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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. You seem to be unaware of the myriad of studies attesting to the effectiveness go Iver vs C19.
  2. Stayed in CM yesty, no road riding. Got DaisyDuke washed as super dirty. Laundry, massage. Had a big ol’ pork rib dinner at Riders Corner near my GH. Real good. BS w/ the boys. Invited on a group rid for Friday but no. Today took off north to Fang w/ side ride around 1322; 124km mountain loop. Real good. In a real nice big room, Sleeping Tree 890baht incl brecky. ????
  3. Got soaked Monday a couple of times.
  4. Yesty riding south from MHS encountered a thunder-storm. Ducked into a food stall w/cover for bike for a soft drink and waited an hour for things to clear. Down the road a ways another storm. Pulled up on side of road and sheltered under a tree. A Thai man in pick-up truck stopped to see if okay. 5 5
  5. Corrupt cops in USA don't take bribes so much. Rather extort with large fines for petty traffic offenses. And if you don't grovel to their a- thor-i tie, the will cuff, beat, and file false charges. They will shoot to kill at the slightest provocation. And if some school kids need saving from a mad shooter, they will cower. FTP.
  6. So… Left Patty last Monday at about 8 AM. Headed north on 331; 304; 201 to 12 west.. Couldn’t find a guest house until about Phitsanaluk. 700km first day. Day 2 into Sukhothai to meet up with expat “Ear-ache” He helped me with a repair on the bike and we drank a beer &c. Next day CM. Stayed at my fav GH TriGong at NE corner of moat. Been using them 10 years now. Spent a few days riding CM & MHS provs. WatChan; Pai. MHS. Phan Mapa. KuhnYuan. . back to CM now. Blown away by the quality of riding here. Everyone super friendly. Biker heaven..
  7. About 50 people die/ year from coconuts. People falling from trees or hit with falling nuts or fronds.
  8. Thanks for clarifying that. ... been wondering these last 11 years.
  9. Papa addresses every Thai female as 'darlin.'. They reciprocate w/dak ling. 5 5
  10. X-ferred the 30-liter Givi from ceeber to DaisyDuke. The bolts holding the plastic plate to the carrier hadn't been removed in 8-years so they put up a fight.
  11. After eating w/ friend at his house last eve, DaisyDuke had bad battery. Borrowed his Wave to ride home and this AM bought & installed new 1000baht battery. The nut/bolt holding the (-) was frozen [finally broke] so considerable sweating n swearing ensued.
  12. part 2 After paying up, stood and felt a bit faint. Sat down hoping it would pass, but no. Ended up in their bathroom for a couple hours D. puking & sweating profusely. Lying on the floor. Eventually called a Thai buddy w/ car to help me home. Food poisoning? Okay this AM so took moto-taxi back to retrieve DaisyDuke. Mechs laughing at me. 5 5
  13. Off to a ruff start. The prequel. After morning mountain ride, took DaisyDuke to the shop on 3rd rd. hoping to get new spark plug. 18,500km, original, prolly Per YT, it is difficult/crowded/ but possible with simple plug-wrench. But they cannot. Discovered slack bearings on rear wheel so they changed those. Adjust, oil chain. Set tires to 30psi. B200 +tip. 5 5 Stay tuned for part, 2.
  14. Plan is gelling some. Depart Monday AM. Kabn Buri > Chiaphun left to Tak > onto 105 to 108. > Then rt to the little roads by west of Inthanon and >back to 108 north. >ride around MHS & north CM for ~ week then >NE and meandertal around some more. Phayo, Nan ... Eventualy back CNX. ???? BKK.
  15. In Gonzalez [... well known to all us lawyers] Her ex kidnapped their 3 kids [despite protective orders in place] and threated to kill them. Cops did nothing and he killed them & self. SCOTUS: no duty for LEOs nor city to protect. But hey, interpret as you will.
  16. Good luck. FBI: 1. Sovereign immunity. 2. Castlerock v Gonzalez...no duty to protect.
  17. OP π groovy, man. Will be riding up there next week or so, man. Peazout. ????
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