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Everything posted by Myran

  1. I expect slabs of concrete next to an ocean to be slick and wouldn't mess around on them in the dark.
  2. "She said there are no lights in the area and no warning signs to say the steps could be slippery" Neither are there signs proclaiming that the ocean can make you wet. Sometimes you'll just have to use some common sense.
  3. He's looking for a modded Nintendo Switch with OLED display. It's a game console.
  4. For crying out loud, it was Special Pork Operation!
  5. The article literally spells out that the meat has been buried.
  6. Beating someone and throwing them in a canal sounds like attempted murder. Throw the book at these spineless vermin.
  7. Hit 'em where it hurts: money. If she's the one financing his disgusting behavior and refuses to do anything about it, ditch the pigs.
  8. Just change to something that gives you more for the money. My recommendation would be Cyberghost.
  9. "Have the years gone where Thai ladies like a man with wrinkles and a bit of weight on them?" Thai women in general have never had this preference. It's simply something gold-diggers and wrinkled farangs with a bit of weight on them have tried convince others of.
  10. Not needed in the slightest. It's all about showing off and appearing more well-off than you really are.
  11. That sounds a bit cruel, considering he's not dead.
  12. Yes, this really shows the danger of these chat bots. It presents an incorrect answer sprinkled with some nuggets of truth in a very convincing way.
  13. Sounds like the average Thai-bashing comment with nothing to back it up.
  14. Try a different web browser if it's still not working.
  15. What would be the point of asking for a deposit if has to be repaid even if you break the agreement? The entire reason for the deposit is that you'll lose it if you break the agreement, otherwise it would be pointless. Be thankful you got as much back as you did. They didn't do anything wrong here, you did.
  16. Right, as opposed to you claiming that I was "having a moment" simply because you didn't understand what was being written. Perhaps you should take a look in the mirror before calling other people snarky and petty in the future. But admitting that you're wrong was a great step on the way towards recovery. Good luck, mate. We're all cheering for you.
  17. It doesn't. You simply lack the reading comprehension and English skills to understand what my post meant. You see, the point of my post was to ridicule the fact that the OP is complaining about someone's poor English skills and lack of knowledge about "testereone". The funny part of course being that there is no such thing as "testereone". Glad I could clear that little senior moment of yours up. Stay in there, champ.
  18. It makes zero sense in the context of what I wrote.
  19. What on Earth are you on about and why are you quoting me?
  20. "and has no idea what testereone is" I can't believe that the guy whose English wasn't very good didn't even know what testereone is. Everyone knows that.
  21. Then any and all international aid for Uganda should be withdrawn. Chances are it's being pocketed by corrupt officials anyway.
  22. "Riley managed to rescue his son, Darwin" Give that kid an award!
  23. Meh, better him than someone innocent.
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