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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. Linda Eye clinic on Mahidol Road. She is on google maps
  2. If it is a good sofa ( I would call it a settee), I suggest you look at recovering it in leather of your choice.
  3. If geography is taught in Thai schools it is very rudimentary and fails to instal a sense of direction. Also many Thais are afraid to lose face by admitting "I don't know" and will give vague or even incorrect information to avoid it.
  4. I am using an HP Pavilion G6 laptop. It came with Windows 7 and I installed LibreOffice. I downloaded several forms and documents, filled them in and periodically altered/updated them as needed. All worked well and I kept them stored on a memory stick. Then I installed Linux Mint Cinnamon. At first I could not get my Brother DCP-T300 printer to work but after downloading drivers from internet I got it and the scanner. The problem is, when I now call up documents from the memory stick and try to alter text, I get "Write protected cannot alter". Forbye, If I scan or download a document into the computer, it saves as a PDF, again unable to alter. What have done wrong and how can I correct it? I want to keep documents, especially forms in storage and update them as needed.
  5. https://weather.tmd.go.th/omkoi.php for rainfall, updated frequently.
  6. Many thanks for that, that was one of my questions.
  7. Thank you for that.
  8. All vehicles are designed with a "crumple Zone" front and rear which is intended to collapse when struck, thus absorbing part of the impact and reducing injury. This can result in apparent major damage.
  9. I may soon have to do a border crossing to reset my visa status. I have been advised that the nearest open is at Chiang Khong,This is a 4 1/2 hour drive each way, just possible in one day. (I live between Hang Dong and Sanpatong). Since I have never done one before, I have a few questions, please forgive my ignorance. How long would I need to spend in Laos before returning to Thailand, can it be a few hours or is there a minimum stay outside Thailand before returning? Is there parking available near the Thai border check? Alternatively, there is a twice daily bus to Chiang Khong from the Arcade bus station but the schedule makes it impossible to return the same day, is it better to stay on the Lao side or in Chiang Khong? I presume there are Tuktuks available on both sides, but what would be a reasonable fare to and from Friendship bridge 4 on each side? I have been advised that most Laotian prefer to deal in USD, is this correct? I may have further questions as the thread progresses.
  10. He knows where all the bodies are buried.
  11. Aircraft pilots have been becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of computerisation they face. They cannot be sure how their computers will react to a potentially dangerous situation and may hesitate to intervene until it is too late. There have also been situations whereby the computer fights the pilots and the pilots have not been trained or cannot figure out how to turn it off. There may be one fewer dimension to deal with on the road but imagine the situation when a driver perceives a problem or a computer input which he views as hazardous but cannot switch the computer off.
  12. I sent documents to UK back in June by ordinary registered Airmail. Posted in Hang Dong on Saturday at just after 10am it reached BKK at 6pm Sunday and was handed to carrier just before 11pm. It appears to have sat there for 5 days because it next appeared at Royal Mail, Langley WDC on Saturday evening, showed up in a distribution centre in Leicestershire on Sunday afternoon and Glasgow Mail Center on Monday morning and was delivered at Midday Tuesday. The return package, again ordinary registered Airmail, did the same. It was "handed to Carrier" in LHR on the evening of the day after posting but it took 5 days to reach BKK. Delivery to Hang Dong took two days. It appears that airlines may be tight for cargo space and mail no longer gets priority. As an aside, while a student, I worked at Glasgow Airport during summers, mail then took priority over all other cargo, even to the extent of offloading other cargo to make the weight.
  13. Some 4 years ago my sister-in-law went to a motorcycle dealer to enquire about a new scooter. She was giver a brochure and a price and informed of a 4 week wait. After enquiring at several dealers, she went back to the first. I took her there and went in with her, the price jumped by 8,00 baht.
  14. I have made two requests to UK embassy asking for a letter of "authorisation" to transfer stamps. they have not replied to either.
  15. I got brother in Glasgow to send M&S pyjamas for my grand children last Christmas. Royal Mail counter staff did not bat an eyelid.
  16. I am not sure if this is relevant, but English law and Scots law differ in some details regarding a deceased. I found that out when my mum died. Although she lived and died in Scotland, her bank had been bought over by an English financial institution and tried to apply English law. It took 9 weeks to sort out.
  17. Shades of Florrie waiting for a drunk Andy Capp brandishing her rolling pin!
  18. This asy be out-of-date information, but when I applied 4 1/2 years ago I had to send my passport to the Embassy so that the visa could be physically stamped in it.
  19. How does that affect the passengers in the back of a songthaew? Every morning I see one going to the local school with so many pupils on it (at least 20) that 4 or 5 boys are hanging on outside.
  20. I posted a few hours ago but it seems to have disappeared, maybe I failed to press enter. The subject has been discussed before but I cannot find the thread. I believed that a UK citizen married to a Thai could enter Thailand on a Visa Exempt and before that expired, convert to a Non-Imm O visa at his local Immigration office. I had my ear bent by an acquaintance that that is impossible and all Non-Imm visas must be applied for in the country of origin. Expert(s) please clarify.
  21. I know that this has been discussed before. but I cannot find the thread. Please forgive my ignorance. I always understood that a UK citizen (among others) could enter Thailand on a Visa-exempt stay, get 30 days, and before that expires convert to a Non-Imm O visa based on marriage. I have now had my ear bent by an acquaintance that this is no longer possible and that all Non-Imm. visas have to be obtained in the home country. Expert(s) please clarify.
  22. My nephew, when a wee boy, always called me Lung Ling because I have hairy arms.
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