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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. In a nutshell no,thatch in the UK comes from wheat straw ,and long straw verities too, and not a lot of wheat is grown in Thailand, as for South Africa I would not know, but I would say they would use a local grass. They are alternatives to Yar Ka, but it is finding them, หญ้าแฝก Yar Fark what is used to prevent soil erosion ,often found planted in newly dug ditches,better than Ya Ka thicker leaves lasts longer,you could grow some a quick growing grass I have seen ,similar to coconut leaves is,ใปจาก,Bie Jak,lasts a long time,but as I said it finding it.
  2. I would not vote for Truss because of the above ,all that is the UK wanting to keep the place on the world's Top Table ,mainly at the UN Security Council ,they have two not one aircraft carriers that are not being used (is one still on sea trails ?),and then they still have not any aircraft on them. As for tax cuts Sunuk is right,no way,country cannot afford it ,that will just add even more to inflation ,leading a certain interest rate rise ,so hurting the economic growth ,and what will that do to the already battered Sterling, but for my any interest rate on my UK savings would not be a bad move.
  3. I can not see t being worth a lot ,no exactly a large tree , some short lengths, not very straight by the time it has been trimmed up, bark taken off ,they will not be a lot of left . Anyone who is in to wood turning ,or wood carving would buy it off you for certain ,that could be made in to some nice bows and vases ,have a look at Thai Facebook might be something on there.
  4. First off it will not be clover that we know of , that is a temperate crop, it will not grow here ,to hot, You could try leaving the grass an inch or so longer ,let the grass grow taller than the weed ,and in time the weed grass will die out. If you do not already ,put some urea fertilizer on the grass ,encourage the grass to grow and thicken out,other grasses should die out .a few hand full's of lime would not go a miss.
  5. Only in LOS? this is a cross road just a few hundred yards from our place ,noticed it last week ,now this, it is almost a demonstration plot ,for this weed killer,they are another one another 1 Km up the road It is 2 4 X,the chemical is Glufosinate Ammonium,a look at Google ,a little riskier than Glyphosate to use ,but certainly makes a good job ,manufactured by BASF
  6. The latest ads for the Wave say 67 km/l (157 mil/gallon, 0.67 l/100 km). For moto taxi and couriers this is an important number. Not for the average shopping rides. I have a vet friend ,drives around visiting dairy farmers ,he had a Finno for less than a year ,got rid of it used too much fuel , and not over reliable ,now back to Waves. I have done over 100k km on Waves ,only use Gashole 95 ,as recommended by more than one mechanic. I get 50-52 km/litre ,to get 67 km/litre you would have to ride at no more than 50 km/hour and take a long time getting they ,can not see it ,as has been said maybe for the 110cc modal.
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-60037657 From the BBC a list of possible candidates, Mr JRM is not on the list ,though he might still throw his hat in , But up to press it looks like Boris will be at No 10 for a few weeks yet.
  8. A few years Thai TV had a Farang on that won 100 k on the government lottery he said ,in bad Thai Sanook ,or I will enjoy/be happy ,or more likely his Thai family would have helped him Sanook it . Last month wife's son-in-law won 60 000 baht ,he went out and brought 2 buffalo heifers ,not a bad idea I thought ,but he still runs an old motorbike that is always braking down . I have had a few wins over the years ,just on 2 or 3 numbers .,which will probable cover what I have spent on tickets over the years ,if not more .
  9. I use the Ivermectin injection ,works well ,like others have tried powders, shampoo spot on ,still have tics . We live in a rural area ,lots of grass that the tics like, a 1 cc jab of Ivermectin works.
  10. Chains are universal,just make shore that the chain is the same size ,bars are universal . I just wish chain quality was universal I got a Stihl chain for my saw from our local shop ,as Dr T said keeping them sharp is the art ,I think I have now got back the art I had 35 years ago,last time I owned a chain saw But the chain is a Chinese Stihl, cuts no more than half dozen biggish logs then it is blunt as the Camel's dangle bits ,I got a sharpening kit with a sharpening guide (Chinese ) from Lazada 350 baht does the job OK . The photo? a 7inch angale grinder with a 36 inch chainsaw bar ,homemade ,seen one being used cutting planks from a large tree, like the chain oiler
  11. Must be a popular book in Thailand ,I got it given to me by a friend ,found it was a fascinating read . My nomination is Swedish author Stieg Larsson ,The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo,and the other two books in the series , just finished the third last week . And of course Tomas Hardy ,Tess of the d'Urbervilles, The Woodlanders ,and Jude the obscure.
  12. He was interviewed on BBC's Today program this morning saying the by-elections were bad for the Tories ,but as most political pundits said, that is the way of by-elections for a siting government ,but that West country result was not good for the government . He said that he is still doing a good job ???and he will not go. saying what the government have done etc,ect. But if the 1922 committee can not change the rules he could be they for another year ,but as history shows Thatcher,Major,and May ,all survived a vote of no confidence ,and all fell on their swords after 6 months. He could save the day by reducing taxes, especially vat or the tax rate ,but with the national debt after Covid, and a prediction that the UK will have the slowest growth rate of any G7 countries next year ,with interest rates going up and inflation, can he afford to,he is almost caught between a rock and a hard place . And if he did go would move in to No 10 and do the job.
  13. I use AIS on my mobile and I use 009 all the time to phone the uk ,is they a hold for 009 to Canada??.
  14. Remember 14th of next month is Khow Pen Sar, the start of the Thai lent anyone who enters the monkhood then is supposed to stay they for 3 months until the end of the Thai lent . Now ,if these retreats and forest temples follow the same lines, I would not know.
  15. I thought ? that water management was under the banner of the Royal Irrigation Department, Royal as in set up by the late king ,water or lack of was one of his things . This being Thailand, it will probably be just another committee with a name.
  16. I was in our locale town last Friday ,Big C, Macro,and Robinson, and the local fresh market,I was wearing a mask the whole time ,first time I have been they for a good few weeks . Tuesday morning fell a bit hot ,did a Covid test, positive, just like a bad cold for 2 days, moral of the story, masks do not do a lot . In fact, I ride a motorbike and have been using face masks for some years now, helps against all the dust and <deleted> from the road.
  17. I go with that ,I paid 2.80 GBP for a good pint of beer ,and they food menu prices have not gone up that much. But,I cooked a lamb hot pot , and an apple crumble the brought ingredients cost me 20 GBP plus,one meal for 3 people ,it was ok for us but low earning people that would be a lot . Read a report saying more people are turning to more junk food ,cheaper than buying all the ingredients to make a dish. All right, but with the resulting inevitable heath problems it will be the heath service that will have to pick up the pieces.
  18. Do what,I have been using Bangkok bus's for years ,OK they are bone shakers but for a few baht they work well ,most certainly not coffins on wheels. And when I was in Bangkok a few weeks ago they were very few buses running ,to cut back any more would be not good for the travelling public. PS. Used the BTS sky train at the same time ,very few people using the system compared to times past ,with practically no buses, how are people getting around Bangkok.
  19. The wife often uses one for doing any grilling of fish or steaming rice ,with ours they are hardly any smoke, maybe just a bit for a few minutes when she lights it. I would say some of your villagers do not know how to light one ,they use a heap of grass lots of smoke,or a piece of motorcycle inertube,black smoke and smells ,use kiderling,small sticks ,no smoke ,or very little ,once they are lit and going no smoke . As for the price of 250-400 baht that is expensive,I got a bigger one from our local shop for 200 baht ,and I can replace the shelf in the stove which does burn out ,these you can not .
  20. Pump prices are going through the roof yes (except Diesel which is subsidized), but 54?? Did you mean 45? I noticed that as well ,he must buy his fuel from the whisky bottles beside the road ,they will be 50 baht/litre plus, Our local Bang Jag,(big chain ) 45.50 for 95 fuel, still 200 baht to fill up my Honda Wave.
  21. For bamboo, I have used a pair of lopping shears ,you can get ratchet ones ,I have used the in the UK ,they can go through some big stuff .
  22. Yep, our local cattle shop will sell a made in Thailand fencer unit for 900 baht for a mains unit a mains/ battery unit is about 1500baht, shopee also sell them . One of these units will go the OP well ,I have used one up to 400 meters ,but as FJ said the earth is important ,but again for the OP a rod knocked 4 foot in the ground should work.our locale shop sells 4-5 foot ground rods for about 200 baht. Wire I use 14 SWG wire I can get that for 50baht/kg any builder's or agriculture shop will sell it . We have a lot of goats in the area. they owners just use bamboo posts ,with old motorcycle inertube on the post as an insulator with the wire just rapped around the post,most seem to use 3 strands of wire ,electric fences work well for goats . I had to get a Gallagher unit I was running up to 500 meters run the Thai unit was not providing enough of a wack ,my Gallagher I got for 4500 baht ,I put in an earth system 3 steel rods knocked in the ground 6 foot ,works well . For a Gallagher fence unit, try PPfence.co,or Yenwa in Bangkok.
  23. You have not said where you are ,but ask around for a local rice mill ,they would know. I regularly see loads of rice husks in this area ,they are used in broiler houses. The loads are big with sides and backs of a 10wheel truck extended , and covered in blue shade cloth you need a lot of rice husk's for a ton ,being a by-product the price would not be high.
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