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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. papa came across 2 elephants in the road today.
  2. Pom is the small harry dog.? Aren't English also Brits.? This is so confusing to my Yank fiend.
  3. whinging, whining, complaining and moaning what's the difference among these 4.? [asking for a yankee fiend]
  4. Question #2: Do these bikes perform better than say, a Wave, or Finn, with similar tires.?
  5. Question: Does "off road" mean unpaved road.?
  6. Those who bought the 500 didn't buy the 300 so ... how could they really compare the two.? 5 5
  7. So if you wear a 10,000baht helmet, your head is worth just 10,000baht.? 5 5 Genius.
  8. A shoulder tat of a motorcyclist... & this is your interpretation.? 5 5 You funny guy.
  9. What a brilliant analysis; papa stands in awe. & your ability to know what other people are thinking... a true talent.
  10. Thank you for your comments. You are so wise.!
  11. dukatty sucks bow-ring 160cc Tri = koolio.
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