in Bangkok the nearest place would be Vehang Dang in Salabuir province, that is a dairy co-op . or Pattananikom in Lopbuir province near the Passak Dam, about 5 milk centers they, that would be 140km from you, a long way or just a few litas of milk, you would need to get they at about 4pm, when the milk from farms arrives at the milk centers.
  22. Your professor's research using Leucaena leucoleph,or Gratin, the tree legume is interesting, the photo is from near me one of the many goat farms that feed Gratin to their goats,for most goat farms it is they only feed, all cut from our area, we also cut and feed it to our cattle. As you say it is a tree legume, fast growing drought tolerant. In this area we have many soil types, it seems to like our black land more than our light land, it is drought restraint but even on our light land in the dry season it does not grow so well. I can remember TV's grass Goure Michal Hare saying it does not grow well in Issan, soil to light? dries out to quickly in the dry season. The other side of the coin it does not like water logging, as I said we feed it, seed's drop on the floor we put all our cow muck on our Nappier grass, needless to say the Gratin grows well, then last year and the year before we had some floods Nappier grass under water for a couple of weeks, about all the gratin, 90% died, but I would say once it gets going about year old water logging should not be a problem. The reason I said that if rice farmers are looking for some diversification, growing Gratin on their rice fields for biomass they will have to get rid of the water first, with some major subsoiling, and that might not be cheap.
  23. We grow Nappier grass and a few farmers in the area grow it as well ,I would say they figures are a bit out 70-80 ton with 5-6 cuts/year at 60 day ,that is 11 ton/rie at 60 days growth ,I would say no way during the dry season it would have to be irrigated ,and the fertilizer that would have to be used urea and the price, as you know Thai land is not over fertile to start with ,can not see farmers making any money just growing Nappier for the plant Looking at that photo you posted of Nappier grass, that looks about 60-70 days old, no way would that yield 11 ton/rie ,again you know what sugar can do 11 ton/rie, a lot in our area this year has done that, compare a crop of sugar to that Nappier photo, that at a guess would do 2-3 ton/rie?, you are right sugar out preforms Nappier. With that big bunker that have they could get a good few tons of cane straw in they roll it with a tractor, like you would with silage you could get a good few hundred ton in there. How cane straw would compare to Nappier grass in a digester I would not know, in this area a lot of cassava waist is feed to dairy cattle, that could go into a digester, probable do more good in a digester than as a cattle feed.
  24. Selling tickets with 3 numbers on will not make the underground lottery sellers happy. that is how they make their money selling just the 3 numbers. Tucksin tried when he tried to digitize the system but that fell through. Some say? the big, big players of the underground lottery leaned on him, knowing they would lose out, see what happens this time.
  25. Good point did not think of that it has been cool for a good few weeks up to last week. The second block they have is near us the soil is old volcanic land with tiny pieces lava and stones, as you say not fertile at the best of times soon dries out one guy tried growing cane on that land a few years ago did not make a lot of money if any. I thought about the amount of fertilizer used, that I would not know, even if they used the right amount with the poor soil and cool weather it would not have done a lot of good.
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