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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. Every year it's the same rubbish from TAT.  Do they understand that overnight stopovers due to flight timings do not count as tourists?  If the tourists are increasing, why are more and more businesses closing due to not having customers.  Streets are much quieter than they were 5 years ago.  An example of this is a low season on Bangla in 2012 was busier than a high season now.  If all these tourists are coming to Thailand, where are they?  Here is an open challenge to TAT... Please explain this to all the businesses that are struggling.  Tourists are not coming, Minister Kobkarn, stop Lying, we are not all fools.  

  2. Obviously the Authorities and Government need help to solve the issues on Thai roads.  How a driver this bad could even get a license is beyond me.  I remember getting mine renewed and the lady who actually crashed the car during the exam still got the license.  When I couldn't believe it, another Thai lady sitting next to me said "Welcome to Thailand".  The police are too busy fining people for having no helmet (easy 500 baht) when they should be out patrolling the street stopping people driving like this as well as those speeding, running red lights, not stopping for pedestrians, not paying attention, dangerous driving, un-necessary overtaking, crossing double lines, driving down the road the wrong way etc etc etc.  Fines of 2000 baht or more need to apply.  Those who say they just won't pay the fine, well there is an easy solution to that one.  Give them 1 month to pay the fine or the car or bike is impounded.  After a further month if the fine is still not paid, then the bike or car is either sold or crushed.  If sold the money made could go toward paying more police to patrol the streets as well as education in road safety.  Easy to do if those doing the task (those that are paid already to do this) were not so <deleted> lazy.  

  3. wow that is a massive haul, so I'm thinking way too big of an operation for a couple of young Thai.  296 kg of crystal meth.  Wholesale price in Aus $35,520,000 with a estimated street value of $88,800,000.  If buying from Asia for a fraction of the price and sending to Australia where even the wholesale price of many drugs is ridiculously priced, is a massive profit.  Only need 1 shipment.    Im thinking there quite a big organisation behind a haul of this size.  

  4. I can't see why this problem is hard to solve.

    1.  They are foreigners - they can be removed from the country at any time.

    2.  No helmets

    3.  No Thai licences (maybe?)

    If they are creating problems and delibrately breaking the law, arrest them, charge them, cancel visas and deport them.  The police need to stop beating around the bush and do something, it really isn't that hard.  Oh, and start enforcing the road rules, something they never seem to do either except for helmets.  

  5. Absolute bullshit.  These guys take all the parking in the area.  There is nearly no space left for anyone else to park.  The way things have been going the only thing the tuk tuks will be good for, is driving to the beach to go fishing to feed the family.  Tourists are declining at a rapid pace, business are closing left right and centre and many girls are either going home or moving to other places.  Keep going Patong, soon you will be nothing but a fishing village once again.


  6. 17 hours ago, HOOD Robin said:

    95% of Thai students can hardly speak ENGLISH
    Really want to be a fly around in that police station to see how they deal with the other languages......


    At the other hand, they should oblige every cop who deals with tourists at least speaking some

    decent English since tourism is a major income stream in TH !  Too much SHIT happens in LOS

    between cops and tourists as they dont understand each other...

    My 9 year old daughter and all her friends can speak very good English.  In fact most can speak 2, 3 or 4 languages fluently which is probably a lot more than most people in this forum.  It depends on the student, the school they attend and the program they operate.  Students who attend a "good" international school will all have a great understanding of the English language.  

  7. 22 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    justice system is flawed on all levels in thailand. i was charged for not having a work permit despite having one, but with the wrong address in it. my lawyer said there was no point contesting the case, just wear the thousands of dollars of expenses and 'fees' and the 1 year suspended jail sentence. i would never risk doing anything in thailand that could result in going to court again. that includes, business, property or living with a thai partner.

    The problem with Thai lawyers is they don't act or stand their ground like lawyers should. If anyone knows a good lawyer in Thailand, who actually fights for their client and will take no shit from the police, please let me know because I am yet to come across one.  

  8. Well it's a difficult one.  The fact that she was ridding her bike on the wrong side of the road and not paying attention, I would say her fault.  However, forget the fact she was riding a bike (say she was walking), the fact that you didn't check, then it's your fault.  The fact that your insurance company said to take blame and they would pay for everything, I would go with that.  Sounds like a great solution and no out of pocket expenses to you.  

  9. Forget about the fuel that he didn't pay for, there is a much bigger story here.  Im more interested in knowing how a police officer (3 stars = lieutenant), can afford a car that is approx 7.2 times his yearly salary.  For example, If he makes approx 40,000 a month = 480,000 per year and buys a car costing approx 3,500,000.  If he used 50% of his salary it would takes him approx 15 years to pay that back.  There is no way in hell any bank is going to loan that much money over that period of time for a car.  That would be the same as someone on $50,000 per year buying a $350,000 car.  Just doesn't happen.  

  10. Facebook should shut the service down themselves.  Within weeks the people will be furious and the Thai government will be begging Facebook to reactivate all services.  If he thinks he can dictate to Facebook like he does the Thai people, then he is a bigger idiot than people already think.  Are there any intelligent people in the Thai government?

  11. The enraged wife's insurance will not be paying anyone out.  It was a deliberate crash not an accident.  The enraged wife IS responsible for all damage and injury...... simple case closed.  They should make her empty the bank, sell her house, business if she has one and all her possessions.  She needs to pay up.  Even with that it might not be enough.  She should also be locked up for a period of time and charge with reckless driving, dangerous driving, causing injury, could even go as far as attempted murder.   

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