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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. My, aren't you the lever little huckster.
  2. = ~ value three or four of papa's bikes. 5 5
  3. A. They look cool. 2. The price of cool can be high.
  4. Try searching "convert motorcycle rim to tubeless " on YT. ????
  5. >116.
  6. Kindly elucidate what you mean by cross-spoke wheel. Maybe the same as on papa's TY350.? One double-length spoke replacing two?
  7. Yes, That's probably it.
  8. Siphon tank, then start & run carbs MT. Refill benzene w/ a little 2t oil added to prevent rust in tank. ????️
  9. VN, if papa hooks a spark-pickup tach to say the ceeber150 HT lead, the indicated reps will be 2x the actual rpm. Fires twice per 4-cycle, at near top for ignition and top before intake. 2100 on the meter would be 1050 true.
  10. Thanks for clarifying that.
  11. Please stop your passive-aggressive posts.
  12. Ok Karen. papa will go with straight aggressive then: papa would be willing to give parts numbers. $100 consulting fee tho. [to charity] So pay up or shut up. 'passive aggressive ' smh !
  13. You are.
  14. Domestic flights already cheap.
  15. That's the spirit.! Endevor to persevere.
  16. Hearsay mostly. Never got discount for cash purchases, 3x. //// Dealership makes more much from finance sale than cash sale. Why would they give cash incentive for cash sale. They might give you a 200baht helmet.
  17. NO. Can't go wrong with the L. Nor the Rally. For longer road trips, tire selection is prolly more relevant than L vs. Rally.. Also buy a 2nd-hand ceeber while you are at it. ~$1000. Good paved-road bike.
  18. Ever heard of using older cousin's ID.?
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