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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. You might be luck in buying some good bread in a city, look in to making your own a bread, bread maker from Lazada/Shoppe , whole meal flour you can buy line, might be able to buy it in town, white bread flour readily available. I have been making my own bread for a couple of years now, most certainly better than Farmhouse.
  2. Ps, forgot how many dodgy penalties have MU been awarded over the years.
  3. Well, he has now gone, now what, and who?
  4. Our house we built 13 years ago, with wooden windows, the wood is Mie Dang, in Thai, known to us as Red Hard Wood. insets will not/ can eat it ,too hard, the house doors are Teak, will add, the pair at the front of the house do warp during the wet season, but still can shut /open OK.,the wood ,so the guy said, come from CM. The windows never have been a problem, due to change of climate /season, still open as before. In this age of all plastic windows and doors, it is nice to see some wooden ones.
  5. If it is of any help, the Pasak dam in Lopburi was built, for irrigation for locale farmers, and help with the flooding of Bangkok and Ayutthaya ,the Pasak river comes downs from Pechabun ,200 km from the dam. The Pasak River flows in the Chow paya river at Bang Par Inn, in Ayutthaya province, that has been the problem, you have two rivers, almost full all flowing in too Bangkok. Now back to the Pasak dam ,on my door step ,was they last week ,now about 86% full ,normal now it is full ,and they open the dam gates and let the water go ,so thay say to stop flooding around the dam, now the gates are barely open not a lot of water is flowing (not good fishing year),so less water is flowing in to the Pasak and Chow Paya rivers les coming down to you. But, Thai TV was up at Charnat province a few days ago the big dam they is about full, some water will have to be let go, that will be coming your way. But here in Lopburi the felling that the rainy season is done for this year, bar the odd few days of rain,i.e. 64 mm of rain last weekend.
  6. Good points but first he will have to get the moisture of the crop down, most rice is harvested at about 30% moisture, wet, for any storage the moisture needs to be 15%, any more the crop will heat up and spoil. Drying rice here is by spreading it on a concrete pad and turning it all the time, if the OP has say 20 ton that is a big aera of concrete, and a lot of turning, depending on the weather it could take 5 days, then bagging up and storing. As has been said storage has to be good, to keep the weather and rats out.
  7. No, he wants, Stoned Love
  8. No, he wants, Stoned Love
  9. Know the road very well, straight two lanes either way, road in good condition for Thailand, as has been said going to fast, looks like over taking both cars in the middle of the road and meet. Another 3km up the road they are widening the road and are going to put barriers down the middle of the road, that should help. About 6 years ago I was on that road come across a bad accident 3 cars, one guy looked well dead, something will never change in Thailand, one is RTA 's,
  10. The OP has not said where he is, is his area a Palm Oil area? if he does decide to sell the fruit, will he have a local market, or will it be a long road trip to sell his crop. My area is Lopburi ,not a Palm oil growing area, and we do have a few small plantations about, they will have a very long journey to find a market.
  11. This has been on the Thai TV, almost nonstop for the past few days, he said he will repay "until the end of my life ",let's hope he live to well over 100, as he needs to pay back , allegedly 400 million baht.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 209 seconds  
  13. I do not know where you come from, but no one would drill a bore hole 300 meters in Thailand, one no need, the max I know of is 100 meters, and would say that most companies that drill bore hole would not have the pipe work of the power of the equipment to drill down to that depth. We live in rural area our water comes from a bore hole, it is a about 2 years old now never been a shortage of water, and this year's hot season was hot we have had water pressure issues, mainly due to pump problems and burst water pipes
  14. A banana tree can be a quite big, finding a chipper that would chop them, most chippers are self-feeding, the plant/branch go's in between two rollers that are spring mounted and will open as the tree/branch is feed in ,if the tree branch is to big it will not feed in ( you could take the spring out make feeing easier), banana trees are soft easy to chop, could you cut the bigger ones down the middle? ,they would then fit in a chipper blockage should not be a problem. For chippers try patipong.com, they are in Pathum Thani north of Bangkok, they is/was videos of their chippers . Also look at past posts on chipper shredders on AV.
  15. You must have been looking at a different photo from me, the gas tanks I looked at were in the middle of the bus in the luggage holds, the engine on nearly all buses like this one are at the back of the bus, away from the gas tanks, someone on Thai tv on the evening of the accident was saying about brakes overheating, you could well say that the MB engine that was replaced would have been secondhand. A 50-year-old bus, normal in Thailand, it would have had a re-spray with some fancy design on it, a guy near me paints buses some of the designs are quite striking.
  16. Not a good idea, one, you would need to speak Thai just to understand what is going on, and how the system works. But the main problem is, an organization like this would deal in rice by the 100/1000 ton lots, not your family's 30? ton at the most. If you want to improve your profit margin look at nish marketing of rice, like organically grown rice, try what Thai's call Khow -Gong, what we would call whole grain rice, and sell it on line, the wife brought some last week on line, the farm is sells it at 50baht/kg, a lot more that you would get from selling it to your local suppler.
  17. A quick look at Google, if it is the same model, they is a small disc in the middle of the wheel ,I would say if you put in a small screwdriver that should leaver off ,giving you access to the nut on the wheel ,which should come off giving you access to the blade drive ,as you said probably dirt in they ,and some grease would not come a miss. You could look up your model on YouTube could well be a video on how to take it apart and clean it all up.
  18. The wife is up at 5am, cooking food for the monks, they get to us at about 6.15 am, I am up at 5.30 am, we have a smallholding rearing few cattle, they what feeding, then a of tea, then when the wife is done, we are out cutting fed for the cattle, nonmale done by 7.30 am, then breakfast. For some years milked a head of cows in the UK, started milking at 6 am, so use to an early start.
  19. My faorite Supertramp trac
  20. It is almost the end of September; the rainy season normally goes on to the end of October. I am in Lopburi province, so far this year we have had very little rain, Wifes daughter and son in law are rice farmers and they are pumping water into their rice fields from a bore hole, not enough rain. Me writing this now will bring floods on now.
  21. Tamarind trees a good idea...but they can grow we have one next to the house it has been they 10 years now ,now 12 meters high and still growing ,not the first time I have seen one come down in a strong gale ,the whole lot roots and all ,our one we are going to have to take the top out soon ,at least the roots do not grow long and get in the house foundations, what foundations they is with Thai house building. Eucalyptus ok but that can grow to 14 meters plus. I would go with bamboo, we have some as well, but they leave's when they fall get everywhere, the wife is always cleaning them up.
  22. You will know the answer to this, Thailand has/had a very large reserve of foreign currence abroad, would this have any effect on the baht's strength?
  23. Your pigs are not flying now, the wife left home at 8 .00am, come home at 10.00 am complete with 10 000 baht, she got for her disabled daughter. She did not register for the system, just used daughters disabled card. It proves, something in Thailand do work.
  24. This subject has come up before, more than once, then as now they are some that work on their farm with basically no paperwork, I have been doing it for a good few year now along with other farangs. Last time someone wrote, and I can agree, they said, if keep yourself to yourself, lean to speak some Thia, help out with some of your neighbors, as well as getting on with, then you will be ok. I helped a local farmer calve one of his cows one evening he was well happy; I was in his good books. On our place everything is in the wife's name, you could say I am just a part time volunteer.
  25. The Thai's use the English name for Mahogany, with an ascent on the word. I have some Mahogany, and Mie Dang, both very dry, and old, I use for wood turning, the Mahogany is hard, but the Mie Dang, red wood is a lot harder. As for finding Mahogany for sale ,looking around our local wood yards ,that sell both new and old timber ,the old wood mainly comes from old Thai houses ,never seen any Mahogany, have asked but always ,no, I would say it was chopped down and exported years ago ,basically non left ,I know of a few hard wood plantations in our area ,they have some mahogany trees growing, but it will be out grand/great grandchildren that will see the results of that. Mi -Khaeng -See-Dum ,I would translate as black hard wood, which could relate to Ebony.
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