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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. I cannot speak for other countries . After retirement, I worked temporarily for the Royal Mail in a mainly automated mail centre. Many companies used automated mail printing and addressing companies for routine mail. Almost all were sent out with UK 2nd class postage, and thus any to an overseas address were rejected by the machines and returned to sender. I very much doubt if they were ever resent with the correct postage. Banks, Pension management companies and UK government mail was almost universally underpriced.
  2. It appears to be a Tambol election, so she who must be obeyed has inflated it to a province wide prohibition. She has done this before when she wants me to stay at hame. It usually means that she has spent all her housekeeping for the month and will want to "borrow" my beer money.
  3. Wife ( who has a history of exaggeration ), informs me that all pubs will be closed and alcohol sales prohibited tomorrow Sunday, because of a province wide election. What is the truth?
  4. Many years ago when bum guns became common, I took 2 back to Scotland to install in my toilets there. They were successful nut COLD.
  5. I Think you mean Bang Pa In, it is beautiful!
  6. Your assessment agrees with mine. The car is a Chevrolet, and Chevrolet withdrew from Thailand about 2 years ago, so no specialist support available.
  7. I am looking for local knowledge although technical advice would also be welcomed. I have difficulty getting my manual car into 1st and 2nd gears The lever comes up against the detente which prevents unintentional selection of reverse but will not move forward or back to engage 1st or 2nd gears. 3rd, 4th and 5th select normally, If I pull up the ring toggle which over rides the detente I can , by moving the leaver a fraction to the left, find 1st but the lever will not move back to engage 2nd. I suspect a small adjustment of the connecting rod is all that is needed. Is there a workshop in Chiang mai which specializes in gearbox repairs? My local garage tells me I need a new gearbox.
  8. Who writes your headlines? It suggests that the straw was carrying the truck!
  9. My info is 30 years out of date. My wife never had a birth certificate. After proof of 3 years living in UK with me , UK marriage certificate and Thai passport she obtained UK citizenship. It took 18 months to be processed. She obtained a UK passport 3 weeks later with no bother.
  10. Even the natives are complaining!
  11. Back in the 1980s the Thai government encouraged contraception and a limit on family numbers. Their citizens are now reaping the consequences.
  12. The pump price of fuel has not changed in at least 3 months
  13. Relax, it only lasts a few days. My neice had it some years ago and recovered fully in about two weeks.
  14. Milk the other cow and feed the calf from the bucket. If it will not drink from the bucket, use a baby's bottle frequently until it can. I saw this done as a wee boy in Ayrshire (well known Dairying county.)
  15. I have done 7 extensions at Chiang mai and never had my funds checked after the issue of the "under consideration" stamp. I was once told that I had to produce an updated bankbook on getting my extension stamp at the end of the "under consideration" period, but on turning up with the bankbook and printed copies, the official dismissed them with the question "what are these for?"
  16. Old news. They've have been "closing in" for a week now.
  17. I did my last report on line 4 days before the expiry date and received an acknowledgement almost immediately. 6 days later it was still pending and since I was going into the city anyway I submitted a form at the drive-through window and got it processed immediately. 2 days later ie. 4 days after the expiry I received a rejection EMail, "Already Submitted".
  18. Is there anybody in Chiang mai area?
  19. Out of Date! The report shows temperatures etc to 25th, today is the 27th.
  20. It seems like only yesterday, all government offices, including Post Offices banned everybody from bringing Durian into their premisses.
  21. Thank you, details are sketchy at present. Keep the suggestions coming please.
  22. Depleted Uranium is just that . Negligible radio activity. It is , however, just like all heavy metals, including lead, toxic. i.e. poisonous.
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