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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. Right. Private sector: common criminals. Public sector: cops, bosses, &c.
  2. Cops ride on sidewalk, lead the way why not. ya whiney old git.
  3. A certain percentage of the population enjoys hurting people. Maybe they were bullies in HS. Maybe bullied themselves. They become cops. Or whatever.
  4. try https://www.pjtrading.shop/index.php she is honest
  5. It's definitely NOT that you are a horses az who can't control his pettiness.
  6. What ever fires your rocket. Black-belt level name-caller 👍🏼.
  7. disingenuous is defined as --- not serious. So your syllogism fails.
  8. I visited my guy at Pattaya Remand Prison yesterday. He reports 70 per 50Msq cell currently. They are telling him in a week or so it will be 90 per.
  9. Thanks for clarifying that.
  10. Is a coin round or flat.?
  11. I couldn't find much on inter web. Anybody have an idea.?
  12. 17.3% better
  13. get a Honda Wave.
  14. Sorry, I missed that in the article. This is what he told me, first time I visited him.
  15. Thailand has one of the highest incarceration rates of any country. Not as high as USA of course.
  16. After John's arrest, before he faced a judge, he refused to give up his source so he was severely beaten, kicked repeatedly in the head 8 broken teeth.
  17. "they take turns in sleeping and laying down " Which are waiting to lie down.?
  18. "Known" dangers: Junk food, sugar/carbs/grains, fats / oils meat [gout] dairy [Bovine Growth Hormones in cows milk] diet 'coke' water in styrene bottles. covid vax & prolly all mercury containing vaccines Statin drugs MOA inhibiters dengue fever most drugs. doctors motorbikes wing-suit flying cobras life
  19. Hanging around having Pumpkin House comp brecky, egg, rice, sausage, mini-avocados, bananas & oranges also in season. Hopefully Anoon my local guide will show up. Word is he had to shoot over to Pai last evening. So 50-50. He rides a CRF w/ 17"wheels, supr-moto style. Here is the route. About 4 hrs by Lifan. Some stream fording involved. 😎
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