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Posts posted by snake24

  1. At times like this I always reflect on the words of the famous Thai Philosopher ...... Eh? Free thinker..... Eh? Astrologer ... Eh Physicist ... Eh Mathematician ... Eh? Inventor ... Eh? ? Dramatist? Film Producer ... Eh? Human Rights activist ... Eh? Suzy Wong who said you can beat an egg but you cant beat a 8ank. Even she was a fictional character from Hong Kong?

    What's your point?

    You do know that your western education system wouldn't bring up these famous thai ppl to enlighten you about their existence.

    It's also the same with the thais in regards to the western world. Many famous western personalities that you take for granted are unknown or fairly unknown in thailand how would you like if a thai person made the same ignorant comment as yours?

  2. I am sure you guys know that some hotels offer this service and you can request for it when you book online. When agoda has that option but you see it doesn't factor in the costs of the airport transfer how much it costs so i would like to ask you guys if you know of any hotel that provides this free of charge and if they cost money how much should one expect to pay?

  3. I got involved in a minor accident in 2011 where I was hit by a minibus who was trying to squeeze his way between mine and another car. I was stationary and had been for a minute when he hit me. The result was a four foot long scraping on the minibus from when he tried to squeeze by.

    The driver of the minibus called the police to the scene, and the chaos that followed caused the attention of other drivers. Basically, the driver of the minibus wanted money. A lot of money. I got the impression others got interested when they heard the amounts being discussed, and for this reason another driver came forward and claimed I had hit his car. He also wanted money. Soon the police officers decided to have a go; if they're getting money, we're having some as well!

    I will not go into detail of the ugly and unfortunate events that followed (though sdk here on TV actually knows the details), but this event triggered a decision to fly my family out of Thailand (which they did within 48 hours), close my business and sell my two houses and leave Thailand. Which I did soon after my business was closed.

    I have always wondered what triggers someone to lie, cheat, bend the rules or even use criminal actions to extort money from others, and it's clear that jealousy is a huge factor. In my case, being a farang and driving a new BMW 5-series probably didn't help. In Europe, youngsters are getting robbed of their mobile phones by school kid bullies. Thailand is no different, only here it's grown ups doing the bullying..

    Oh so you are that "Forethat"!

    I never put 2 x 2 together as my post was to the OP and you only quoted the part of my post that stated to my preference of using available, private or public transportation for my personal transportation needs. and responded only to that by posting "So your solution to the problem is to hop on a mini-bus...? Right"

    As my response was not directed at you, it seem with all the assumptions you posted to my post to the OP of how I chose my personal travel in Thailand, like many of the actions/post of the army of trolls that pollute the forum.

    As I read "Your woe is me" post I find it as a prime example of an incident I could have used to reaffirm my travel choice, I stated if you drive in Thailand, without a firm knowledge of the traffic laws of Thailand You will be held responsible for your questionable choices, if you become involved in an accident while driving in Thailand.

    That is what exactly happened to you, (is it not) which resulted in your questionable actions / decisions placed your financial investment at risk, that you felt the need to fly your family out of the country within 2 days and sells all your property in Thailand.

    If your story is factual and I have reasons to believe it may not be as you contradict you tale, when a poster stated to you that he could not believe someone would leave the country simply because he was involved in a fender bender, you stated, if you find someone that did let me know, (not verbatim but only my recollection) your post also suggested that you also left the country.

    While you failed to discuss your situation with at least two posters who posted directly to your posted tale, you chose to attack my opinion and clearly dispute your statement "personally, I find it easier to simply accept that other's have opinions even though I dont always agree with them" and "I also find it more or less pathetic when posters uses invectives and name calling as soon as it occurs to them how wrong they are" Another ASSUMPTION of yours, My logic and or decisions if anything have been proven to be absolutely right in the face of your Tale of Woe, has it not!

    Go back and read your post you were the one that reverted to name calling and stupid assumptions, according to your statements , you knew they were wrong when you made them as started by attempting to manipulate what in reality was stated in your failed effort to save face.

    Your assumptions were an attempt to antagonize, by assuming I placed my family at risk, simply for using available transportation instead of driving in Thailand. Is hypocritical, in the face of you being involved in a fender bender and your handling of such a minor incident, you brought the possibility of harm to them that it was necessary for them yo leave the country immediately

    I have a right to my opinion, I also have a right to know the underlying motivation for a poster to attack my personal opinion. (Just my Opinion)


    could u link to that thread?

  4. I got involved in a minor accident in 2011 where I was hit by a minibus who was trying to squeeze his way between mine and another car. I was stationary and had been for a minute when he hit me. The result was a four foot long scraping on the minibus from when he tried to squeeze by.

    The driver of the minibus called the police to the scene, and the chaos that followed caused the attention of other drivers. Basically, the driver of the minibus wanted money. A lot of money. I got the impression others got interested when they heard the amounts being discussed, and for this reason another driver came forward and claimed I had hit his car. He also wanted money. Soon the police officers decided to have a go; if they're getting money, we're having some as well!

    I will not go into detail of the ugly and unfortunate events that followed (though sdk here on TV actually knows the details), but this event triggered a decision to fly my family out of Thailand (which they did within 48 hours), close my business and sell my two houses and leave Thailand. Which I did soon after my business was closed.

    I have always wondered what triggers someone to lie, cheat, bend the rules or even use criminal actions to extort money from others, and it's clear that jealousy is a huge factor. In my case, being a farang and driving a new BMW 5-series probably didn't help. In Europe, youngsters are getting robbed of their mobile phones by school kid bullies. Thailand is no different, only here it's grown ups doing the bullying..

    OMG that is serious indeed. Where did you move your family to? Your home country? Is your wife thai by any chance? So you have not resided in thailand since 2011?

  5. Well i am sure everyone knows what sort of rep thailand has. It's like a brothel to many ppl and many ppl know what foreign men do when they visit thailand and it's even worse when the man the foreigner is a farang cos they stand out more. When thais see foreign men with thai ladies they just assume they are prostitutes. That sucks for those not actually with a prostitute of course but this thread isn't about that. There are obviously many thai ladies that are into the trade how else could thailand have a reputation for being the world's brothel or something along those lines. The ironic thing is this is regarded as shameful. That's why ***** is an insult but what's odd is there are so many women in the trade and it's considered shameful don't you find it really odd.

    This is where it doesn't make sense. If it is shameful in thai culture and in fact illegal for prostitution to occur in bkk why would so many thai ladies go into the trade? Wouldn't they be raised by their families to feel that it's shameful and thus not even consider being in the flesh trade? I read from one tv member in the talks talk shyt in your face thread about how the women in issan would call another woman a whore if they saw her with a farang man but then again aren't many issan ppl very poor and being a whore is a way out of poverty?

    It's also dumb that many thai families cannot figure out that their daughters are being whores in foreign countries or in the big cities. They usually lie to their families like maybe they went overseas to work in some office (duh!) or in bangkok to work in some office and suddenly they can afford to feed the entire family and buy many luxurious items and even have a foreign bf. Then they won't tell the truth to their family members obviously but surely they would know since it is thailand but it's also the same for other countries too. If let's say your daughter started becoming fabulously wealthy for no discernible reason it would usually involve sexual favors with some sugar daddy.

  6. The situation is not solvable. Never. At least not with present frame of mind of opposing parties.

    Muslims do not go out to blow up bombs and kill people. Terrorists do. The fact that these terrorists incidentally are Muslims means nothing. There have been and are terrorists among any religious groups


    You can not talk sense to terrorists.

    You can not use normal logic, laws etc. with terrorists.

    To solve the problem you need measures abhorrent to normal people in normal society.

    This is unthinkable? unacceptable? Fine! But until you can think and accept this -

    The problem is never solvable.

    In short, to deal effectively with terrorism you must think and act like terrorist.

    Any nice furry cuddly loving characters not agreeable with this are welcome to suggest another way. And make sure it is working! and acceptable to terrorists!

    Might i ask you why is it so easy to make a terrorist out of a "moderate" muslim? You simply don't see that with other religions. Do you think a buddhist could be converted to being a terrorist?

    Look up Group 969 in Burma

    That's just 1 out of many muslim terrorists.

  7. I wonder why don't you see former regions of cambodia now part of thailand do this? Why don't you see northern thais who were under laos for example do this?

    Thailand has invaded Cambodia several times this century and only returned the land after WWII. Victory Monument erected by the Thai fascist dictator Phibun celebrates the 1942 invasion I believe.

    Siem Reap means 'defeat of Siam' in Khmer.

    Let's not forget the border skirmishes a couple of years ago, and the continuing killing of illegal loggers along the Cambodian-Thai border by Thai paramilitary forces.

    The Thais backed the Khmer Rouge in the 70's and 80's against the Vietnamese in Western Cambodia. Pol Pot had safe haven in Trat for many years after the genocides were exposed by the Vietnamese.

    The problem in the South is that the Thais claim sovereignty over the majority Malay Muslim provinces, and would have had another seven more that form part of modern Malaysia had it not been for the British. There has been an agreement that the Sultanates would pay tribute to Siam but in 1909 they were annexed as part of Siam lock, stock and barrel. The troubles escalated in 2004 but there has been an independence movement for decades. Those who support independence (and it should be noted many do not), cite Thai authorities corruption and incompetence, neglect of the local culture, language and traditions as reasons. It has many parallels with the troubles in N.I. but it should be noted in just eight years of violence many more were killed in Southern Thailand than in all of the 39 years there.

    Don't say the brits actually helped a few malay states to freedom. That isn't the case. It was just that the brits couldn't maintain all their empires. The fact of the matter is the brits managed to get a few malay states free from thai rule only to be under the british during that time they had the treaty/

  8. Could someone educate me ... why kill the teachers?

    For much the reason they target monks; because they're seen as promoting un-Islamic/anti-Islamic agendas in the eyes of these cretins.

    Hardly. They are seen as agents of the Thai State, which of course they are, and are carrying out the State's policy of cultural genocide against the Malu-muslim population of the region.

    malu muslim? What is that?

    Anyway these states have long been under thai rule for a damn long time.

    A few centuries ago i believe.

  9. The situation is not solvable. Never. At least not with present frame of mind of opposing parties.

    Muslims do not go out to blow up bombs and kill people. Terrorists do. The fact that these terrorists incidentally are Muslims means nothing. There have been and are terrorists among any religious groups


    You can not talk sense to terrorists.

    You can not use normal logic, laws etc. with terrorists.

    To solve the problem you need measures abhorrent to normal people in normal society.

    This is unthinkable? unacceptable? Fine! But until you can think and accept this -

    The problem is never solvable.

    In short, to deal effectively with terrorism you must think and act like terrorist.

    Any nice furry cuddly loving characters not agreeable with this are welcome to suggest another way. And make sure it is working! and acceptable to terrorists!

    Might i ask you why is it so easy to make a terrorist out of a "moderate" muslim? You simply don't see that with other religions. Do you think a buddhist could be converted to being a terrorist?

  10. Falang means a foreigners, what is insulting about the term.

    The word used in the U.S. referring to any Asian is "GooK" or to Latins as "Wetbacks"

    in my life time I have seen signs place on restaurant doors stating "No Mexicans served", same for Blacks and Native American's. In the southern US until 1965 Blacks had their own rest rooms, drinking fountains, restaurants, schools and were forced by the law to use only those facilities, etc,

    That is what I consider racism.

    I have never seen those problems in Thailand, just my opinion!


    Can of hard to feel sympathetic for farang on "racism" when they have been doing it for a long time to all non farangs. Also the degree of racism is just so different. It's not even serving an entire race of ppl in establishments vs someone speaking about me in their language.

    Anyway falang only applies to whites not to asian or black foreigners.

  11. I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

    Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

    A superior race with better education yet you can't spell achievements or opportunity.

    Guess these 'rice monkeys' (seriously?) should be thankful a superior being like yourself has landed on the shores of Thailand to educate them and make the country a better place.


    Only children and liberals believe genetics have no influence on intelligence. It's fairly obvious that the white/caucasoid race has a higher IQ than subsaharan africans on average and the research proves it. In fact, even adjusting for socio-economic factors, whites are still about 10 IQ points smarter than blacks (in the US) on average. Of course, you can believe your little liberal fairy tale about how we're all the same when many africans lived in grasshuts while man set foot on the moon.

    I think it is quite obvious that the golden standard for other civilizations to reach is that of the white western world. You're only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Never the less, I expect a lot of hurt feelings following this post and then ultimately for one of the pc moderators to delete this post.

    But thailand isn't in sub saharan africa is it?

    The IQ for south east asians isn't that low i would think. They lose out to east asians but probably on par or slightly lower than farang.

    Actually i don't really like these sorts of tests. To farang see they are smug about it when the tests show that they are smarter than say africans but when it shows that they are less intelligent compared to say east asians they come up with all sorts of excuses to still show why they are superior to east asians.

    They would go yeah we have a lower IQ but we're more creative! Those east asians are like robots! They would also use some other logic to insult jews with the higher IQ.

  12. I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

    Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

    A superior race with better education yet you can't spell achievements or opportunity.

    Guess these 'rice monkeys' (seriously?) should be thankful a superior being like yourself has landed on the shores of Thailand to educate them and make the country a better place.

    you know to miscreants like that their definition of superior race is based on physical appearance.

    So if you have blond hair, blue eyes and live out of a trailer park and cannot even spell your own name you are superior in terms of education compared to someone that lacks those physical features but finished university.

  13. but if possible I'd buy the license. I don't like being unfairly screwed with.

    based on that remark, one assumes we will never see you on TV bleating on about how bad the corrpution is in Thailand, the BiB, the goverment etc.....<deleted> would you buy a license for when the real thing only cost THB 500 odd to do...the mind boggles...

    Dude did you read?

    They need to do a driving test one TV member says it's really easy another one says one mistake you fail and they have a tricky written test. Then we have another TV member says he has a relative that doesn't even know how to read or write thai showing that there are probably quite a significant number of thais/foreigners that would fail the written test outright why would they go the official route?

    It probably shows that obtaining the license is more than thb 500 with the tests and the time spent. Unless you mean you could bribe someone to just make the license. Be more clear.

  14. My Thai mother in law is a very good driver and she has a Thai drivers license. I don't know how she got it as she cant read or writeblink.png of course she bought it.

    I wondered why she would not drive from Lop Buri to Pattaya to stay with us, and the wife said she cant read the road signs. That's when I woke up to how she got the license.w00t.gif

    Amazing a thai that cannot read or write thai. It isn't anything unique you can easily find ppl like that in the USA for example.

    It's the sickening morality/superiority mentality at play in here.

    Guy from the USA hears/read about thais that bought their license or are illiterate thinks he's better than them but forgets that there are equally as many or more ppl that are just the same in his home country.

    I've never met a native American who can't do basic reading and writing. Never. Illegal aliens and tourists and other legal guests, yes.

    It's impossible to buy a license, too. You take the written and driving test and the driving test is real, on the streets. One mistake and you fail. Caught without a license you go to jail.

    I've heard that the written test in Thailand is stupid tricky. I don't know. If that's true, I'd study the laws, but if possible I'd buy the license. I don't like being unfairly screwed with.

    Is the test in thai or english? How do the non thais do the written test?

  15. the people from this region are thai's in nationally only, they speak their language not thai, have there own religion not Buddhist . now that we have that straight the thai's are trying to strong arm them into thai assimilation, that is why they kill teachers that are teaching students thai get it. this is a war in everything but name and the thai's are losing bad. think about this for a second they have a heavy police presence aheavy military presence, a home guard presence and these guys got off 20 bombs in one day, not looking good bangkok boys. what you dont understand is they are playing nice for now what happens when they take this war to the thais remember london during the IRA hello

    Oh pls don't talk about it this way. Did u know north of thailand used to be under lanna kingdom so aren't thais. Same for issan region under cambodia.

    Same thing with the UK. Might as well say ireland are seperate from the UK since they aren't english.

    They are malays but malay isn't in an actual sense an ethnic group. There are many types of "malay ppls" like boyanese for example and in some instances like singapore they are just simply categorized as malays. The fact of the matter is malaysia as a nation is just like making europe as a nation bringing all sorts of different types of ppl as a nation.

    • Like 1
  16. the people from this region are thai's in nationally only, they speak their language not thai, have there own religion not Buddhist . now that we have that straight the thai's are trying to strong arm them into thai assimilation, that is why they kill teachers that are teaching students thai get it. this is a war in everything but name and the thai's are losing bad. think about this for a second they have a heavy police presence aheavy military presence, a home guard presence and these guys got off 20 bombs in one day, not looking good bangkok boys. what you dont understand is they are playing nice for now what happens when they take this war to the thais remember london during the IRA hello

    Reminds me like the speak english to the ppl that live in the southern USA. The odd thing is maybe you and the americans feel that the ppl in the south of USA which was formerly mexico should speak english and not spanish but you know your story here double standards.

  17. When you see asian ppl do you bother to differentiate them from chinese, japanese etc or do you just call them asian?

    i dont categorize peoples at all, i dont care where they are from or how they look like to be from.

    so NO i dont bother to differentiate i just go with Human wink.png

    Oh really u see a group of tourists and you say a group of humans. whistling.gif

    Yup it's really tough here cos 1 see some clear double standards. Calling a white guy farang = racist but asian for an asian person isn't so.

  18. If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

    Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

    My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

    Try ee- esarn or ee-dahm they work wonders as well.

    And if it's a self loving bimbo just say na-gead. That will cause them to post endless 'like' seeking photos on facebook.

    You better work on the pronounciation man.

    The first one would mean dark right?

    na-gead? It's na giat.

    Tonal pronounciation is important in thai but oh you're going to be so sensitive and hurt and claim it isn't so.

  19. Agreed... But maybe it is time to insist that we are Norwegian, Spanish, French, German or whatever and refuse to be categorized as farang any more. Refuse to accept and endorse the obvious racist slur. Many of the performing chimps you mention I would suggest that they do not realise that they are considered to be just bit part performers in the Thai scheme of things.Perhaps have a Farang day when everyteime teh word Farang is used by a Thai they are asked to explain what exactly a farang is... Jesting!

    When you see asian ppl do you bother to differentiate them from chinese, japanese etc or do you just call them asian?

  20. If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

    Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

    My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

    Jek?? <deleted> is that?

    Mind you some pure thais look chinese too. Northern thais and some issan thais look chinese.

  21. I speak Thai, but don't look Thai.

    I've lived here for yonks. I've never had this happen to me.

    Now, mind you, I'm not saying this doesn't happen. But has it every occured to anyone that if you are being called a d!ck by someone that you may actually be acting like d!ck in their eyes?

    Just saying....

    You expect that guy on his superior high horse to actually admit it.

    He would lose face.. Oh yes he is farang so he doesn't care about face. whistling.gif but then his actions seem to betray what he claims.

    Many farang are famous for the double standards they have. Like they say thais don't like to lose face but you read this thread about some thais just having a conversation amongst themselves about them and they get so butt hurt seems to be they are the ones with an even bigger face.

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