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piston broke

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Everything posted by piston broke

  1. some very valid points there ! what are your thoughts on the "boat people" keep rocking up ??
  2. Talking of total farses - i took the oppertuity of ringing the "international pension centre" help line .... auto answered by a computer .... giving you 4 options (you know the dope "press 1 for..." etc ..... mine was option 4 - just after i pressed, was disconnected ! so rang back - pressed 1 - disconnected so rang back - pressed 2 - disconnected.... And you guessed it - rand back - pressed 3 - disconnected ...... The UK is a total mess ..... The irony is that if arrived in a rubber dingy, a free lawyer would advise me free of charge how to get the application through..... i could scream ....
  3. Fer hooks sake - If you read the thread, i said i made a typo - 66 is my retirement age - and if you see Bob - can you tell him ...
  4. my pal did at the class 2 rate and subsequently advised 2 of his friends, who also did the same ..... i'm hoping to be next !
  5. it was my pal who told me .... like me has lived in Thailand for 15 years and not worked ... he said it was tricky as they wanted him to pay class 1 - but he argued the point and they buckled in the end - he has helped pals in similar situation and they all have paid class2 rather than class 1 - quite a considerable saving ..... So i'm on the class 2 route .....
  6. Thank you so much, your "credit" method worked - i'm now registered ! The next problem is that they are asking for 9 years contributions for class 1 N.I. @ 824 GBP p.a - whereas i qualify for Class 2 contrib which is 160 gbp p.a... (as i left the uk over 15 years and have not worked) .... Just got to find a way of getting them to agree this and to ament my records ...... All before 31 july 2023 .....
  7. sorry - i meant 66 ! was so wound up after the farce on the phone to the Pension hotline ...
  8. you have to register for a Gateway account ...... went down the line and come to the "proof of identity" - needed 2 things ...passport - ok - driving licence card - not ok (expired years ago !) - proof of recent credit transactions, old P60 slips - don't have any, so couldn't complete registration and was told to ring them....
  9. i'm 64 and been living in Thailand for 18 years.... I am entitled to the UK state pension at age 64 ..... I know i missed a few years, so a month ago, tried contacting DWP to find out how many years i need to pay to get full pension entitlement......... So you have to register for a Gateway account ...... went down the line and come to the "proof of identity" - needed 2 things ...passport - ok - driving licence card - not ok (expired years ago !) - proof of recent credit transactions, old P60 slips - don't have any, so couldn't complete registration and was told to ring them.... Dialled the number - auto reply said they were very busy and there was a 1.5 hour wait time to speak to someone - how dreadful is that ?.. Managed to find a way to send them a message - told them whats what, and asked someone to contact me ..... 1 month later - heard <deleted> all .... So this afternoon tried ringing again .... A new tactic this time - the computer answers the call asks you loads of questions, each time confirming what you've said - after about 5 or 6 min, the computer says they are very busy and "goodbye" - then disconnects the call .... What an absolute <deleted> state of afairs ..... i'm not holding out much hope - but anyone out there managed a way to either register or speak to a human ? tia ...
  10. Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger have ZERO Crypto ..... That's good enough for me ....
  11. He got a life sentence for kidnapping and keeping a prison worker hostage at knife point ..... He's a nutcase ....
  12. It will be a very brave parole board that lets him out ..... IMHO - He's a loose cannon and on the outside, only needs the slightest thing to make him go off on one ..... Not worth the risk, .....
  13. 230,000 baht ? wow . There's a 6 week old one on Bahtsold for 200,000 baht, which on the face of it don't sound too bad. A couple of months back my pal was quoted 205,000 baht (OTR) for a new one, but no guarantee as to when he would get it - "maybe 3 to 6 months" the sales lady said . It's one hell of a popular bike thats for sure.
  14. the roadsync option has noting to do with it (totally pointless imho - you cannot get the gps map onto the bike's screen) - it's all about the huge backlog Honda has with this model ..... your bike's turn on the processing line will come eventually, i'm sure ....
  15. no posts for months - then suddenly out of retirement, backing up Mr J .... You mates or summat .... ? The waiting list is 3-6 months ......
  16. Where i come from we call that humour .......
  17. Complicated ? - Just use an agent - simples .... Renewed mine last week - here's what happened..... 8.20am, arrived at the bank just as they were opening .... updated pass book and got letter confirming 800k in bank .... 8.45am arrived at agents just as they were opening - signed form, handed over passport, bank letter and 8,000b ( 1,900 immigration fee plus 6,100 agents's fee) - had photo taken ... next day at 4pm collected passport from agent ..... The fee includes the agent doing the 90 day reports and me not having to put a foot in the IO - best 6k i've ever spent) ...
  18. Click 160, ADV 160 or ADV 350 - There you go - Sorted - Mods please close the thread ....
  19. the cheap aftermarket Tidly levers are likely to be ill fitting and rattle like ferk after fitting .... i'd go to a place like K Speed - pay the proper price and get them fitted - if you ain't 100% happy, they will put yer old ones back on and won't charge you ..... Or you could just keep the OEM levers - what's wrong with them ??
  20. Cos they're a "game changer" apparently - Carl Fogarty has got one (for Poppa Al - Fogarty is one of the most successful World Superbike racers of all time, holding the second highest number of race wins at 59 - If the ADV 350 is good enough for him, then it's good enough for the great un-washed) ...
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