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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. I would not bother,buy a second hand small tractor imported from Japan with a Rotavator , a lot come over with Rotavators fitted , but Thai dealers take them off,then buy a set a cage wheels ,it will do the same job for a lot less money. Or if you just have a few rie a Kwie Lec,a walk behind 2-wheel tractor ,some even have seats .
  2. No,most dairy cows are feed on the American system ,in the yards all the time with feed brought to them with Thai dairy cows ,they main sauce of roughage is rice straw ,which as a feed is not good ,no protein no energy ,and for this article it is very low in all minerals and vitamins .most cows do not get feed any grass some farms are only a few rie with no land to grow any grass . And as has been said before on this forum, Thai soils are low in all the main minerals , ,so any roughage will be short of minerals ,so mineral supplements are almost essential All Thai dairy cows have a big infertility problem ,the diet being on a negative energy balance, a lot of cows are minerals deficient, only last week I was helping out a neighbour one of his cows calved and was suffering from Mg Magnesium deficiency something I have seen here a few times but never in the UK ,(In the UK Mg deficiency is caused by cows eating young fresh grass ,this cow was on a rice straw diet ). As bone meal is produced in the country it is used in cattle minerals ,I would say some cattle minerals will be imported ,mainly by the big feed companies for they own use . If you sat down with a large coffee and Mr Google in times past, bone meal would have been feed to cattle in your own country .
  3. My UK heath insurance company have a list of hospitals they will not pay any claims from ,in Thailand it is Bumrungrag ,just too expensive for what they do . I had a hip replacement done at a locale privet hospital ,they made a very good job no problems , a lot cheaper than Bumrungrad.
  4. Looking at Thai TV they said the bus GPS said the bus was doing 79 km/Hour on impact ,with the minimum speed limit for buses on motorways is 80 km/hour ,for once he was not speeding . Again looking at Thai TV the state the bus was in after the crash I would doubt the GPS reading .
  5. Something I should have said about bone meal and its high Ph containt. Here in Thailand it is one of the main sauces of Ca and Ph in cattle minerals ,could not say if it has been adulterated.
  6. This may sound daft ,I take it you work on a drip system of irrigation ,a good system that does use a lot of water . I do not know how big your system is ,but how about run your water pipe though an insulated box ,polystyrene one would do ,and use large blocks of ice in the box, one block in would be 30-40 baht?. If the box is well insulated, 1-2 blocks should last awhile ,the water pipe being 1/2 inch it should work .anything like 1-2 inch pipes would be too big. it only has to drop the water temperature by 2-3 degrees to work. We used to rear dairy heifers ,this time of year a few use to suffer from heat stress ,I used to put blocks of ice in their water troughs ,in the evening when it was a bit cooler, the cattle seemed a bit more content . it will have its problems ,main one do you have a locale suppler of ice ?you may need more than one polystyrene box,in line.
  7. As fuel went up 1.60 baht liter in one hit 2 days ago of the fuel used in Thailand, 36-39% is Gashol ,produced in country from cassava and molasses. They could be something in that ,or more likely it is suberizing the diesel market.
  8. Or, a 1959 Lambretta 125cc LI racing scooter . This one was sold by Bonhams for 7475 GBP.
  9. Most of this has already been answered in other posts. Corn in Thailand is mainly used in livestock feed ,80% ??as they can not grow barley and wheat they use corn . Modern day seed corn is F1 can only be grown once, seed corn is grown it was popular in this area for a few years ,but due to low pollination it was given up. and the seed was expensive . Our local Betagro feed mill use to import maize from abroad ,use to see queues of trucks waiting to tip ,all come up from the port,not seen that now since Covid landed ,a coincidence ,I do not know. For domestic use it would be sweet corn ,and the white corn,livestock corn is what Thai's call Khow Port Bang. They is a small market for corn grown for maize silage ,used as cattle feed.
  10. https://shopee.co.th/-250g-650g-1500g-Bone-Meal-Organic-Fertiliser-Fertilizer-i.498678912.11522423237 Not quite what the OP was looking for ,would be a good sauce of Ca. Could not find Blood and Bone fertilizer in LOS.
  11. This to me has been one of the worse side of Thailand I have seen for a long time ,Dangmoor, the dead actress has been making the new headlines non-stop ,almost on the hour,for the past 10 days . For the first few days of the conflict Thai news mentioned Ukraine often ,especially at 6.15 am when a Thai reporter ,who has always read the international news ,gives a good run down of events over the past 24 hours and still does, but during the rest of the day ,not a lot of information ,typical Thailand.
  12. They is no way you could use Thai wheat to make bread ,as has been said unfavourable growing conditions ,just not enough protein in the grain for bread . I have seen Thai wheat grains,small shrivelled grains,only used for livestock feed,300-400 metric tons from 160 hectares, is 2.5 ton/hectare,in the UK in 2020 it was 7 ton/hectare and that was a bad year.down22% on 2019. Only thing you need for Thai bread is sugar ,to sweet for me.
  13. s As has been said before they are different types of lime, in Thai I use Boon Khow ปูนขาว . If you live in/near a cattle area a local feed supply shop could well sell it ,two of our locale shops sell lime.
  14. I noticed bread in my local 7-11 [which I use very infrequently] has increased, a half loaf is now 40 baht where it used to be 40 baht for a full loaf, a full one now is 49 Baht [wholemeal green bag] But this started middle of last month? I have my doubts as all wheat for bread flour in Thailand is imported wheat ,and they are still probable still using old stock. If it has gone up now what will it be when new supply's of wheat arrive in the country ,the wheat has to be a hard wheat verity for bread , this time coming from a new sauce ,that will put a baht or two on my morning sice of toast ,and we make our own bread.
  15. The BBC news said medics could not revive him ,if he had a heart attack in our country his chances of survival might have been a bit higher . He will always be remembered for "That Ball ",the batsman Mike Gating has been interviewed by at least two radio stations this morning . His off field antics,made the tabloid press .......often, someone left a can of beer ,pack of cigarettes ,and a meat pie ,at his stature outside the MCG . RIP mate.
  16. That Celikel chopper is basically the same design as a Thai one but off set ,which is better ,meaning you are not running on the crop flattening the grass, so the chopper will not pick it up,like I said ,look at the length of the chop only good for feeding in a fresh form to cattle ,you would have a job to make any good quality silage ,chop length just to long You are right about Napier grass ,how many times has it been wrote about Napier grass being way past its best when chopped for cattle ,almost better off feeding rice straw. About Class equipment ,again you are right ,I saw a big 300 hp self-propelled forage harvesters at a dairy show a few years ago ,just way to big for Thailand ,even some tractors are 100 hp plus,good tractors but just to big for LOS . In this area we have a small firm making choppers they are blue some have been around for a long time ,if you see one look at drive chain ,the 90-degree turn is done by using a differential unit from an old pick up ,Thai ingenuity
  17. How can you do even the most simple of budget when you do not know what price you are getting for your crop . For a lot of years now when it is near corn or sugar cane harvest time I ask farmers how much are tey getting for they crop ,all they say is Mie-Roo,do not know . This year with the low rice price, who would have thought/guessed that it would be that low at planting time they are no futures market here . As the farmers pay hardy any tax, no need to do any accounts for the tax man. Dairy farmers get their tax bill from their milk collecting centre ,it was,they paid tax on income sales of over 500 000 baht of milk to the milk centre, and they do the paper work a issue a tax bill twice a year ,which the farmers pay at their local Aumphar ,our local tax office closed last year ,only opened 2 years before .
  18. Hi IA The Orange one is the locally made one this one is the new model with the chopper mounted on a frame,this one is about 120 000 baht ,this was a year agos's price,they are a direct chop cut about 1 meter cut ,like I said good for small tractors ,but the chop is not even stems tend to get chopped up OK ,but the leaves where feed vale is tend to be a long chop ,and cattle will not eat all the feed like would a short chop that is mixed in with the rest of the chop. But,for your averge Thai cattle farmer on a cut and cart system they work ok ,locale made spear parts no problem ,shop at the end of your Soi could well fix it. The other one is the imported one from Turkey ,last I heard they were 160 000 baht ,it has a rotary drum which will give you an even shot chop good for silage ,it can cut grass or corn . This tractor I think was 36 hp the owner said it can cut grass of corn ,it would be a bit slow as it will be towing a trailer as well ,the spout can rotate to give you an even fill of the trailer . They is a 2 row model ,but you would need something like a Ford to work it.
  19. Yes they is a market ,some small 4-5 men workshops have been making direct cut forage harvesters for 30 years plus ,again no key players we have firm near me that makes them mostly for a local market . They is a firm in Pharphutabaht in Saraburi province they make them ,they new modal has the chopper fixed to the tractor,not towed,cut grass or what ever and blows it in to a trailer towed behind. Over the past 4-5 years they have been an increase in 1or2 row harvesters,broght in to cut Napier grass ,or failed crops of maize,due to a drought ,most of these are imported from Turkey ,they seem to make a good job cut an even sample . The good thing about both these harvesters especially the Thai made one, they can be used with low HP tractors, 23 hp tractors are often used on them as well as pulling a trailer . The smaller imported ones would need a minimum of 40hp without too much strain on the tractor.
  20. This has been the main story on Thai TV for the past 4 days, Dang-Moor ,Water Melon,her nickname at first they said she was relieving her self at the back of the boat then fell in, but the body showed her to be fully dressed ,with marks on her body where the boats' propeller caught her. Needless to say now the conspiracy theories are flying around ,as has been said it might all come out ,or it might not.
  21. It is not so that it last a long time ,but saying that the acreage machinery dose in Thailand would be less than done in our countries, so it will last longer it is all to do with the cost of the machinery Like I said a second hand combine would be 3 million baht ,a new one plus taxes ect 5-6 million baht ,no way could anyone make that pay interest charges on borrowed money and running cost would eat the profits . Like a sugar cane harvester 2-3million baht second hand new cost ??,and remember it is only used for 3-4 months of the year . It is not the Farmer's Bank that buys the machinery, like all banks they loan out money ,they can see that a new combine/cane harvester would not make financial sense for them.
  22. Most rice farmers will only grow rice ,remember a rice field is wet the who;e time any corn planted will just rot,like corn farmers will only grow corn. Growing season normaly starts in April/May depending on the rains ,corn is a 110 day crop ,so harvest will be about August /September time ,then some farmers will plant a second crop ,that will be harvested November/December time . Most of Thailand is the same ,but I am in Lopburi province a big buyer near me has had corn come from the Northern provinces this time of year ,not certain if it has just harvested ,or been in store. A combine most are 12 foot cut's can do a 25 rie block in a morning ,if it all goes well ,most combines go to fast ,they what to get the job done and losses can be high .cost is 600 baht/rie. Before farmers used to "Hack Khowport",that is just harvest the cobs put them in sacks and take them to the buyer ,but now I would say 80?? % is harvested by a combine,some small growers know it is not viable to get the combine in ,so they harvest by hand the pickers are paid per sack it was 30-50baht /sack harvested ,then for loading and unloading .a few baht/sack. The residue after the combine is left in the field and ploughed in ,crops harvested by hand the buyer trashes the cobs ,in our area we have a company that dries seed corn for other company's ,they often buy the spent cobs and use them as fuel for their corn drying ovens . A good few years ago some farmers kept they picked crop and got the mobile thrasher in they sold the corn ,and a few use to make charcoal from the spent cobs ,not seen this for a long time, the wife did it when she was a kid.
  23. No rented equipment ,Normaly a contractor comes with his combine and harvests the crop in my area for corn and rice this year it was 600/baht/ria . Balling it is done on price the baling guy also sells the straw ,the rice farmer will sell his straw to the balling guy for a few hundred baht /rie
  24. Try reading my post ,and as IA said do some research in to Thai farming,I said Thais buy second-hand kit for it is cheaper than buying new IA has a second-hand compact tractor Farmerjo has one I have one a 20hp tractor we brought 15 years ago 72000 baht it does a us OK noway could we justifi 300k on a new tractor,we are farmers not looking for Boys Toys. Look around why do you see so many Ford tractors ,one can be brought for 400k ,a simple tractor can be fixed easily and not that expensive,to rebuild one from the ground up about 70-80k baht ,then the amount they get used, no more problems for the next 10 years ,a cheap tractor. Of course they is finance support ,it is called Tor-Kor-Sor in Thai ,the Bank of Farmers and Farming Co-op's ,they will give loans to buy tractors and equipment.
  25. Beer brewed in your country like mine ,uses barley and hops grown in the country ,here in Thailand it all has to be imported ,that is where your Thai Bev etc win ,they would buy their barley by the boat load ,and hops by the multi container load. As spidermike said the cost of getting the paper work sorted is off-putting ,a craft beer set up would have to buy his barley and hops by a container load ,in bags with the cost of shipping containers going up ,it would not just be viable to make a craft beer.
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