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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. On 11/25/2020 at 3:52 PM, AlfHuy said:

    Soon, no more English spoken but at school, they will be obliged to learn Mandarine to better understand their brothers and sisters.

    I am being pedantic. My old teacher of English, James (Nuncle)  Hood would have been horrified by your split infinitive. He would have insisted on "to understand their brothers and sisters better" . Feel free to lampoon me. 

    Also, I was approached to help a couple of local 8 year-olds to help with their homework and within a month received a note in Pidgin ordering me to desist and stop interfering.

  2. I listen to BBC Radio frequently. however I cannot get it to work on Opera with or without VPN' (using Linux Mint 20 OS) The message is " This player no longer works properly on your device, you need to update your browser or device to continue".

    It works OK on Firefox in Linux and Opera on Windows7. I have updated Opera and the VLC Media Player to no avail

    Reconsiderations please.

  3. An update, I once again lost the internet although indications showed a firm connection to the router. I moved the dongle back to its previous position in the right hand port and all worked perfectly with an improved signal indicated.

    I suspect that the dongle has an intermittent fault which is reset by repositioning it

    I will by a new one.

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks to UKRules,

    I moved the Dongle to a different USB port, all is working fine, however I only get 2 or three bars on the signal indicator, where I used to get 4 bars on the possibly faulty port. I will now try to get a new socket fitted.

  5. As many regulars will have noticed I have recently successfully installed Linux Mint on an older laptop.

    The laptop is an HP Pavilion G6 approx 6 years old, and three years ago it suffered a WiFi failure. This was cured by a repair shop who plugged in a Dongle into one of the USB ports. It worked fine until yesterday. Now all indication are that it is connecting to my router perfectly but I cannot access any sites. I get a message " Server not found" As you can see from this post using a Windows 10 laptop everything works fine with my wife's mini laptop.

    I have been to 2 repair shops in Computer Plaza only to be turned away because both are Windows only repairers and will not touch Linux. Can anybody recommend a repairer in Chiang mai area who will touch Linux ?

    Forbye,  I am not convinced that the Operating System is relevant to the WiFi, it should be part of the computer's basic programme. I suspect the Dongle, should I try replacing it first ?

    Thanks in advance.


  6. 1 hour ago, PeterA said:

    I bought a new model Huawei a in maybe February this year in Korat at the Mall, 4 th floor Huawei kiosk,  One for me and one for the wife. 1000 thb each. I love it. Can see it in the light of day, where as many other models wash out.

    Counts steps, heart rate, has bluetooth, so it tells me who is calling when my phone rings. Also updates the weather, temps, Kcal used that day, and a bunch of others. I would buy it again if need be. Water proof as well.. Oh, this is the 2nd model from the top. The top was an extra 200 I think, but it had a function I did not need.


    Granddaughters birthday coming soon. What is the model number ?

  7. Having recently installed a Linux Mint OS on an older laptop, I find that I cannot tie in my printer.

    It is a Brother DCP-T300  3 years old and the installation disc does not supply drivers for Linux systems. 

    I have downloaded and saved dcpt300cupswrapper-3.0.2-0.i386.deba driver for the printer but not yet the scanner, but the installation tool asks for a "Device URI" I have been unable to find out what this is.

    Experts, please enlighten me and/or point me at a simpler method,

  8. On 9/27/2020 at 11:38 AM, Lacessit said:

    I have to marvel at the commercial nous of the UK beer industry. By training Brits to drink warm beer, they saved themselves millions in refrigeration costs.

    Bottles will stay cooler longer, heat transfer through thick glass is slower than through thin metal.

    Chilling beer (and malt whisky) kills a lot of the taste threfore beer should be cool but no mre and definitely no ice in malt whisky/

  9. First of all, a BIG THANKYOU to all who helped me to wipe clean my old laptop and install a Linux system. It took a couple of tries but it is now successfully running.

    Now I want help to install an extra browser, probably Opera with its built in VPN and Avast anti-virus with its Ad-block. Again I have watched some YouTube videos and he system seems complicated, I am looking for a simple method.   

  10. I have posted this in the Chiang mai forum because it may specific to Chiang mai only.

    My 90 day report was due yesterday, a holiday. I sent in a postal application on 19th of Aug but it was returned undelivered on 28th marked "no address"

    I went to Immigration on Thurs 3d Sept to discover that 90 day reports office has moved back to Promenada.

    This morning I went to Promenada, arriving just before 9am. It was initially difficult to get in, all doors except one near the toilets on the basement of building A were locked and it took a few minutes walking round to find it. I then walked round looking for the office until young,and surprisingly pretty cleaner saw me with my form in hand and directed me. The office is on the 2nd floor on the East side of the building A, between Krungsri Bank and a clinic which now occupies the site where the Kasikorn Bank used to be.

    I was met by an english speaking volunteer who took a quick look at my form and passport, gave me a queue ticket and told me to wait outside. After about 2 mins. I was invited inside just as queue no 12 was called, I had no 20. It took 7 mins until my no was called and 2 very young and again surprisingly pretty clerkesses were working. The one I met checked the answers on my form against my passport, wrote out the reciept by hand and stapled it in my passport. it took  less than 2 mins.

    The whole visit visit took 25 minutes including the time seaching for the office.

    The office is slightly difficult to find and since the demise f the shuttle bus inaccessable except from Chang Puak bus station where a songthaew leaves for the Sankampaeng hot springs only every 2 hours.

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