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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. Cards are easier to lose.
  2. My village Paw Luang did it for me.
  3. Obviously measured English men only. Scotsmen are recommended to get circumcised before donning a Kilt.
  4. 3 positive tests out of how many tested?
  5. Hang Dong to Glasgow, small packet by Thailandpost standard registered, 7 days including 3 days in a depot in Suwarnapoom
  6. About 5 weeks ago a semi feral cat which has hung about our garden for a few years, produced a litter of kittens. After about 3 weeks they started to crawl into the open and I took to carefully checking my car every time I wanted to move. One morning I carefully checked under my car and inside the bonnet but could see nothing so I started up, opened the gate and then spotted that a small kitten had crawled out from somewhere. It was slightly hurt so I put it on a high step hoping that his mother would take him away. I came back 30 mins later and he was still there, but when I looked out 5 mins. after he had gone. My Granddaughter heard him 2 days later crying in distress in some undergrowth below some of our flowering shrubs, apparently abandoned and put him in a box, fed him goats milk ( which he devoured avidly) and left him on the step. The next day, he was still there crying with hunger, she took him into the house and fed him again. That was a week ago and he is now thriving and having climbed out of his box without help is scampering around our kitchen floor. Big question how do we wean him? ]
  7. Just a pedantic thing, it is not a pole it is a mast.
  8. Try visiting a big sheep sale in Scotland. You will be astonished at the prices paid for a prize Blackface Tup.
  9. My favourite pub has closed for "renovations". Can any local member recommend a friendly english speaking bar in the Hang Dong area where it is not noisy and I can have a beer, relax and a conversation. Sport on the television would be a bonus. Thank you all.
  10. I was going to suggest the same, but you beat me to it.
  11. Non story. Minor fault probably in the air con system. Probably no specialist staff in Singapore so he turned back to get it fixed. The 4 "loops" were probably getting advice from technical crew in Bangkok in an effort to fix it without landing.
  12. There are also some shops just south of Kad Farang on the East side of Hwy108.
  13. It looks like Loch Leven with the Pap of Glencoe.
  14. I would like to learn what proportion of the Thai government's income depends on money sent back from overseas, including remittances from foreign spouses.
  15. Has he not heard of using a lower gear, or can he not spell brain?
  16. The collared starling is very close but I cannot see the yellow under the eye. However I may not have been near enough to see that.
  17. I regularly see an unusual pair in the soi. They squawk like Mynahs, they strut like mynahs, they are the same size and shape as Mynahs, but they are less reluctant to fly as Mynahs. They have black backs and wings, but white heads and bellies. I cannot get close enough to photograph, nor can I find anything in my book nor on Google which resembles them closely enough. What might they be?
  18. Just over double, but we had Grandweans staying for 10 days and they are heavy on a/c use.
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