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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. UOB does not allow banking app or on-line bank on a Foreign Currency Device account. You see it now?
  2. As previously said, I plan to move back to Europe. I have 25,000 EUR in a foreign currency bank account in Thailand, which I used every year for my visa extension. When I will move out of Thailand, I would like to take this money with me. The bank, UOB, made already clear that redrawing money will be only possible in Thai Baht. This would mean a great loss of money. Are there other (legal) ways to get this money out of Thailand? TIA
  3. If I would get 20 baht for every time such a story comes up in Thailand, I would drive a Lamborghini now. Not the first time and not the last time.
  4. Well, it's maybe better for these kids to be a model and make good money than to go every day in a pit to dig Cobalt for Tesla batteries.
  5. Life as we know it has changed drastically. People giving up their daily, frustrating job and selling stuff on Facebook and other social media. People creating an account on social media and counting the number of viewers and subscribers of their channel supporting them (supercarblondie). The whole world has drastically changed with the social media and is constantly changing. Something most of the older people can not follow. The humans have become the slaves of the social media.
  6. Everything is not "Black and White" in this matter. Many "children" are today involved in making indecent video's and images and publishing them in "Tik Tok", Instagram, Line, and other meeting sites. A lot of them are underaged children looking for wealth. I know personally a few girls who went to school with my daughter in P4 and used to go every weekend to Pattaya to work in bars or as freelancers. Monday, they were showing how much many they had "earned" with simply spreading their legs. They were all under aged, but had false ID-Cards which showed them as being over 18 years. These children are barely mature enough to weight the extents of their actions and with the internet, their pictures and videos are spread all over the globe. It's not always the fault of the ones who (not knowing) are attracted into this scam.
  7. Nothing will happen to him. He will help the RTP paying off their massive debts and continue his life as usual. His car will be fixed by the insurance. For the readers who are not familiar with things here: "THIS IS THAILAND"!!!!!
  8. Mr. Panya has already admitted that he beat the boy. So, the prison term on any charges will be reduced by 50%. In short, this guy might be walking on the streets again in a few months and surely will repeat his crime. Unless he dies under suspicious circumstances during his jail term ...
  9. We use to say "Krokodilletranen huilen als het kalf verdronken is." Losely translated, it's something like "Crying crocodile tears when the calf is drowned". A 5 meter deep pount left accessible to young kids is waiting for a calamity to happen.
  10. "Big Joke" is about this case. Inmates are not soft with guys like this. The guy will surely get an "ass" treatment in jail and after that he will be found dead. End of the line for him.
  11. The couple that abused her was NEVER prosecuted. $$$$$$ involved. They live now happy somewhere near Koh Samui. As a respone to some posters in here, the case with the girl was reported to the police by neighbors. She escaped once and went to the police who brought her back to the Thai couple. It was after the police returned her to the couple that the punishment with pouring hot water started.
  12. I was not really "Fired". The company which I was employed had to reduce the staff by 25% and they did it on a "last in, first out" base. Still was the same feeling.
  13. Not so many times in my life. But I recall very well being said "You are fired" by the company where I was working. It was on a Friday morning. I was very sad because I needed the money as I just buyed a house a year before. That Friday, coming home and telling my girlfriend that I lost my job was a very hard day. We start thinking about how to proceed with my life and we decided that I would setup my own company. Running in the weekend everywhere to buy and setup the legal thinks and make advertisings in the local newspapers, and by Wednesday I had already 4 orders and the money was coming in. About 2 month's later, I received an URGENT message to come back to the company where I was fired to have a chat. Seemed that Hennessy Cognacs did buy an extension to their existing installation but they would sign the contract ONLY if I would do that extension (I assume that Hennessy wasn't aware that I was fired). I accepted the job, but I would do everything by my own company as a subcontractor and billed them about 10 times the cost if I was working there.
  14. First, the OFFICIAL number of death's and injured people is much higher than 39. The forgot as always to count the people that died on the way to the hospital or died a few days later due to the injuries from the accident. Second (and also an answer to a poster in this thread), MOST of the people who get injured or die in a road accident are the innocent ones. The 2 students in a Honda Jazz who were rammed by a speeding Mercedes and went up in flames; The passengers of a minibus which was rammed by the underaged daughter of a moviestar in a Honda while racing on the highway; The innocent people waiting at a bus station and were washed away by the son of a moviestar without brains; Etc. And NONE of them were punished as it should be because they were the son's/daughter's of a HISO Thai or a wealthy businnesman. Third, despite of the many departments setup to tackle the road accidents and make the roads safe for everybody, the numbers are every year the same and mostly increasing. What is the cause of these high numbers? 1. DISRESPECT FOR THE LAW Thailand might think of anything to prevent the high casualties, as long as the people on the road (Thais + foreigners) don't give a flying f??k for the law nothing will change. And YES, for some unknown reason, foreigners who follow strictly the traffic laws in their country seems to forget these laws when arriving in Thailand. The "When in Rome, do as the Romans" Syndrome. 2. DISRESPECT FOR THE OTHERE ROAD USERS Thais + foreigners need to learn to show respect for the other road users the hard way. High fines should be handed over if showing disrespect. Camera's and speed detectors are very cheap and reliable nowadays and mostly are already fitted at crossings or dangerous places. Main problem is to keep them working (mostly disabled by a policeman to earn some extra cash) or to cash the fines. 3. LAZINESS I agree that most students/people in remote areas don't have adequate transport to go to the school or to the market. Although, these remote places tend to get scarser. But that is still no reason to let a 12 years old boy/girl drive on a motorbike to the school (mostly shared with several other passengers) and without decent wear (helmet). Also, many people drive with material which is NOT ROAD WORTHY (specially the trucks with failing brakes and the cars/motorbikes without tail lights) and don't bother to keep the road worthy. 4. EDUCATION People who want to get a driver license should go trough a stringent education before hitting the roads. Not driving 1 time round the block.
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