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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. It's good. refreshing. Not viscous. Carbonated. Mild malt, hops taste. Very similar to beer.
  2. Maybe you were a bad person in a previous life and are paying for it now. Maybe you should hire Khmer, Laos, or Rhyinga.? You want some cheese with the whine.?
  3. An adopted child normally lives with adopting parent, so ...
  4. 2114 US sponsored coup of Ukraine govt, installation of upper leaders, and subsequent slaughter of 1000s Russian speakers in East.?
  5. To fly 'big birds' an ATP rating, [much beyond Commercial license] is required. Also type training. It is safe est. Please desist with the whining. Thank you.
  6. The speed limit by law is 90km/hr; so what is the point of a super-duper bike ? An acceleration blast that lasts maybe 4 seconds. Congratulations. You da man.
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