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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. Last month lost my phone, went to renew the old SIM, but they system, AIS, only had the old registered passport number on it, going back 15 years plus, as luck had it I still had my old passport from then, and I could re new the old SIM, they would not take my current passport at all. No old passport no re new my old SIM.
  2. The seeds you were told that where "sterile" are probable F1 Hybrids, that is they only grow and seed once, then try replanting them they will grow, often stunted, but will not flower /seed. Maize/corn is another one, new seed will produce a cob, plant that seed it will grow into a plant, but no cob. Someone on Lazda was selling seed but not F1, like they said, but never mind it has grown which matters.
  3. True, I use to keep traveler's cheques here as an emergence stand by, I thought with now cashless all over the palace I thought I would cash them in on my last trip to the UK. My bank Lloyds would not take them, and it was them that issued them, had to go to a Buro exchange and change then back to cash, at a commission charge, of course, As I see it traveler's cheques are now RIP.
  4. He is holding the election in July, as they say best to move house in the summer than in the late autumn/winter, like Sunak will have too. Who will win, must be Labour, can they sort things out, their way is to spend money top of the list (again) will be the black hole known as the NHS. What will they do with the economy, it has got better over the past year still a long way to go exports to the European mainland still not good, and now all the red tape, that needs to be sorted out. My guess as I said Labour will just spend, in 5 years times country has run out of money they will have to put taxes up, after bringing down as in they to be pre-election pledge, and the Tories will get in again . Of cause the black horse will be the Reform party, they have had 10%n of the by-election vote some say that will rise in July....at who's cost. Election, 4th July American Independency Day...............
  5. They are saying that the money will be paired with contributions from the BAAC. That is the farmers bank, that loans money to farmers, for buying seed, fertilizers etc. buying land building, houses, the wife gets her pension from them. I read a report a few years ago that loans from the bank, on compound interest will take for the next 50 years to pay back, we know more than one farmer who has over 1-million-baht loans from them. It is government owned, as I see it the government are robbing Peter to pay Paul, it is all coming out of the same pot, they were talk about the Government Saving bank getting involved, same difference, all government money. Looking at my crystal ball, I do not think it will happen, someone will listen to one of the economists and they will find the pot is not bottom less, almost empty.
  6. This has been running on Thia TV for the past week, and this eveing with the PM looking in on it, they have said it is safe to eat, talk about sell it for 10-17 baht/kg. but as the wife has said and others, the taste has gone, and it will have a Moudy taste to it. no one here will eat it. Someone said export it, to whom, other countries can read the news and will never buy it. Like I said before the big livestock feed manufacturing companies will buy it, if the price is right, pigs, poultry, cattle will not be fussy.
  7. I have read about growing alternative crops between coconut palms, similar to palm oil trees, black pepper plants was one, they like the shade, but difficult to grow. In my area Lopburi, they are a few young palm oil tree plantations, but it is very dark under them, too much shade nothing will grow.
  8. On my computer I just press the button, maybe for a second or two, above the Tab key, next to the number one, and that will change the language.
  9. Something I learned not so long ago, Lao Khao is made from Pineapples.
  10. Not only the sellers, what about the growers of the stuff, near me is a place 17 rie, almost 7 acers, they have invested a good few million in growing the weed and are still investing, there are few other smaller places. Will they get any compensation?..........no
  11. The wife said they are Head Pot, you can eat them. Sauté them in butter with a bit of garlic.
  12. You cannot tell me after 10 years that weevils have not got into the rice. It will have lost its scent for sure, probable have a moldy taste to it, be better off selling to the likes of CP or Betagro and mix it in for livestock feed. but feed companies would not pay much more than say 10baht/kg for it.
  13. Long story short, for the first-time last week I had to use my UK bank cark to make a cash withdraw 5.1 % was Kasikorn charge, then UK bank charges. Glad I am not a tourist here on holiday using a Uk bank card or any other bank card, to withdraw cash ... an expensive holiday.
  14. Same as me I use AIS on my mobile speed is good, but my mobile is fairly new, so speed is good. But if you look at the AIS website, like I did, I could not find my 1800-baht one year package, it should be *777*7329#
  15. You beat me to it. I heard it as ,(e)x, an un-known quantity, a Spurt, a drip under pressure.
  16. This was on Thai TV this evening, they said the same thing the original manhole covers were stolen. Thai tv said on more than one occasion, the manhole was Sip-Har, meters deep 15 meters in English, not 20 m. My first thought was why put utility cables in so deep ??.
  17. I would say that Mangos grown from seed should all bear fruit, they are not like an F1 hybrid corn/maize verities that will not have any cobs if grown from kept back seed. They are maybe? somewhere, some hybrid verities that will not bear fruit, but not here in Thailand as most verities are old ones going back a lot of years. I am trying without a lot of luck, to grow some Gar-lork mangos, they with bear fruit from seed for certain, an old verities, now not easy to find, if I can find a tree, I will try to do some grafting, will have to wait for the rains for certain.
  18. And somewhere just to sit down and have a cup of tea/coffee would be nice, or maybe a beer.
  19. Looking at that timing cover bike looks mor like a BSA 650 A10.
  20. I have been using a side car now for 6 years ever since a hip replacement op, never a problem with the BIB. having been riding motorbikes for 40years plus no problem. The problem with Thai sidecars is that they are never set up right, they never get the right toe in on the sidecar right, that makes them difficult to ride, the wife's side car was bad until I set it up right, now it rides a treat. Where you get, you can only carry goods not passengers from I do not know, look around you not all side cars are used for selling hotdogs and meat balls, defiantly more outfits hauling people than goods.
  21. Not certain, if it has thorns could well be a lime tree.
  22. I would say from Swampy, go to the North Easten Bus Terminal ,Morchit, and get a bus cost? No more than 500 baht, a VIP night bus might be a bit more, all the buses are air con good seats. I would feel safer in a bus than a 5-hour taxi ride, at least a bus will have a toilet. Now having done a lot of miles o9n buses over the past 20 years, that would be way I would go.
  23. We know they is no money in the pot, but as for paying taxes, like most Brits living out of they own country and have been paying the NI tax for 35 years, so surly they should be able to get the increase. Note, with the triple lock coming into force in the UK pensions have gone up, but more than one person has said it is now going beyond they 12000 GBP personnel allowance, and they are saying they could well be having to pay tax, after paying tax they could be down more money than before the increase.
  24. How long is a piece of string? , when a tree bear fruit depends how well it is growing, and how well it is fed and watered? we had a Kaffer lime tree that did bear any fruit for 8-9 years after we planted it ,and we have a Pomelo tree been with us for the same time, still no fruit. Also, Mangos like the cool season, it helps set the flowers.
  25. Sugar cane like water, any dry spell will show in reduced yields. In my area the op has got it wrong, cassava price is at an all-time high, more cassava is being grown this year than in past years, a lot of cane has been ploughed out and not replaced. Our local sugar mill this year received 1.5 million tons of cane ,let's see what next year will bring.
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