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Everything posted by Myran

  1. I haven't been this outraged since the local mosque denied to host my pork BBQ.
  2. Despite popular belief among religious nut-jobs, Christianity didn't invent morality (which should be immediately obvious, considering it's history of bloodshed and child raping). Christianity has no place in public schools.
  3. Read and understand what I write if you're going to reply. Jada Smith is a woman and is making the claim that Cleopatra the historical figure was black, which the evidence points against. That's the issue, not necessarily that a black actress was chosen.
  4. While I get where you're coming from, the one who made this about race is the person who's making this movie, Jada Smith. "We don’t often get to see or hear stories about black queens, and that was really important for me, as well as for my daughter, and just for my community to be able to know those stories because there are tons of them!" – Jada Smith.
  5. We went from about 1100 to 2300. The AC is working pretty much around the clock, so it's worth it.
  6. Really brings your blood to a boil. Lock him up and throw away the key.
  7. A small step, but welcome nonetheless.
  8. Open the video file and just drag-and-drop the subtitle file onto the window with the playing video.
  9. Jesus Christ, man. Him being attacked for "talking loudly" was a lie told by his wife. Watch the video linked on page 9. The guy was being an absolute tool and was looking for trouble. He was asked repeatedly to leave, but refused and continued to abuse the people there, in front of children.
  10. I'm more inclined to believe the shop owner's version of what happened here, aside from the obvious rubbish that he received his injures due to falling down.
  11. Alternative headline: "American Degenerate Acts Like an Animal and Gets Treated Like One – Cries in Media"
  12. Hence why I qualified it with "generally", which I stand by.
  13. There are plenty of us, but we generally don't hang around in bars or walking streets.
  14. Some offices want to see the bank book to make sure the money is still there. If it's not, they can deny the extension.
  15. I did it for years when I stayed in Bangkok and never experienced anything that made me feel unsafe. I'd be much more hesitant of doing it back in Europe. That being said, I am a male, and I wouldn't recommend females to walk alone at night in Thailand.
  16. Don't mess around with broken microwaves, magnetrons can be incredibly dangerous. At 12 years old, you've gotten your money's worth. Time to get a new one.
  17. Why would you do a 90 day report if you're not in the country? The report is due every 90 consequtive days you stay in the country. The count will start at 0 when you re-enter the country. Doubt it will cause any problems.
  18. We'll have to agree to disagree, for the most part. We simply draw the line for personal responsibility at different places, which is fine. Hopefully the guy in the article recovers.
  19. The purpose of my initial message was to convey that slabs of concrete right next to the ocean are obviously going to get slick. Them being slick is about as surprising as the ocean being wet. It's less of a comparison and more of an analogy, like when you say that a piece of candy is rock hard. It's not really as hard as a rock, you're just conveying the message that it's really tough. Glad I could clear that up for you. Don't give up, reading comprehension is an ongoing and amazing journey, and we're all rooting for you!
  20. It's an excellent comparison in regard to what I wanted to convey. I'm not against lighting the place or putting up warning signs. Precautions are always good. But I am against trying to blame someone else for what happened. They should be able to draw the conclusion that climbing around on a concrete seawall in the dark is a bad idea with an absolutely immense risk of falling. There are many instances in the world where dubious or non-existent safety precautions can result in danger, but that doesn't mean you can run headlong into those situations and then put the blame on someone else. The world is imperfect, and adults need to adapt to that. I should be able to walk around with 20 baht of gold around my neck at 3am in the most dangerous part of the city, but if I do and get robbed, I sort of have myself to blame.
  21. Six were on overstay and the rest caught on other crimes.
  22. Hahaha, they have far better points than your boorish and baseless Thai-bashing ????. The fact that you couldn't even bother to read the entire article to find out what was actually done to the pork before throwing yourself on the keyboard says everything.
  23. My oh my, says the person accusing others of being gullible for believing pork was buried after reading an article about pork being buried. Perhaps you should refrain from posting messages on discussion boards if you can't handle getting called out on the nonsense you post.
  24. The most chocking thing about this is that the sex doll collector has an actual girlfriend.
  25. Absolutely. The fact that you think that confiscated bags of pork left out in the sun and buried during a public spectacle, with the Thai press present, is being sold on by the police really doesn't reflect positively on your perceived intellect.
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