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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. The Xenophobia has intensified recently. Somebody or organisation has successfully planted the myth of the Farang Sokapok in the Thai psyche.

    Even my wife of 34 years believes that all Europeans are filthy since they NEVER shower and do not take their shoes off when entering a house.

    Also they ALL carry a Superstrong strain of Covid-19 which is fatal to Thais. This Superstrain thrives in cold climates and is therefore fortunately, hindered by hot temperatures. Therefore Air-conditioned offices and cars must be avoided. 

    On return from a recent visit to Immigration she had me shower and put all the clothes I had been wearing through the washing.

    Forbye, She tells me that a Farang with Covid-19 has caused Hang Dong market to be closed down, and that on Tuesday, 52 people died in Suan Dok Hospital.

    Her sources are local radio and the village Paw Luang's daily broadcasts.

    • Thanks 1
  2. My UK Passport expires at the end of this year. I worked out that the extra fees charged and costs incurred by using VFS will more than double the nominal price of a new passport..  I therefore intend to apply on line using my brother's address in Glasgow for him to send on to me.

     Is this legal? Can I send my expiring passport direct back to the Passport Office or would I have to send it via my brother? I expect the whoe process to take one month which is not bmuch longer than VFS.

  3. My granddaughter tried to Email me some photos taken with her smartphone without success.

    She is using an Apple smartphone and GMail, I am using an old Acer laptop with W7 and Firefox browser. My EMail account is with Hotmail.

    Granddaughter's device shows that they were sent normally but I did not receive them.

    Are there reasons for this ? What can I do to retrieve the photos ?

  4. We normally do a monthy shop in Makro Hang Dong. Yesterday, in a mild panic, The Boss decided to go early and stock up. We now have toilet rolls, kitchen towels, washing up liquid, toiletries  etc for at least 6 weeks.

    Makro was slightly busier than usual but plenty of tills open. The only thing I noticed in short supply was cooking oil, no sunflower oil (my preferred choice) nor corn oil, only palm and soya bean. I did not notice any overt over-the top shoppers. I found sunflower oil in Big C but was restricted to only 3 1 litre bottles (all I wanted anyway). Prices have gone up. On Sunday a 1.9l bottle of sunflower oil was 102 baht, yesterday it was 138 baht.

    Today my preferred egg shop was closed due to lack of supply. the 2nd was open but had run out of large eggs and would only allow 1 tray per customer. Price has also gone up by 15 baht  and they intended to close early.started

    Panic buying and or hoarding has started 

    Strangely, in both shops, electrical items and many other non-food items were taped off.

  5. 21 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Just been listening to a doctor in Milan who was asked why the outbreak was so severe there.


    1. Large number of Chinese visitors to Northern Italy.


    2. One of the most aged demographics in the world.


    3. Government tardiness in reacting.


    No mention of some Italian superstrain. Urban myth based on zero facts.



    A recent report in The National newspaper (published in Glasgow) stated that Northern Italy has a large fashion industry employing several thousand temporary Chinese workers. Many of them returned to China for Christmas and New Year and are believed to have brought the virus back with them on return. 

  6. The Boss is She Who Must












































































    I agree, how many have died from their pre-existing illnesses but coincidentally also had Covid-19 virus?















    be obeyed.

    I watch these fugures with schepyicism, how since most of the fatalities are reported to have serios existing health conditions, how can we be certain that Covid-19 killed them and not the pre-existing illness?

  7. As usual I was unable to get the on-line reporting to work.

    I attended Immigration at Promenada at 2pm today and got no 153. No 150 was being served. My whole visit took just on 5 mins. witnh no hitched. However an elderly Digger just before me had a problem,. He had submitted a TM30 in December an believed that this reset his 90 days, the Imm. staff disagreed. 

    Incidentally, the staff were all very young and new (I did not recall seeing any of them before) none wore uniform, all seemed efficient and well briefed. The office also dealt with TM30 and Visa Extensions. It is in the same place that the TM30 office was on the 1st floor.

    As I left I saw that 2 offices on the basement floor that had been previously used for "Family Extensions have been re-occupied by uniformed Immigration staff but not open to the public.

    I did not see any photograph nor copying facilities

  8. The Boss returned from the local village market this afternoon with the news that "hundreds of people in Chiang mai are ill with this new virus and 12 have already died". I fail to understand who benefits from this obviously false news.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. On 3/9/2020 at 2:42 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Google searches also bring back further information which state that the deceased was over 60 and had ‘significant underlying health conditions’....


    So... Facts (as they have been reported)


    Deceased was over 60

    Deceased had returned from Italy (at some point recently)

    Deceased had significant underlying health conditions



    That the deceased had 'significant underlying health conditions’ could have been the leading complicating factor in his passing, seasonal influenza may have had a similar impact. 



    Finally: RIP.

    Was it Covid-19 which killed him or was it the underlying health problem(s) ?

  10. I must disagree with Lacessit 

    All the news reports I have seen suggest that the fatality rate is close to 2%, very close to that of seasonal flu.' Also many sufferers have symptoms so mild that they ignore them or do not even notice they are ill. A BBC report earlier this week suggested that this latter number may be as high as those reporting. If this is so, the fatality rate drops to about half of  that of seasonal flu. Whatever, the fatalities are almost exclusively confined to the very elderly and/or those with existing serious conditions.

    Also all are agreed that face masks are a waste of time.

  11. I note that 90 day reports have been moved to Promenada.

    Moovit website indicates that a Songthaew service from Chang Puak to San Kampaeng Hot Spring passes by Promenada but does not indicate what colour of pickup. Can anybody tell me ? Thanks.

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