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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. The last time i arrived via an international flight to Phuket the immigration officer in my cue wasn't exactly in a rush to get passengers through.  Slowly looking through passport, looking on his screen and then stamping away.  Being a new airport, they should be using electronic systems, chips in passports and automatic photos.  Then again, Thailand still like to stamp the passports and stuff around.  

  2. Need to get the Police everywhere in Thailand to start enforcing road rules period.  Good to see they are going to fine people for parking on the footpath, but do nothing about ...... running red lights, riding on the wrong side of the road, driving/riding without a licence, not stopping on pedestrian crossings, speeding, driving recklessly, parking in the middle of the road, not giving way and the list goes on and on and on...

  3. 3 hours ago, z42 said:

    So a man shoots a gun at a car and is only asked to pop on down to the station for a chat. But a woman who voices discontent about her relative been beaten to death by soldiers (proven) is hauled in from her workplace because she defamed the higher up who oversaw the whole beating.

    Something very wrong here (as always). Pathetic. When, ever, will the authorities start doing their jobs properly ?

    The authorities are so damn lazy it's appalling.  Honestly, none of them do their jobs properly.  The only thing they are good for is fining people for not wearing helmets, anything more serious is well beyond their capabilities.  Their work ethic stinks more than the shit paper I just wiped my arse with.  

  4. When I commented on another post regarding the Thai Celebrity that was refused a visa in the US, and I said I had no sympathy and that every country should do to Thai's as the Thai immigration do to us, SaintLouisBlues couldn't quite understand/misinterpreted what I was stating.  Well, finally another country is doing to Thai's as Thai Immigration do to us.  This is what is mean't by a taste of their own medicine.  Hope he understands now. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    does any one actually know how they are doing this clamp down on zero dollar tourists? a lot of talk about doing it but no idea how.

    they are going to have to make up their mind if they want them or not.

    The big Chinese tour companies have their own shops, restaurants, hotels etc in the tourist hot spots.  This means that when they bring the tour groups in, the money stays within that circle.  They eat, shop and enjoy their holiday at Chinese owned businesses.  This means they are not spending money in other businesses (Zero Tourist).  Nobody sees any benefit from Chinese companies except the Chinese and the Government.  Big C see their money because the cheap Chinese tourist buys their noodles and fruit there and then they eat in the hotel rooms.  Because of this the Government has cracked down on the ownership and the monopoly of Chinese own businesses meaning they are trying to get these companies to use local business so that the money stays in Thailand.  By doing this money gets spent in one business, people get employment, they now spend money in other businesses and a cycle is created where everyone in the community sees the benefit. 

  6. Has anyone had any dealings with or know of any good modelling schools/agents for children?  Either in Phuket or in Bangkok.  My daughter of 9 is extremely interested and the agents I have contacted here in Phuket won't reply to messages or emails.  I have contacted them by phone but they won't provide any information.  Any information I can get from anyone with experience or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Wow, i just spilt my coffee.  What a load of bullshit.  TAT wants more expats?  Could have fooled me and many others living here.  If they want more expats they need to ease up on restrictions or they are going to be left behind.  For the last month i have been travelling back and forth to Cambodia and believe me many people there are questioning why so many expats from Thailand are now looking for business in Cambodia.  I was asked many many times and was told the same thing.  Even customers are saying they are going to Cambodia and Laos next year and not coming back here.  But it's ok... Pokemon Go will save Thailand. These people really need to stay off the crack pipe.


  8. Another reason why it's important to set the company up properly.  Yes the Thai's have to own 51% and the foreigner 49%.  But the you split the shares you give them preference shares (need 10 shares per vote) and you keep all the ordinary shares (need 1 share per vote).  That way even if the Thai have 51% you still maintain full control of the company through voting rights.  Easy to set up and any good lawyer will tell you to do this when setting up a new company for you.  


    Like most people here, I doubt very much she had anything to put into the company to begin with.  Let's see if she can show where she got the money to put into the company 


  9. So correct me if I got this wrong.... an anti-liquor organisation protesting against a program designed to educate the youth about the dangers and effects of alcohol and to prevent mis-use.  Isn't that what the anti-liquor organisation should be doing and backing?  Sounds like they don't like the idea of someone else doing their work for them.  Doesn't make sense at all.  

  10. Sad when you are married or even have a girlfriend and still need to pay her as though she is a bar girl. Good on this guy if he is happy to do this, but is he her husband or customer?  Been with my girl for 5 years and she has never asked me for money.  Its no different from any relationship I have had before, we live together, both work and everything is pooled and paid for.  She doesn't even buy a dress without asking even though she is contributing as well.  Even the family doesn't ask for money, they all work and are self supporting. 

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