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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Since forever. It has never meant "general foreigner".
  2. Prepare for grown men squirming around on the ground like 4-year-olds. I like (real) football in general, but they really need to take a hard stance against the theatrics, just like they should with the unnecessary grunting in tennis.
  3. Would you also like next month's winning lottery numbers and the winner of the ongoing football world championship?
  4. Zero issues to read it for me. The only popup was for a newsletter.
  5. I'm simply responding to his concern regarding being on overstay when he goes to immigration on Monday, since his permit to stay ends on Sunday. Nothing else.
  6. If your permit to stay ends on Sunday, you are allowed to show up on Monday to extend it and not be on overstay, since it expires on the weekend and Monday is the next business day.
  7. See you again next week for another riveting episode of: "<deleted> that will never happen".
  8. This has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote or responded to.
  9. This is incorrect. In Thailand and many other countries, you can be convicted of slander even if what you say is true.
  10. Natural selection isn't something you believe in, it's a fact.
  11. The guy who's giving the cat the wrong food. Try to keep up!
  12. Yeah, they're almost as bad as people who comment on articles they haven't even read.
  13. If your aim is to reduce stress, anxiety, etc. in general, then it might be of help. But if you think it's going to improve the health of individual organs or other body parts, that's of course complete hogwash. You'll most likely get more or less identical results with a massaging footh bath.
  14. What were the parents doing? Why is an automatic gate being closed while a 2-year-old is being left unattended?
  15. As gargamon says above. Buy some data for your phone, set up a hotspot from it and test out the speeds at your bungalow.
  16. Ah, the classic and amazingly contradictory "It's only a democracy if you vote for me" retoric.
  17. Jesus Christ, enough with the hissy-fit. It was a suggestion of a possibility. I'm not the one making claims without proof, you are, by claiming "there WAS a third person". And you don't know for a fact that he "had" to smash the window. He could easily have assumed the door was locked or under surveillance and gone for the window from the get-go. You're the one asking who could have opened the door, and the possible answers based on what little I've read are: Pelosi himself, holding on to the hammer with one hand and opening the door with the other. The police. A third person. But you don't want to entertain the possibility that your version of the events are wrong. I won't respond further, as people throwing temper tantrums are unlikely to actually read what is being written.
  18. Look at the amazing nanny skills of the dog. Such good-natured and stable creatures.
  19. Jesus Christ, I guy kills himself and the headline is basically "German guy sets car on fire". If there's an earthquake in the Philippines, you don't headline the article about it: "Ronald McDonald statue falls down in Manila". The fact that a man has tragically killed himself should be front and center in an article like this, i.e. mentioned in the headline and at the beginning of the article. Not just as a, "Oh, and I supposed he killed himself" at the very end.
  20. Holy <deleted>, whoever's writing these articles has to get their priorities straight. A man tragically killed himself and you choose to focus on a car getting set on fire?
  21. Mate, just stop. You're not bringing anything new to the table. You've taken the concept Universal Basic Income, changed "fiat currency" to "crypto currency", and are now claiming you've "thought of something". You haven't.
  22. Stop using the word "authoritarian" if you don't know what it means. If Google should force people to use MFA if they want to use their services, that's a good thing. Way too many people use 123456 as their password and then complain to Google when their accounts get "hacked".
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