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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. My regular barber has be opening irregularly since the end of lackdown and today was closed. My Sister-in-law took me to Wat Lok Moli on Manee Nopparat road for a free haircut. It is a long term project to raise temple funds.

    It appears to be men only and the haircuts are performened by volunteers or possibly trainees under supervision of an experience barber.

    The young fellow who did mine was painstaking, stopping frequently so seek approval or advice from his mentor. The result is good althlough it took a long  time.

    Wat Lok Moli is on the north side of the moat just East of Computer Plaza. The haircuts are free but a donation to temple funds is expected.

  2. I have successfully downloaded Linux Mint on to a USB memory stick and now need to convert it to"bootable" unit.

     I have watched many tutorials on YouTube without under standing any of them.   

     Some of them are so full of adverts that they appear to be a vehicle for adverts rather than educational, some of the tutors have heavy accents or gabble so fast as to be incomprehensible and some are so full of computer jargon that it is like listening to Prof Stanley Unwin.

    So far, I have not found one in which the tutor speaks slowly enough, uses jargon-free language and has a clear enough accent.

    Would an expert please point me at such a tutorial, or, better still, a step by step checklist of the type we used to use in aircraft.






     me at sucha tutorial

  3. I notice a large increase in the number of rice fields in my area. It may be farmers bringing previously fallow area back ino use, but, in any case ir results in an increase in food for storks. Between Hang and Sanpatong there has been a large increae in the number of storks.

  4. I too failed to recieve a form and it was not until my pension was stopped that I noticed.

    I telephoned and, after extensive questioning to establish identity, my pension was restored immediately. another form was promessed. this was back in March and so far no form has arrived.

    I phoned again i May and was told not to worry My identity had been vetified and another form would be sent "probably next year."

    The staff were helpful, but be prepared for a slightly confusing menu, I initially got the wrong office. Also, I had to wait 11 minutes for the correct office to answer.


  5. A young reletive "borrowed" my second laptop when she went to university.

     After 3 years she complained that it was running slowly, (not surprisingly with all the junk files on it) so she gave it to an "expert" to clean up and he botched it. Originally the operating system was Windows 8 and when the oportunity arose I upgraded to Windows 10.

     Now it has reverted to Windows 8, and she, on acquiring a new laptop has given it back to me.

     I am not a fan of Win 8 nor Win 10 and would like to install a Linux operating system.

    So, two questionds, Which Linux system is best for me? I use the laptop for news browsing, weaher updates, communicatins, general enquiries and occasional on-line shopping. I have no interest in Gaming.

    The hardware is an HP Pavilion G6 series.

    Secondly, how do I uninstall the old Win 8 OS without harming the Linux? I do not want it running away in the background, using up HD space and possibly interfering with the Linux.










    I have tried the iron in all the other sockets in the room without a recurrence of tripping, it is only one socket and only the iron which makes the CB trip. 

     I checked the wiring in the suspect socket using a neon screwdriver, the red wire is live. The kettle is a cordless with a 3 pin plug. Neither iron nor kettle can be plugged in the wrong way.

     The distribution box has a main CB which  is a Schneider C50 of 30 amps. , the socket circuits are on C16 CBs with no rating visible. I do know a bit about electricity, but this is illogical.















  7. I am the family dhobi wallah. Earlier this evening I went to iron the day's laundry. the socket which I usually use and its neighbour in the same block were occupied by phone chargers, so I plugged my iron (steam Electrolux rated at 1800 watts) into the nearest socket available and the CB for the whole floor tripped. I unplugged, reset the CB and tried again. The main CB (not the one protecting the room ring) again tripped. I reset again and plugged into the neighbouring socket on the same double block, CB tripped again. I reset again and moved to a third socket, plugged in and the CB did not trip. I completed my ironing and, experimentally, plugged a kettle (Electrolux cordless rated at 2200 watts) into the suspect socket and the CB did not trip and the kettle boiled normally.

     I opened the suspect socket expecting to find a transposed earth and neutral or neutral and live, but all was in order.

     My house is just over 2 years old and I watched it being built. I paid particular attention to the electrical system and the electrician was competent. He used twin feeder 2.5 sq. mm. cable throughout, red for live and black for neutral and a separate earth wire (yellow at my suggestion). I am satisfied that the system is safe.

     So why did the main CB trip and not the circuit one? Why did my iron trip it and not the kettle?

  8. 12 minutes ago, jollyhangmon said:


    ... been there, for a quick fix - especially where your passwords are concerned - and assuming we're talking about WINDOWS OS here:


    press 'WINDOWS + Ctrl + O'  ...  should open the on-screen keyboard you can work with the mouse pointer ... 

    Unfortunately the letter O is one that will not work

    • Haha 2
  9. My ancient Acer Aspire 5349 Laptop has served me well so far. Yesterday keys 4,5,i and o stopped working. Google recommends closing all power, removing battery and holding the on/off button for 30secs. and restarting.  This has not worked. Because many websites e.g, Outlook and my passwords contain the very letters/numbers not working, I cannot access drivers etc.

    Is there anything I can try before taking to a shop?


  10. Get hold of a Friday issue of the Times of India and look at the marriage adverts. Many emphasise the light skin of the prospective bride or the desire of a family to find a light-skinned daughter-in-law.

    Also adverts for dangerous skin lightening products are common.

    My colleagues and I used to put fake adverts asking for dark skinned girls. We got no replies because no Indian family would admit to having a dark skinned daughter.

     On another related theme, About 15 years ago I saw a series of photoshopped photos where black girls had thir skin tones changed to white and white girls to dark. The reults were surprising. Beautiful dark girls were suddenly plain, even ugly, as whiteys and hanged to dark.

    All ladies are far more attractive with their natural colours, their features fit the skin tone.

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