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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. Its an old cliche, dogs have owners but cats have servants.

    If a cat condescends to stay with you it will expect proper treatment, in return it will scare away or catch unwanted pests like rodents, which it will display to you expecting praise.

    If your treatment or appreciation is inadequate, it will quickly find another home.

    • Like 2
  2. 13 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    No. He was simply a hungry and angry Sudanese refugee with a questionable but now forever unknown mental status.


    The misinformation surrounding this major incident is quite startling. Both Sky and BBC were quick to publish totally unsubstantiated facts that have been shown as totally incorrect.


    The Reuters article linked in the OP suggests three fatalities including the knifeman. Only @cyril sneer and @brommers have noted this. Thanks.


    Earlier 'breaking news' suggested that he went berserk after being advised that his refugee application had been denied and the police had arrived to deport him.


    Very early in the piece, the Deputy Chief Constable made the public announcement that this wasn't a terrorist act. Subsequently, there's been no evidence suggesting any links to IS or his religion (most educated people will already have sussed out that being from Sudan, he would have been Muslim anyway).

    I am speculating, there is a substantial christian minority in Sudan which is subject to discrimination. Did he come from them ?

  3. The latest I hear from my brother in Glasgow is that nobody has died though approx 6 are in hospital in a serious condition.

    The PC who was stabbed is now stable and no longer critical.

    The assailant who died was a Somali from Sudan who had spent a long time in custody and who had just been told he was to be deported.

    He apparently flipped and went berserk, (Speculation) he may have been trying to get himself killed rather than go back to Sudan.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    But it was the roads fault ?

    No, it was Taksin's fault. If he had not built all these improved roads there would have no place to have an accident,


    A few days ago I was travelling with my 22 year old grandneice, it was raining heavily and as we approached an underpass, I asked her to slow down as I expected floodwater at the lowest point. Sure enough there was a large pool about 6 ins deep at the bottom. She hit it while braking hard and we got away unscathed. Her comment was, "Grampa, how did you know?"

    Cue a lecture on aquaplaning, which she had never heard of. I was able, on returning home to find a video on you tube illustrating the phenomenon.


    Seriously though, I wat travelling with my 22 year old grand neice a few ays ago 

  5. I have no idea which forum to post this in, so, I am going for maximum exposure.

    The tray under the freezing compartment (believe it is called the meat tray) in my refrigerator has cracked. The shop I bought it from says no spares are available and since it is already 5 years old I should buy a new refrigerator.

    I believe that it can be repaired using the correct adhesive (for hard clear plastic) but I am ignorant of which glue to buy.

    Advice please.

  6. The political opportunists have a new bone to chew on.

    I recall the outrage at Barry Humphries portrayal of Sir Les Patterson an the outrage in some UK newspapers at the insult to Australians. All the Aussies I knew loved it.

     There are always petty minded guardians who try to tell the rest of us that we should be outraged at, forgetting or ignoring that the whole idea is to ridicule the character who espouses extremist or objectionable views

    • Thanks 1
  7. I grew Tatties in Scotland for 25 years

    They need a cool spell before they wi[l sprout viable shoots, so, put them in the bottom of the refrigerator for about 2 weeks, (do not let them freeze), them leave them covered in a cool cupboard until they develop shoots of about 1cm long, break of all shoots except the thickest and plant. 

    They originated in the Andes and do not like excessive heat so plant in October.

    • Thanks 2
  8. Back in 1960s Pubs etc in Scotand had to close by 10pm. Patrons then had 10 mins to drink up and go hame. This resulted in large orders just before closing and a rush to avoid wasting drink already paid for. This resulted in increased drunkenness and associated crime.

    liberaisation in 1980s resulted in the same amount being drunk over a longer time. Drunkenness and crime reduced substantially almost over night.

    I suggest that imposing further restrictions will result in a similar increase in crime













    awa7 back in 

  9. My Sister-in-Law has turned up an old Ziess Ikon Contaflex SLR. By Google it appears to be a Super BC model making it about 50 years old.

    Having managed to open it (I was afraid to use too much force) I have discovered an old film in it. I cannot rewind it, there is a rewind lock somewhere which I cannot find. Also, I suspect that somewhere there is a battery which will need to be renewed. So far, videos on Google have been no help mainly because they all concentrate on specific models. There appears to be a serial no. D 40108

    Are there any old camera experts who can advise me ?

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