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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. Just got the following from a Laos expat: >>>>. New To enter Lao the cc doesn't matter. The law to only allow up to 250cc in Lao has recently changed as well. ...... Borders are open again, no restrictions, welcome! <<<<<<<<<<< papa thinking about riding the mighty Lifan200 D/S. Roads are bad there.
  2. Seems border is open. Is there a displacement restriction for taking a bike in? Heard 300cc min once but really dunno. Would really like to do a tour there. Mighty Lifan-200 possibly.
  3. In the past show up at border w/ passport & green-book. Need to switch off or cover headlight during day.
  4. Correct. 59k is 9k more than 50k. You are a sharp one.!!
  5. Generalizing from one application and one ester [among the hundreds/thousands of esters that can be synthesized] may not be too wise. The literature is replete with esters used for rust prevention. Give up dog. Bingo !!
  6. Draining and flushing your truck's gasolene tank 1 or 2x a year for 10 years.! You are a far braver man than papa. /////// Good 2T oils contain good amounts of certain esters, which, we know are produced by the reduction of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid, and releasing a HOH. These esters are highly polar. strongly attracted to ferris metals. [rust prevention] Also, when HOH condenses in a gas tank under a storage situation. the chemical reaction [esterfication] is reversed and the HOH is sequestered, [dewatering] and the alcohol and carboxylic acid are burned as fuel. Fuel stabilizers [Stabil, Amsoil's product, &c.] are the same, esters. Honestly, your scheme seems ridiculous.
  7. So you applied this process every 6 months.? Or once and done, forever. Any data.? Seems pretty random for a Sounds like a real hassle, compare to squirting a little 2T oil or additive into tank of gasoline/benzine. But hey, go for it mate.
  8. ... so ... you have good luck using this process on your motorcycle tanks, or not?
  9. The referenced article certainly didn't suggest it for anything like motorcycle gas tanks. Guessing you have had good luck with that?
  10. Actually benzine [gasoline] not benzene [aromatic hydrocarbon].
  11. Why bother. This is way too much hassle. Just add a little 2T oil to the gas if this rust thing is a concern. Or even some 4T oil.
  12. Use pure gasoline/ benzene rather than the 10% Etol / gasohol. & https://www.lazada.co.th/products/amsoil-gasoline-stabilizer-16-oz-i2285279189-s7680535355.html?search=1.
  13. Best? Getting one free would be better. Or having someone pay you to take it would be even better. Cops don't look at those stickers.
  14. How does one go about being careful in a situation like this.?
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