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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. Now there is a guy that knows a thing or two about beers. Abbot ale is a great beer in moderation. How about Harveys best bitter:-


    an excellent ale and one I first came across when I worked in Denmark. Yeah we had a couple of mad Brits that ran a bar and an import business and they imported real ale from the UK and Harveys really was my favourite smile.png

    You mean they imported the bottled ale, or are you saying they imported real casks and had them on tap?

    I work for a Danish company and visit Denmark a lot and and they prefer Belgian beer and have a lot of local good stuff from micro breweries compaired to some British dishwater.

    Your a girl then......?

    Nope butt have seen a lot of British pub crawlers go face down after drinking Belgium beer in the lovely touristical town of Bruges when the British pound was doing great, so who's a girl then?
  2. Now there is a guy that knows a thing or two about beers. Abbot ale is a great beer in moderation. How about Harveys best bitter:-


    an excellent ale and one I first came across when I worked in Denmark. Yeah we had a couple of mad Brits that ran a bar and an import business and they imported real ale from the UK and Harveys really was my favourite smile.png

    You mean they imported the bottled ale, or are you saying they imported real casks and had them on tap?

    I work for a Danish company and visit Denmark a lot and and they prefer Belgian beer and have a lot of local good stuff from micro breweries compaired to some British dishwater.
  3. In all things political Yingluck was aways the monkey not the organ grinder, but that doesnt excuse her ignorance or compliance in matters of coruption and malfeasance.

    Yingluck may have been the pretty lace that covered the festering coruption of the PTP party but she took on the responsibility of the party leader and is therefore accountable for the parties actions.

    attachicon.gifThailand-Politic-yingluck-shinawatra-Thailand-Politic-yingluck-shinawatra-Thailand-Politic-yingluck-shinawatra-4687.jpgDing dong the witch is dead

    I seem to remember people in the north-east of Thailand accepting money from all political party's a few years ago even from the dems in front of voting office's so who gives a toss.
  4. It's a running joke at my office as to why do all the farang guys like such ugly Thai women.

    I must say a lot of farang I see do seem to be getting the chunkier uglier or too skinny older hard faced lb looking etc Thai girls compared to some of my Japanese friends.

    That is a well worn topic on Thai Visa. Korean or Japanese men rarely show off the ladies in the same manner as Farang. Heck there are women so ugly that when you go to see them you even have to hide your car behind a curtain.

    I mean, heck, I've heard of a bag over the head but covering up your car must be a new kind of ugly. So my question is do Farang go to these places where they cover your auto? No. So ........

    You must be a handsome prince......
  5. I think a lot of Thais are descendants of the japanese ,during the second world war when the jap soldiers where in Thailand thai woman where kept as sex slaves for their troops.

    I don't think that is true. But you can provide a link if you can find one. Mostly the so called comfort women were from Korea. I believe the Thai women worked in bar/brothels and got paid.

    You also might want to investigate the fact that an equivalent amount of American men were in Thailand and compare the number of marriages. I believe there is only one case of a Japanese man marrying a Thai woman and thousands of American/Thai marriages.

    [/quoteSo can you provide us with a link proving me wrong and proving you right?

    You want me to prove a negative? Lemme tell you how it works. You make the claim you prove it. I am not required to prove your statements. 1. Estimates vary as to how many comfort women were involved, with numbers ranging from as low as 20,000 to as high as 200,000, or even as many as 360,000 to 410,000 but the exact numbers are still being researched and debated. Many of the women were from occupied countries, including Korea, China, and the Philippines, although women from Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and other Japanese-occupied territories were used for military "comfort stations". Stations were located in Japan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, then Malaya, Thailand, Burma, New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, and French Indochina. A smaller number of women of European origin from the Netherlands and Australia were also involved.

    Thailand was an ally of Japan not an occupied territory. About 1/6 of the Japanese who had been in Southeast Asia at the war's end remained there, including about 9,500 Japanese in Siam. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_migration_to_Thailand.

    Japanese War Veterans Find Good Life.

    In the above account they write that 50 Japanese stayed behind.

    However after reading all this stuff and I do remember that there was only one Japanese soldier who brought a Thai bride home to Japan,

    By one estimate, 300,000 foreign war brides came to the United States following the passage of the War Brides Act of 1945, of which 51,747 were Filipino. By 1950, a total of 758 Japanese war brides arrived in the USA. But the numbers are all over the place. Try google American war brides.

    nice but just about every person who is internet savy can change things stated on wiki pedia even fake farang lawyers advertising on this site are experts at this......
  6. What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

    that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

    darn farangs and their ways!

    Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

    Portugese missionairies where apparantly the first "farangs"to have set foot in Siam and their journals say they where taken to houses of ill repute where one could smoke opium and have their way with the local woman.

    Rrrright! And those repute houses initially were meant to serve who? The local population! What's your point here?

    Nothing to do with America ,it's been happening since the beginning of mankind........all over the world.
  7. I think a lot of Thais are descendants of the japanese ,during the second world war when the jap soldiers where in Thailand thai woman where kept as sex slaves for their troops.

    I don't think that is true. But you can provide a link if you can find one. Mostly the so called comfort women were from Korea. I believe the Thai women worked in bar/brothels and got paid.

    You also might want to investigate the fact that an equivalent amount of American men were in Thailand and compare the number of marriages. I believe there is only one case of a Japanese man marrying a Thai woman and thousands of American/Thai marriages.

    [/quoteSo can you provide us with a link proving me wrong and proving you right?

  8. What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

    that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

    darn farangs and their ways!

    Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

    Portugese missionairies where apparantly the first "farangs"to have set foot in Siam and their journals say they where taken to houses of ill repute where one could smoke opium and have their way with the local woman.
  9. Add to that their current financial performance with their economy shrinking 2.9% in the first 3 months (BKK Post today)

    Even with all the problems Thailand did better than that.

    Not that difficult to do when you are employing slave labor.

    you mean like the US does with mexicans?

    Mexican slaves in the US? Do tell, I could use a couple of them.

    Go to Home Depot :)

    No they have cesar milan now ,the dog whisperer.

    I don't trust people with such chiney white fake teeth.

  10. What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


    I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

    No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.

    OH YES BUSH'S Fault ... hahahaha - what a laugh... please go back and read my post again... None of it had anything to do with Bush's actions... it is all what 6 years of obama has done and the silly people who decry America cannot bring themselves to say anything against the man who has been doing it for 6 years. When does a leader become responsible ? Isn't 6 years enough...? Read my points again and answer the fricken questions? All other American presidents were considered responsible for their administration AFTER 6 years - but obama is exempt? Please note that finally Americans are waking up far more than 50% disapprove of obama's actions and about 50% despise him... So - just go on with your delusional thinking that it is Bush's fault... Does obama ever grow up - become an adult and take responsibility or can his worshipers just keep on protecting 'HIM'.. the demigod... their savior ...?

    Well i find it very funny that the so called greatest nation on earth had to lend money from the chinese to have wars on terror in Irak and afghanistan looking for saddams weapons of mass destruction wich apparently was a hoax and then plummiting half of the world in to the biggest financial crisis that has ever been seen ,get youre head out of youre <deleted> please.........
    • Like 2
  11. What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


    I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

    No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.
    • Like 1
  12. The U.S. is under no obligation to give any country aid. Being an American, I wish they'd stop it entirely. Especially when the govt.has a 16+ trillion dollar debt.

    However, I can't help but see the hypocrisy and absolute stupidity in this decision. I suppose they'd rather see violent running battles in the streets between different colored shirts. The military finally steps in and does something about Thailand being run by a nut through his proxy sister, they have a problem with that.

    I find it odd they give military aid in 2010 to these following countries:

    Israel $2.7 Billion. Not exactly the shining beacon of humans rights in light of their treatment of the Palestinians. They have AIPAC though. Maybe Thailand should hire better lobbying firms

    Pakistan $914 million. The place was run by a General that staged a coup for 8 years. The U.S. didn't have a problem with that military take over

    Sudan $104 million. Self explanatory.

    Russia $126 million. cheesy.gif

    Yemen $13.6 million.

    Source: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/spc/multimedia/military-spending/

    I'm sure the Chinese will step right in and fill in any shortfall in military aid Thailand may have.

    Of course the Chinese would ,after the us lent trillions of dollars from the chinese for both wars in Irak and Afghanistan.
  13. Unfortunatley this happens all to often,my ex will not allow me to even talk to my kids on skype,the old saying "hell hath no fury" ring's true in a lot of cases,where the woman's almost pathological hate blinds them to the damage they are doing to the children by not allowing them contact with the Father.

    Yes i always read story's about evil Thai women from their foreign husbands butt never what foreign hubby has done wrong to piss of their Thai spousses so much ,i geuss every coin has two sides.........
  14. the only thing i know that most British expats living in Thailand are not liable to pay U.K. tax.

    Another poster made the point that the two groups who survive comfortably as expats in Thailand are the wealthy and those on final salary pensions. I thought that those who earned such a pension by working in the UK are then locked into UK income tax, Am I wrong?

    Several people on the thread seem to think that NHS waiting lists are very long. There is always room for improvement, but the target in England is a maximum of 18 weeks from GP referral to treatment for most common conditions, and less for urgent conditions (see a consultant within two weeks for suspected cancer).


    The targets in the other three UK countries are all a little different, but only slightly longer.

    Yes and thats why Belgiums hospital parking spaces are full with cars with English and Dutch license plates because their own country's can't provide them a decent health care system .
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