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Posts posted by snake24

  1. When I came to live here (Thailand) 13 years ago this topic would have ended long ago ie after the 1st page and a half perhaps with "your talking ..... so naff off you ....!!!" but the topic has stretched to 10 pages and what lies within is a terrible but true indictment of this country and most of its people. We soon become the very person we detested when we arrived here first. The angry old farang. Fact is we are (and there are of course exceptions to the rule) not compatible with Thai women outside the scratcher and most of what is available Thai men have already rejected and probably for good reason one must assume. And when one ventures off the beaten track you find Thai men every bit as gullible as foreign men except we don't see it in all its glory in the Thai Karaoke's and sing a song Cafe's. And for those who think they know it all did you realise that there are thousands of bars in Thailand for women, in particular those married to 'Farang' ie farang wives to go to where there are short time rooms and young boys every bit as lusty and hungry for money as the girls in the bars but at half the price.

    Oh there are many many such bars for the fairer sex obviously. A male prostitute is known as a gigglo and they are exist in probably every country the world over.

    Btw why did you pick out thai ladies there were married to farang or did you mean female farangs? What difference is a thai girl married to a farang from a thai girl that isn't? As for cheating spouses well everyone does it unless you are implying in an indirect manner that thai girls married to farang shouldn't cheat?

    Anyway back to the thai gigglos women from other countries come to see them like japan, singapore, european countries. Even heard that one singapore female celebrity goes to thailand for that. The stigma isn't as bad as a man going to thailand for you know that. A female that travels to thailand isn't going to be so heavily scrutinized as a male and that applies for the western females going to jamaica,

    Btw the females that seek out these gigglos are pretty generous i heard. Some of them buy gifts for them and support them, just search on the rent a dread and how these western women that seek out these jamaican dreadlocked men buy them gifts, give them lots of money and so on certainly more generous than the men that try to bargain a <deleted> job from 1000 to 500 bht.

  2. I once tried to help a British man who was homeless and in a bad way, mentally and physically. I called the British embassy and they said they could not do anything unless he was incarcerated in prison or a mental institute.

    They never offered any other assistance and said there was nothing else they could do. I saw the man again a week later still on the street and took matters int my own hands to help him get home.

    Anyone else have experiences or information to share relating to farang street people? Any embassy comments on what to do if we find these people?

    Yes the British Embassy is an utter disgrace. They are only here to support business so the government can report on stronger trade for a few votes back home. Worse they milk their citizens with outrageous passport fees and visa applications for others. The worst is they try to pass off their immoral and gutter behavior by trying to tell people how they are they to help. Disgusting civil servants the lot of them. They are humanly unworthy.

    I'm surprised about this cos i thought western countries would have more human rights and treat their citizens better.

    You are wrong. The elites only give stuff to the citizens to get elected. Other than that, they don't care, whichever country they live in.

    OIC but you know the western individual always loves to chide non westerners especially asians for their lack of human rights. They would do it to the africans except that they pity them and always see them as totally helpless.

  3. I had a scary experience a couple of years ago with an old mistic looking lady, but I guess it's taught me a lesson to be respectful and courteous to the elderly especially if they're worse off than you.

    Whilst out drinking with friends over on a holiday visit, a pale creepy looking, hunched back old lady approached our group persistently asking for money. When she came up to me shaking her tin cup and glaring a cold, dark look through one squinted and one glass eye, I brushed her off by asking suggestively what I could "get for my money"

    She Threw her tin can down against the floor in fury and snarled and spat as she repeatedly chanted what I imagine was some sort of Buddhist curse "kon law hai sam roi haa sip baht chan hai chak wao"

    It really freaked me out so I left the group and went back home. That night still feeling shaken by the events and with the old lady's chant's circulating in my head like a carousel I asked my then girlfriend if she knew what a "chak wao" was? And with that she slapped me and stormed out of the house, it really affected me negatively as she was in the middle of wanking me off at the time.

    oooh chak wao was she calling you the thai equivalent of what the british would call a "<deleted>".

  4. A point to note, there are numerous studies, documentaries and articles examining the women in Thailand's sex industry - virtually no such analysis of the people who drive the industry - the customers.

    Its study that would surely reveal something instructive.

    My understanding is that in Sweden, they criminalized paying for sex i.e. the customers can be arrested, but not the prostitutes who are viewed as victims.

    I have no idea how that is working out, but certainly the arresting of prostitutes doesn't achieve anything constructive anywhere.

    In New Zealand, they legalised prostitution and the girls work in brothels. Seems to be a win win situation. Men can have sex without worrying about being arrested and the girls are safe.

    BTW, no way a NZ prostitute would consider herself a "victim", just as in Nevada, USA, where some places have legal brothels.

    In Venusuela, prostitution is legal and there is an English guy that organises stays at his sex hotel for English guys.

    Seems much better to legalise it than criminalise it.

    You forgot the world famous amsterdam. How could you?

  5. The way some of you are married to or in a relationship with some thai girls shows that well it's not really love especially in the western sense. Looks very much like a financial transaction. Better not let my young wife have access or know how much assets i have if not it will be gone. Need to be careful of her it's genetic for her and her kind to cheat, lie and steal but i'm still married with her.

    Actually this form of companionship is rather common in the olden days where families married one another for the sake of politicial connections or to keep their bloodline pure. Just take matchmaking in india for example. It is rather common or how royal families married off their children and their children didn't have a say in it as to whether they even liked one another.

    You guys agree with me that it's these damn romance movies and novels that have clouded our minds as to love conquers all and only love matters and ignore the fact that ppl do marry to get some young thing to have sex with or for an atm machine or a green card etc etc.

  6. Listen guys you lot take it from me right here. I met the mother of my daughter 9 years ago, she was 18 i was 35. This girl was brand new, and i mean brand spanking new. When i pulled them knickers down for the first time, i was chipping out of the rough with a sand wedge. I had the bar, three actually. Sold them a long time ago. As a 35 year old man at the time, i had to watch, listen and console grown men twice my age who had been taken to the cleaners by Thai women. It wont happen to me was the cry, until the shit hit the fan. It was a very humbling experience seeing a conveyor belt of guys getting systematically robbed blind. Truth is , there is no way to stop it. The place is set up for it. People who have been here for a while will agree with me when i say the most difficult part of moving out here is the lack of routine. The one thing we all come out here without is the consciousness of routine and the implications that surround one of the most fundamental things every one of us have in our culture. From the time we leave that cot we are all regimented into out culture. From the first cries of, get out of bed, your breakfast is on the table and your going to be late for school. Right up until you are ground hogged in a job that is, "for many, not all". Tedious, boring depressing and basically living a life of building up to a weekend on the same orders. Week in and week out. We are for the most part institutionalized in the UK, over there we have a rough idea what we will be doing next week, maybe two weeks down the line, we mostly know what we will be doing in the evenings, the mornings, the noon's and the nights. Our women are also institutionalized, as a man we are looked at as a provider and a breeder. This is where most of the problems start. We are a vulnerable peoples, especially when our routine has been striped away and we have a licence to think for ourselves. Yes, we all think we think, but we do not think outside our culture zone because we never have a situation over there where we need to. You come out here and for the first 2 years you are waking up looking for your uniform, boots, suit, boiler suit, you name it. The place and the people here are a fair ground ride, we get on board and we cant get off. We are drifting on a daily basis in a world of emotional instability, insecurity, and ignorance. For us this is a lethal combination because we have always lived under the work, family, routine blanket. Only so much can go wrong there and what does go wrong, most of it is predictable anyway. Out here you are alone emotionally, you need to think for yourself, occupy yourself, become extremely vigilant, conscious, and smart. This is the reason why 90% of the under 50s fail here. The ones who have money can afford to be taken advantage of and still survive, then again money and emotions can conflict. As for my wife she is manipulative, greedy, lazy, and will steal, lie and cheat. This has not been influenced on her by sadistic Pattaya journey girls, she does not drink, smoke and work! If i can get an 18 year old clean slate 9 years ago and do nothing but offer trust, advice, security, status, money, car, house, and this person is naturally unsentimental, heartless, disrespectful, deceitful and genetically flawed, what chances do most people have.

    An interesting post.

    Don't you think it's the "brand spanking new" infatuation you had with your wife that is what she used to get you "on the hook" and then her bar girl "training" came later????

    For most, that training starts prior, but in some cases, it can come later.

    I know guys who have gone up to the villages, directly, and picked and paid for girls, before they were sent down south to work in the bars - just the way the Thai "scouts" do.

    They thought they were smarter than everyone else - a few years down the track and they ended up with the same monster for a wife, as if they met them working out of a bar. In fact, I think these girls were worse, because these girls have never had to go with various customers to be able to send money home, so, they don't know the dirty work of a bar. They carry on like spoilt children.

    There are big new houses up in the villages in Issan with new pick-up trucks parked out the front. Your 18 year old "pure" Thai girlfriend, and wife to be, goes home and gets coached on what to say and how to act in order to gain the same assets out of you.

    Seriously, unless a foreigner meets an independent, non-racists, Thai women, of equal education, and equal income, and similar age - it's just about the money.

    Thailand is not the place to think that your love with conquer all in a relationship. You relationship will not be like the movie "Pretty Women" with Julia Roberts.

    Many of the Thai girls hide behind "Thai culture" and say "we have to take care family darling" - it's not Thai culture, it's the poorer Issan girls that have to do this, so they are constantly looking to earn more money from their trade.

    The house you build for "mama and papa" up in Issan, or that block of land "for rice farm" is going to be her retirement plan - and you will not feature in that plan.

    Money can come from many customers, or just one customer, who is more wealthy and generous. Either way, it's about the money.

    From your post, I get the feeling that you think boredom is the foreigners worst enemy here. I hardly think being treated like an ATM is a great way to escape boredom. If that's the case, one should take up online gambling as a hobbie, because at least then you have a small chance of a return, because with a Thai women, once the money goes to her, or her family, it's gone from you forever - no chance of return whatsoever.

    You can only but laugh at the girls that say, "If you not take care of my family I have to go back to work in the bar." - can't guys just see that she is still "working in the bar" - except now, she has only one exclusive customer. It's as simple as that.

    In fact, the lies and deceipt are greater in these long term relationships. To be able to look someone straight in the face, everyday, and know you are "screwing them over" and they haven't go a clue, can be viewed as impressive. It takes the callousness of hardened criminal to perpetrate this against someone.

    If we were to break it down into simple accounting (baht) - with guys building houses in Issan, sending money, buying motorbikes and cars in Issan, buying gold, paying for weddings and the dowry (sin sod) buying land in Issan and "working" that land, buying the family a business in Issan, buying their girl a business on Phuket (usually a salon) etc etc - if you were to add all of this cost together, one could have legitimately employed a maid to cook and clean for 7 days a week and gone out and taken a home a different girl, every night, and been ahead financially.

    It doesn't even make economic sense. smile.pngsmile.png

    Once again, for the record, NKM is under 50, single by choice, self funded, never had a Thai girlfriend/wife, never sent money for sick buffalo, never bought a bar, never "bought" property here. Basically, an expat living like a tourist.

    To be honest most of what you have said is in the same theme as my post. You have made a point here saying that her bar girl training came later. My post is about the fact my wife has never worked as a bar girl because i got her "Brand spanking new" as we said. The point i am making is they do not have to work as a bar girl to become, manipulative, greedy, lazy, and will steal, lie and cheat. This is part of their genetic make up, as i am living proof.

    Brand spanking new. rolleyes.gif Oh yeah she's just like a commodity you know like a new car you bought. I see you have also attributed her behavior to genetics rather than family upbringing something like how it's genetic for a black person to like fried chicken. whistling.gif

  7. Listen guys you lot take it from me right here. I met the mother of my daughter 9 years ago, she was 18 i was 35. This girl was brand new, and i mean brand spanking new. When i pulled them knickers down for the first time, i was chipping out of the rough with a sand wedge. I had the bar, three actually. Sold them a long time ago. As a 35 year old man at the time, i had to watch, listen and console grown men twice my age who had been taken to the cleaners by Thai women. It wont happen to me was the cry, until the shit hit the fan. It was a very humbling experience seeing a conveyor belt of guys getting systematically robbed blind. Truth is , there is no way to stop it. The place is set up for it. People who have been here for a while will agree with me when i say the most difficult part of moving out here is the lack of routine. The one thing we all come out here without is the consciousness of routine and the implications that surround one of the most fundamental things every one of us have in our culture. From the time we leave that cot we are all regimented into out culture. From the first cries of, get out of bed, your breakfast is on the table and your going to be late for school. Right up until you are ground hogged in a job that is, "for many, not all". Tedious, boring depressing and basically living a life of building up to a weekend on the same orders. Week in and week out. We are for the most part institutionalized in the UK, over there we have a rough idea what we will be doing next week, maybe two weeks down the line, we mostly know what we will be doing in the evenings, the mornings, the noon's and the nights. Our women are also institutionalized, as a man we are looked at as a provider and a breeder. This is where most of the problems start. We are a vulnerable peoples, especially when our routine has been striped away and we have a licence to think for ourselves. Yes, we all think we think, but we do not think outside our culture zone because we never have a situation over there where we need to. You come out here and for the first 2 years you are waking up looking for your uniform, boots, suit, boiler suit, you name it. The place and the people here are a fair ground ride, we get on board and we cant get off. We are drifting on a daily basis in a world of emotional instability, insecurity, and ignorance. For us this is a lethal combination because we have always lived under the work, family, routine blanket. Only so much can go wrong there and what does go wrong, most of it is predictable anyway. Out here you are alone emotionally, you need to think for yourself, occupy yourself, become extremely vigilant, conscious, and smart. This is the reason why 90% of the under 50s fail here. The ones who have money can afford to be taken advantage of and still survive, then again money and emotions can conflict. As for my wife she is manipulative, greedy, lazy, and will steal, lie and cheat. This has not been influenced on her by sadistic Pattaya journey girls, she does not drink, smoke and work! If i can get an 18 year old clean slate 9 years ago and do nothing but offer trust, advice, security, status, money, car, house, and this person is naturally unsentimental, heartless, disrespectful, deceitful and genetically flawed, what chances do most people have.

    Was she like this due to thai culture? Why did you marry such a woman and also mind sharing your story as to how you got such a lady. These ladies usually start off you know with some thai guy and all that and by the time they work the bars they already been to places, have kids, seen the world so to speak. How did u get something fresh?

  8. Ok, you win. Thais in general are the same size as their western counterparts, every study thats ever been done on this is wrong.... wink.png

    Where had anyone said that a champion muay thai fighter couldn't destroy a much larger average joe in the street?

    i merely used buakaw as an example. He's rather small at around 66-70kg isn't he? Actually since you were so adamant that someone at 90kg could easily beat a smaller person so what difference does it make if buakaw fought a bigger person? He's pretty small isn't he?

  9. You've given up on thais being the same size as foreigners?

    Judo and Akido are self defence no? I thought this thread was about people attacking rather than defending and wrestling.

    If thai guys in general are these solid 60kg muay thai boxers who could drop any average joe 90kg foreigner why do they only ever attack like a pack of dogs? I'll hazard a guess and say, because they ain't trained fighters and know full well they would get their faces smashed in if they didn't?

    No i have not. It's you that is so insistent that all thais have to be around 50-60kg when there are huge thai people around (DUH) and puny farang that only weigh 50 or 60kg and they are men. whistling.gif

    Since when does being a good fighter mean that the others around him won't attack together with him? You see you don't make any sense. Those are street fights and anything goes. You're using some type of haphazard logic like this: Hey my friend som is a good muay thai fighter, i'm not going to fight that farang i'll just let som demolish him alone. Which is plain BS because in such fights everyone is pissed mad and just wants to have a go.

    Let's look at some champion muay thai fighters. Take buakaw. He's i think around 70kg soaking wet and he's considered one of the bigger sized ones or rather average sized. He could easily demolish a much bigger sized person.

  10. I once tried to help a British man who was homeless and in a bad way, mentally and physically. I called the British embassy and they said they could not do anything unless he was incarcerated in prison or a mental institute.

    They never offered any other assistance and said there was nothing else they could do. I saw the man again a week later still on the street and took matters int my own hands to help him get home.

    Anyone else have experiences or information to share relating to farang street people? Any embassy comments on what to do if we find these people?

    Yes the British Embassy is an utter disgrace. They are only here to support business so the government can report on stronger trade for a few votes back home. Worse they milk their citizens with outrageous passport fees and visa applications for others. The worst is they try to pass off their immoral and gutter behavior by trying to tell people how they are they to help. Disgusting civil servants the lot of them. They are humanly unworthy.

    I'm surprised about this cos i thought western countries would have more human rights and treat their citizens better.

  11. We are rank amateurs and the girls are highly skilled professionals. The culture promotes saying what other wants to hear far more than honesty. We come with notions that just don't apply here, and pay the price of that education.

    I take it your talking from experience?

    Thai Girl: Teeruk, mama need new motocbike.. you can help, because teeruk me love you, mak!!!

    Farang Guy: Ok, honey, I love you too, let me know how much it costs.

    Thai Girl: You good man, love you forever teeruk.

    Hook line and suckered in!!

    Now explain to me where the skill is in that.?

    Is that routine from your experience?

    I've never heard anything like that in all my years here, and if I did, there's plenty more fish in the sea that don't think all farangs are suckers.

    butthurt farang alert!!!!!!!!

    Oh shiat how could those inferior asians actualy do that to the superior farangs.

    • Like 1
  12. We foreigners should remember that Thailand's Prime Minister, Her Excellency Yingluck Shinawatra, Grand Dame of the Order of the White Elephant (equivalent to exceptional orders of merit in Europe). is a cherished member of Thailands Noble Meritocracy.

    The Premier's of the world are cognizant of this fact and respond to her in accordance with her noble status and her position as Prime Minister of Thailand.

    At the very least we foreigners, as her guests, should accord her with our respect when we offer an opinion of, or to, The PM Yingluck, or indeed of Thailand.

    Let us not forget she is asian and a female and yes those 2 added together mean she somehow has a greater status amongst other world leaders despite the fact that she got her position due to her bother thaksin but we can always forget about that.

  13. Discoloured jacket, she is only showing that she is poor and also wears seconds just like the ordinary folk whilst visiting Milan and shopping for fashions.

    A little off topic but is this woman ever in Thailand? Only ever see photo's of her jet setting around to exotic locations and walking down shopping strips. Isn't it the functions of her trade ministers and foreign ministers to do what he is claiming to do.

    excuse me dude. Her family has billions mind you billions in USD not THB so trips to countries the world over cost chump change to her.

  14. Hello. I want to go to ayutthaya and lopburi next week. (Tuesday -friday)i am searching for someone to go with me. (Open for other destinations if not to expensive) i am tired of starting alone :;-)
    I am a 25 years old german girl. Would be happy for any replies. See you:D

    I can bet most of the responses in here would be male because when 25 yrs old + german and more importantly GIRL somehow does attract quite a number of ravenous wolves and then we have those that wouldn't want to cos she's german and not thai.

    Anyway find it odd that OP would just ask like this in such a forum it's not very safe asking like this to a bunch of strangers on the net.

  15. well that is if you assume that all thais only weigh 50-60 kg and all farang are 90kg and above and the comparison of manny with a heavyweight in regards to an average thai and farang is way off. Cos manny and the heavy weight are all trained boxers and their body weight is mostly composed of muscle. Lord even knows if the farang's 90kg is actually purely muscle or fat you do know that being 90kg and obese doesn't actually make you a tougher fighter. Anyway there are many smaller sized fighters that easily took down bigger ppl and most ppl don't actually know how to throw a punch without breaking their own wrist.

    Still find it funny you could stereotype thais as small sized 50-60 kg and all farangs as some type of muscled beasts 90kg and above. Mind you many muay thai fighters are rather small because they lack any bodyfat but they could probably even kill ppl bigger than themselves.

    Did you skip physics class? Force is mass and momentum, it doesn't matter if that mass is muscle, fat or a wristwatch.

    90kg is a pretty average weight for a 6ft well bulit foreigner.

    You are seriously going to try arguing the toss that Thai's and foreigners are in general the same size?

    Do you think judo, akido does not work?

    Size alone isn't going to work and mind you muscle and fat make a hell lot of difference. Why not get an untrained 90kg foreigner to fight with a skinny 60kg muay thai fighter then. Muay thai fighters have very little mass on them since they hardly have fat.

  16. I understand (from anothe forum) that it took place in 2011.

    I will take a very big bet that the person posting about the thugs from his country isn't an asian but more likely a farang and guess what i have a 99% chance of being correct. The only odd thing is if you show this person of thugs from his country beating up a lone person he will still say somehow the thugs and men from his country are "tougher" and more "honorable".

    Are you referring to me? Sorry, but I don't understand your post.unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeC.png alt=unsure.png width=20 height=20>

    No i don't think it was you i was referring to someone that mentioned how cowardly those thais were but yet thugs come from all nationalities and i can bet he would give a different judgement if you showed him videos of thugs from his country beating up a lone person.

    @bresterbugden, I wouldn't sweat it - many of the OP's posts make very little sense to me. He definitely seems intent on highlighting the dark side of Thailand yet, oddly, also wants to relocate to the Land of Smiles. Weird.

    What is it about this thread that you don't understand. I don't have any agenda nor do i actually want to live in thailand where did u get this idea from? Oh yeah you made it up but it's good to see you trolling me in every thread i am posting and somehow trying to make "allies" with those that might have disagreements with me. This shows that i gave you one hell of butt hurt there in the other thread so that you're going to be stalking me all the time.

  17. The thing is westerners want to believe that they have found the 'she's not like the others' girl, when frankly 95% of them are. The old saying 'you can take the girl out of the bar, but...........' is oh so true.I sometimes think that most come to Thailand in body only, and leave their brains at home. There are some good ladies here, but not in bars. It took me 4 1/2 years to find a good one, and i think most are still searching. The adage of 'there's one on every plane' should be ...........there's loads on every plane...............ready to be the gullible, arrogant, know everything in a week Farang. They listen to the bar drivel put out from others who they believe are the 'experts' on Thailand. We all know there are plenty of people here who will rip you off, and that is not limited to the Thais. It is a learning curve that few seem to follow, they prefer to meander on, contributing to their own downfall. Is it any wonder that the Thais think so lowly of us, when all they see is bars full of westerners day and night ? 90% of the Farangs here are people i wouldn't associate with if i were in my own country. And folks before the replies come in...............no, i am not perfect..........i have made mistakes here like most of us.........but.........some of us do learn by them !

    Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

    I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

    Pray tell might i ask if it took you so long to find a good thai girl why didn't you find one from your home country? Does this mean that good girls are even rarer in your home country? Doesn't make sense to so desperately find one in a foreign country when there are so many other countries out there.

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